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Everything posted by ADLER

  1. Memphis. Beale Street on Friday night will be a blast, and in case we've lost to our southern neighbors, I'll also be curious to see what our interim coach can do against the Tigers.
  2. Ding! One of THREE Home Runs in final game of sweep over UTEP. Woulda' looked better representing in Green, but I'll take it.
  3. I'm out of town and couldn't be there. Hopefully somebody can fill us in on the details, but it appears to be a full game scrimmage with referees although no score was ever provided. (Gawd, those black SMU jerseys look trashy)
  4. A quarterback. He was offered at Texas as a Defensive Back.
  5. And of course the other one concentrating on burning every grey or black uniform.
  6. MEANGREENSPORTS.COM - SPRING SOCCER SCHEDULE Saturday April 2, 2 p.m. CT: vs. SMU (Denton)
  7. Please don't throw that challenge out there, somebody in our athletic department may accept it.
  8. I had a frigging blast at this event. Thank you KRAM2, thank you Cheer Team, and thank you Tracie O'Neal. The game was fun and the auction was an outstanding opportunity to get collectibles and tickets for an incredible price. And all for a tax deductible charity price to benefit a favorite philanthropy. Hopefully this fundraiser will assist our Cheer Team in bringing back a second consecutive National Championship. Go Mean Green, Adler
  9. Thanks Gminer, I would love to hear of them being invisible in their empty arena covered in layers of bad luck, but, ya know, they will be our conference mates so we should have a little pity. Nah.
  10. Did I stutter?
  11. Dammit Joe, you broke the whole thing.
  12. Yep, still waiting....
  13. If Seth, in his seventh year, loses at home to a totally rebuilding SMU program on Saturday, then yes, he's a lame duck the following Monday. I really want him to win, and win big, but we'll need to improve the program if he can't and I am not a proponent of retaining lame duck coaches. The UTSA game was a must-win to save his job but it only bought him a two game reprieve. The uninspiring Frisco Classic loss did vey little to solidify his job, and a fourth strait loss to our cross-town rival will probably end his career here. In our hundred year series with SMU no other North Texas coach has lost a game in Denton. Seth has made a habit of it and we've got a real problem if a rookie coach coaching his first game ever can outcoach our seven year veteran.
  14. It looks like we're going to be blessed with beautiful weather for this event. Spirit Kickball Classic and Silent Auction
  15. I am right there with you on this. Three losing seasons and that six game losing streak to start last year have really alienated the fan base, and there has been really no reason for them to have optimism of change. The egg laid at the Frisco Classic certainly didn't give anyone the sense that they're seeing improvement. I am convinced that our first game will set the tone for the entire season.
  16. My guess is that after all the lawsuits that is exactly what will happen.
  17. I don't see any reason to give Seth the opportunity to lose to Memphis if he loses to SMU. I like Seth and only want the best for him, but he is here to perform a job, If you pay your good friend to fix your car but it still breaks down most weeks, it's time to get a new mechanic. It's nothing personal. Being a "really nice guy" has no bearing on this decision. If we lose our first game we should display a commitment and start looking to hire the best replacement.
  18. Exciting game.
  19. Awe, who really cares about branding? Maybe the athletes like being called fighting hawks this week and we can pretend the confusion will help with recruiting? In reality, it was just the author, like members of our athletic staff, being too lazy to perform his job.
  20. No, the rumor is that a certain person in the athletics department charged with ordering MEAN GREEN uniforms and staffing attire has changed his favorite colors from grey and black to violet and lavender. Purple Nurples may have been in contention but I heard he wants it changed to Tinkie Winkies. In time, with his decisions, maybe we'll have uniforms to match each of the Teletubbies. So screw school colors, we can always say "the kids like these" and that they help in recruiting. .
  21. I'd love to call you out on this, but, that iceberg has three big red letters on it. Littrell either blasts through it on that first Saturday or starts job searching the following Monday. This has been the most patient administration and fan base tolerating almost mediocrity, but I think that's about to change.
  22. No, they decided that lavender would be more appropriate. We'll need to start working on utilizing the whole spectrum of fashion colors.
  23. There's no way Putin is exempted. I believe that Putin has signed his own death decree at the hands of his own people.
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