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Everything posted by Ibleedgreen

  1. Thank you!
  2. There was no one to put in but Riley. He had to play the offense he knew best.
  3. OK...I am supposed to understand why you expected us to win when we were on our third string quarterback, third string center and had 10? starters out with injuries? How is that Todd Dodge's fault?? Under the circumstances, I doubt that any coach could have pulled that one out, unless they had a lot more depth than we have.
  4. Craig Robertson has been positively awesome this year.
  5. I hope we're keeping Todd Dodge because we've turned it around.
  6. I still have faith in Coach Dodge. If the score had been 32 NT and 31 Rice you would be saying "I knew all along that he could turn this around."
  7. Nathan...You proved yourself. It is obvious that you were the proper choice to guide the team and we were behind you 100%. You should feel very good about that and look back on your accomplishment (winning the starting job) with pride. Last night I realized that as badly as I wanted to win, your health was infinitely more important. Get well soon! Go mean green!
  8. drex...histerical and SO TRUE!!
  9. Nathan...You proved yourself. It is obvious that you were the proper choice to guide the team and we were behind you 100%. You should feel very good about that and look back on your accomplishment (winning the starting job) with pride. Last night I realized that as badly as I wanted to win, your health was infinitely more important. Get well soon! Go mean green!
  10. I noticed that, too.
  11. Please COME IN to the game. Attendance is not taken in the parking lot.
  12. The Star-Telegram did the same thing. Very small writeup on page 4 that said, "Clemson rolls over North Texas" (from wire reports).
  13. Glad to see this. The Star-Telegram virtually ignored us. Absolutely nothing on Saturday prior to the game and a very short clip on page 4 "taken from wire reports" this morning. Oh...and the headline for that short clip was "Clemson rolls over North Texas."
  14. "the ref doesn't make the rules, he enforces them. our player was wrong, and deserved the call. it was a bush league grandstand from a player who showed no class and acted as if he had never see the end zone before. his action was a selfish play, which cost us a td. sit him down for a game and maybe he will grow up." I strongly disagree. Our player did nothing wrong.
  15. Good game. Go Mean Green!!
  16. We are the Mean Green Eagles!
  17. Hey....I just realized that Nathan's initials are NT!!!
  18. More inaccurate information...but a nice article, nonetheless.
  19. Just like the article says, "He wasn't into school..."
  20. What happened to Chase Baine? Is he not still with the team??
  21. Eppy4life...I was at that game in OKC and I was damn proud of our band!
  22. PlummMeangreen...You're thinking of W. C. Fields.
  23. Riley Dodge--O Shavod A.--D
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