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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Good find, thanks. ESPN and other sources confirming a verbal to UMKC on Tuesday (8/23).
  2. Don't get angry, can't fault the guy for cashing in on his own skyrocketing stock. Get on the Valentine train.
  3. I can't say the news about Summitt is a shock... Lately, she'd been suggesting a Metroplex men's basketball tournament two or three times a week.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeoivSlqz4w
  5. I try to wait until everyone else has run out of steam. I'll probably jump in and make some contributions in a week or so.
  6. LSU should be his 3rd game in a Mean Green uniform.
  7. Thanks, Cooley. Space is the one I didn't recognize completely, but looked vaguely familiar.
  8. I love McCarney, I'm glad we hired him. But if you want to poop on Leach because he hasn't won conference championships... McCarney has won a grand total of 2 outright conference championships in 34 years as a head or assistant coach. One was as a DL coach at Florida in 2008, the other was in 1985 at Iowa as some sort of assistant. If you don't want to count the one that Leach tied for in 2008, then McCarney only has 2 in 34 years, including zero as a head coach and I believe zero (not sure about Iowa) as a coordinator. There's more to being a quality coach than outright conference championships. Hell, Dickey won four conference championships, and that doesn't do much to earn him any respect around here. I like McCarney and he's a hell of a coach. But not by the criteria you keep using to mock and tear down Leach. If Leach sucks because he didn't win outright championships during his 12 total years coaching at the D1 level... Then McCarney ain't that great, either. Because Leach probably could have picked up 1 or 2 if he'd had an additional 22 cracks at it. Be consistent.
  9. Is that Roger Franklin? And who is the 3rd guy who seems NT connected?
  10. I won't know what to think about this issue until someone articulates a position that's typed in all lower-case letters, in conspicuously short/clipped sentences, and flooded with disrespect and contempt for everyone in the department and on the forum.
  11. Helpful hint: If CBL mentions having a race car, don't accept any invitations to see it. He IS a major player down at the sewing store, though.
  12. It must have been the year after Iowa State did.
  13. NOBODY snuggles with Max Power...
  14. Have we gotten an official ruling from the NCAA about Roger Franklin's eligibility waiver? Is there any firm expectation of when that might be coming from them?
  15. 2 years, and you'll be in the SEC.
  16. Another fun fact picked up from the prospectus: Every player who has to sit out this season under transfer rules is flagged with an asterisk explaining that they won't be available this year. Roger Franklin does not have an asterisk. I wouldn't call this official, but it's a good sign if the conference is identifying him as eligible for the upcoming season. We aren't the only ones who think/know his waiver is going to get approved.
  17. Road games at Arkansas State and ULM are on Saturdays. ULL and UALR are Thursday road games.
  18. December: DEC. 29 - UALR DEC. 31 - TROY January: Jan. 5 - at South Alabama Jan. 7 - at Arkansas State JAN. 12 - WESTERN KENTUCKY Jan. 14 - at Louisiana-Monroe JAN. 21 - DENVER Jan. 26 - at Louisiana-Lafayette JAN. 28 - ARKANSAS STATE February: FEB. 2 - MIDDLE TENNESSEE Feb. 9 - at FIU Feb. 11 - at Florida Atlantic FEB. 16 - LOUISIANA-MONROE FEB. 18 - LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE Feb. 23 - at UALR Feb. 25 - at Denver
  19. Don't forget the VVIP. It's the one that allows us to hold the annual sub-forum championship game.
  20. Full DRC article by Vito. Reading how Showtyme's coach describes him, he seems like a mix of Collin Dennis guarding opposing 1s or 2s, and Adam McCoy as a dangerous shooter. It should surprise no one that's followed our recruiting in the last 2-3 years that Shawn Forrest was specifically mentioned by Pye.
  21. This is shaping up to be the ugliest divorce since Censored by Laurie's. I know how this story ends- Texas A&M winds up with an Asian securities analyst from Morgan Stanley. Mack Brown ends up in a 450 square foot efficiency conference, awkwardly squatting over a sink.
  22. No name calling. No profane insults directed at forum members. Unrelated blanket warning: Keep any political interjections IN THIS FORUM. Don't insert Hot Political Opinions or analogies in sports threads. No exceptions, please flag any violations.
  23. Obviously, it means... Ehh, never mind.
  24. I've been out of contact for a day and a half... What a surprise I came back to- Naming rights sold (for $20 million!?!!), new basketball commit, CBL awkwardly harassing lady GMGers... Everyone seems to have had a busy day. This is an amazing achievement for the department. I'm shocked and thrilled that we were able to pull in this kind of money at this time. Amazing work.
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