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About Guido

  • Birthday 10/27/1940

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  1. I'll say it for you, Jaydub. The people who were here before the Dickey - New Orleans Bow teams, who have seen more B.S., have a sense of entitlement. That is fine. But, when the team needs fans the most...guys like FireFightnRick go into "bunker mode"; kinda like the Corleone family after Michael killed Sollozzo and McClusky. These guys who ain't made guys who can afford to give (or can't trick their wives into putting every spare dime they have into this struggling little program)...they deserve a seat at the table, too. I haven't been around the program in a long while, always watching from a distance (further than even you, Jaydub), but I've always heard how guys like this Rick fella and, apparently, this Mick guy start ripping on the guys who they deem unworthy of their "Super Fan" status. Long story short, they have to justify the ridiculous amount of time, money, and effort they put into supporting a team that finds ways to suck more and more...year after motherf'n year. They have to justify their pathetic little existence. To those "Super Fans" who want to call out the newer fans over some sort of chest thumping, measurement of your manhood...va fa napole! Me? I'm just pissed that my godson Gio was pushed out in favor of this injury prone, girly-man named "Riley".
  2. You've obviously never met JayDub.
  3. Vacationing...is that what you call your "arms smuggling" as a sidejob?
  4. And THIS...is the problem. Todd Dodge comes from a recent situation (SLC) where he was never questioned and where many believed the man walked on water. Seems to me that he started to believe it himself...
  5. I, for one, couldn't be more proud of my Godson Gio... He saw the writing on the wall, caught on to the fact that the ship was sinking, and got out before it was too late. Quite simply, this move essentially sums up everything you need to know about Todd Dodge...and that is the following: he needs to be relieved of his job before he destroys North Texas football beyond repair. And, to those that say NT needs to give Dodge time to get "his guys" in there...what happens when all of the first group of "his guys" have transferred or quit? How long will it take then?
  6. So, uh...you gots some serious issues. I mean, from what I hear, your ego is so out of control a swift whack to the head wouldn't put back in check. Before you have a fit, might I remind you that little tidbit came from your "friends" who can't stand ya. Have you invested in some tin foil hats to go along with your conspiracy theories?...or, perhaps a dictionary to work on your spelling and grammar? I'm from frickin' Jersey and have a better grasp on the English language. While I'm at it, lemme guess, you vote Republican. Not a "pro-union" guy, either, eh?
  7. Those "gangstas" ain't got nothin' on my crew.
  8. What the hell am I? Chopped liver?
  9. What the f**k are you lookin' at me for?
  10. No, my friend. Do not test ME. You think I'm kidding? Ask the last guy who tested me...when you get to Hell!
  11. Guido is on noone's payroll...except the payroll of the highest bidder. Also, what's a truck?
  12. I hear he sleeps with the fishes. Not that I had anything to do with it...
  13. After watching one "JQ" acting like a total Cafone last week at a local Denton watering hole, I'm not sure I care for such lack of character in the NFL. Of course, he's no Michael Vick...so he's not a total strunzo.
  14. It's lack of disclipline. Plain and simple. Our basketball team is starting to look like our football team. Neither Dickey, nor Johnny Jones have control over their teams. Their on the field/court performance shows it. Back in the old neighborhood...we didn't put up with this "no discipline" bullcrap. None of it. If it don't change soon, we may have to take care of it the way me and Tony did in the old neighborhood...
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