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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. I don't either. It's $1.7 million and the jet ($100k budget). Maybe if we'd kick out that extra 100k, we'd get results. Typical us... Small dreams, small pockets, small results. #Hit1.8Million
  2. I would say to older alums—just let it be because UNT coaches have more to please than us & that group of high level critics on campus can make or break a career. Just my .02. GMG!
  3. I had no idea Jo Greene was a difficult name to spell.
  4. I had no idea Joe Greene wrote for the Denton Record-Chronicle under a pseudonym.
  5. I had no idea Joe Greene worked for a cleaner and degreaser company.
  6. We used to let the Pizza Inn Nazi wander around our sidelines and basketball games. This is nothing.
  7. Canadians are sleazy. I said it. Suspend me if you want, you snowflake BlocQuébécoistards.
  8. I could see this lasting for maybe even a whole month. Probably not any longer, though.
  9. When nobody asks, we get all kinds of hostile, passive or outright aggressive-aggressive commentary about the passing game. But when we need insider info and specific details, where's the Patriot willing to help those in need?
  10. Congratulations, you're a multi-vitamin now. One a day is all we need. Make it count!
  11. No thanks.
  12. It was a fun bit 10-15 years ago that's gone through a handful of writers, each slightly less clever and original than the last. If the Sports Rapist Hall of Fame were still an ongoing feature, I think it would have long exhausted whatever charm it started with. So goeth the Bottom 10.
  13. UTSA has a commemorative poster for this one, too. Looks like they're rooting for the underdog upset:
  14. $1.7 Million.
  15. I just hope they haven't been watching tape of our last two games. May hurt Fine's chances of being the #1 overall pick in the draft.
  16. Positive. I ran around bartering for Sprites and 7Ups when it was her. You, I would have left in your car. If you'd made gumbo that day, MAYBE I'd have cracked a window for you.
  17. She's come a long way from throwing up in the Fouts Field parking lot. Congrats, man.
  18. Cal is also the home of acclaimed Greek scientist and potential world-changing microbiologist and bioinfomaticist Nykos Kyrpides. Kyrpides leads the Prokaryote program for the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute. Berkeley National Laboratory, where he works, has had 13 Nobel laureates over the years. Don't be surprised if some year in the future when they announce the prize for Medicine, he's the 14th. @Brett Vito, if you want to add this as a 6th thing to know... I won't tell 'em you got it from me. If you're caught up on the "5 things" branding, that's cool. You could just merge both notes on Justin Wilcox into a single "thing". Not trying to tell you how to do your job, just trying to be helpful. Keep up the good work.
  19. OPEN YOUR EYES! Do you want to see what we are? Do you see now? Our conference, in Old Denton form. Do you see? Our stadium, in Old Denton form. DO YOU SEE? Our conference, changing. Our stadium, changing. Our conference, reborn. Do you see? Our stadium, REBORN. Why do you write lies, Mr. @Brett Vito ? Will you tell the truth now? Our work? Our BECOMING? You are privy to a great becoming... And you recognize nothing. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is in your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But fear is not what you owe me, Mr. @Brett Vito. You owe me awe.
  20. In days of youth and foolish ignorance, I once spent a whole night trying to scrub clean a dirty grill so I could cook out on it the next day. Dish soap, steel wool, scrubbed and scrubbed like hell in the sink for hours. Literally, like two whole hours. Came out looking pretty good! I told my dad the story the next day while cooking up hamburgers, and he explained to me how one usually lights a fire and lets the charcoal or gas heat the grill so that it scrubs off in a minute or two with a brush. That's how I found out the proper way to clean a grill. We watched a football game later that day. Simpler times. We didn't know about concussions yet. Not like we do now... Guys "getting their bell rung" was something you'd giggle at. Highlight reels and VHS tapes would compile the sort of hits and collisions that seem like snuff reels to modern eyes. Back in my younger days, a female kicker was a novelty, and not just in the movies like what they shot here in Denton. Big news when a gal put on a helmet and kicked the old pigskin on field goals and extra points. Then, years later, we found out that one of them early stories of lady footballers was actually pretty sad, and that gal got raped by her one of her own teammates. Now, girls don't seem to kick so much for college. Hopefully not on account of what happened to that Colorado gal... But you never know. And then there's rumors that a lady soccer player might come around and try to kick in the NFL! I wish her luck... Most of them that do it are Europeans and the like, so practically women anyway in my book. Too bad about yesterday's game. Tough times out there. Ocean storms and the like. Hope gas prices don't go skyrocketing again. Happy Sunday, everyone. And don't forget to Never Forget on Wednesday. XOXOXO
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