If DD wants to run so much, why not run out of the I-formation? Run the lead or dive, both quick hitting plays. These plays are base blocking plays with easy assignments. Run the Lead out of I-form single tight: 1. Put in Keronna Henderson 2. Make the offensive lineman take Texas Tech like splits. Minimum 2yd splits to space the defensive line out. 3. Audible to which side the lead will take place based on defensive line & LB position. a) 3-4: Playside Guard doubledown/combo block with center to backside ILB. Playside Tackle is the key here, usually a man up, single block on the end. Backside guard to backside ILB. Backside tackle cutoff block. 4-3: Doubleteam/combo block DT with Playside guard & center to MLB. Playside tackle man up single block on the DE. Backside side Guard cutoff block to DT, backside tackle cutoff block to LB. 4. Jamario puts his head down and gets on Keronnas hip pocket. Hit the line hard! This is a very fast quick hitting play, how could he not get at least 3yds per carry here?? 5. If the defense is stacked up front, guess what it's usually man coverage on the outside. AUDIBLE TO THE SLANT!! JQ can win a one on one easily on a slant pattern. 6. Wash, rinse, repeat. I saw Army do something VERY similar against aTm a few weeks ago. aTm was playing the run most of the night and Army was eating them up with teh 5-7yd slant. They were 3yds from beating the Ags.