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Everything posted by Got5onIt

  1. Excellent post. Funny as hell, too. I'm all for Leavitt, but the incident can't be swept under the rug for the sake of propping up your favorite candidate.
  2. You'd have to consider him. Let's make sure he has no other sons coming of college age before offering him a job. I'd hate to have to go through the crap he pulled with his son @ CU. Before you Riley haters chime in, it's not even close to what happened here. At least, Riley is a legitimate D1 athlete.
  3. I can't edit my posts for some reason. Had to delete & repost it. I was an OL. Tackle in HS, Guard in college.
  4. LOL! Not even close to a record like TD's tenure @ NT. So you think because our coaches didn't strike us in the face, curse at us, and slap us around, we grab assed at practice all day and sucked it up on Friday & Saturdays?? You guys think coaches don't discipline & run the $hit out of you if they don't act like the head caveman in practice? Well, I will say that it could've happened with other positions coaches. I'll admit, maybe I didn't see that..... As a side note, I went from 285lbs to 265lbs my freshman year in college during 2 a days. That was in the scorching heat of San Antonio, TX.
  5. LOL!! Really??? I'll send my son to a Dungy-like coach 10 times out of 10.
  6. When did you guy's play 1960??? Did you guys go through ridiculous practices similar to the junction boys mess????? I'm only 30 by the way...
  7. And so intelligent. Who else can have such conviction in the message of conservation and the refusal to use foreign oil as she skidaddles around the country in her private jet.
  8. Thank you, thank you very much. Your apology is greatly appreciated. Please, accept my apology as well. I hope I'm not contributing to the wussification of you, myself, this board, or this great country.
  9. Is this the wussification of America I keep hearing about? First of all, I'm not directly calling UNT90 an idiot. If you read my post in it's entirety, I'm insinuating a person in general, is an idiot for thinking these things. Now, can I directly insult your intelligence since you did not comprehend the intentions of my post?
  10. 6-37 will do that to you. SMU's a legitimate Bowl team and we all know what TCU's accomplished. We'll get our own bandwagoners when Fran/Leavitt/Bower/Leach/Belotti/Lott/etc. turn the ship around in a couple of years.
  11. I saw a car driving through the parking lot at the Denton WalMart with a Breast Cancer Awareness sticker on the bumper saying "Save the Ta-Tas". Laughed my ass off as I was walking in.......
  12. Well, this is a subject matter we just have to disagree on. When your son is given an athletic scholarship by the Bobby Knights of the world vs the Tony Dungys, who are you going to pick???? It's not even a question one should have trouble answering, IMO. Let me make clear, that I in no way am implying Leavitt is a Bob Knight. This is a hypothetical Q aimed right at UNT90.
  13. What's so hard to understand about choking a player then slapping him over grabbing a facemask or shoulder pads??? First of all, this wussification crap idiots preach about is stupid. You are held accountable for your actions. I played football from little league all the way into college. Never ONCE did I witness an idiot coach grab a player by the facemask out of anger, sling a player around by facemasks or shoulder pads out of anger, or strike a player out of anger. NEVER. Now, I've seen coaches yell at players and get in their faces and yell at the top of their lungs, but never any sort of physical contact. You're an idiot if you think putting your hands on a player in any manner out of ANGER is ok. Also, you're an idiot if you think doing so can be compared to contact on the field of play. Like I said, I'm all for Leavitt being teh next NT head coach. But I do want to hear a clear explanation on the events that occurred directly from Jim's mouth.
  14. LMAO!!!!!
  15. One thing we're missing here.... Leavitt apparently did put his hands on one of his players. Punch, slap, whatever it was, something happened. I'm all for Leavitt as the next HC for NT, the guy is a proven winner. Let's not wash his hands of all wrong doing just yet. If he is hired here, as a supporter of NT, I would want a clear story directly from Jim.
  16. Thank you, Jub Jub for your comments and letting us all know your position on the Dodge. Didn't you say this exact same stuff on your show the other day? Did you feel saying it live on radio to millions of listeners just wasn't enough? Yeah, we should all feel sorry for Todd Dodge & the cool crisp million he just siphoned away from NT.
  17. How did Fran the Man not make the list?????
  18. Fran's never interviewed at NT. But I'm praying every night to baby football Jesus that this does happen!!!!!!
  19. Josh's interview was so genuine. I almost shed a tear for him.
  20. Hey, Jim. Did RV call you, yet?
  21. LMAO!!!!!!!! Really????
  22. Jub's going to boot lick Dodge until the end. He's never going to give you an unbiased opinion on TD. I'll just leave it at that.....
  23. The Brian Bozworth comment had me rolling.
  24. Nope. Too many good ex HC's looking for a job.
  25. No 30 day waiting period?
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