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  • Birthday 07/19/1963

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    Austin, Tx

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  1. Okay. I came here to check out the board to see about the hire. I’m not active at all, but was curious about what was being said. A few are excited. Most are willing to see what happens, and there are some who aren’t impressed with the hire. To me, that says a lot of you really think about it.
  2. When UNT wore the white "flying worm" helmet a while back, for I think one game, they looked like Schutt helmets with Riddell chinstaps. The front plate above the facemask said Mean Green, but I did not see any branding on the back above the neck. I heard they auctioned these off. If someone can confirm this, or correct this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  3. Count me in....
  4. The wire report I read in my paper (The Austin American-Statesman) wrote that of the teams available for a bowl (I think 5 or so?), two were from the Sunbelt. Of course LaLa and Ark. State...However, they also printed that Troy was the ONLY team to get a bowl game from the Sunbelt. Funny how the missed FAU? No respect at all. AND, I bet no one around here even noticed.
  5. It's good to see some people defend UT on this board...kinda surprising. Ultimately, UT screwed themselves by scheduling cupcakes as out of conference games. However, when the schedules are made some 4-5 or so years back, you never know where an opponent's program will be. Of course, scheduling FAU just isn't good business. When Texas won the BcS Championship, they beat Ohio State in Ohio that year. That was a bold move on UT's part, quite a risk; but it paid off. Makes you wonder, huh? IF you really want to go for a title, you better schedule some tougher games. The computer put OU over the top on this one. Both HUMAN polls had UT ahead of OU. The computer swung it.
  6. THAT'S my concern...."given the right choices made". I am not sure that will happen. I hope it does, but I'm not convinced. Can anyone be?
  7. I post rarely, but read quite a bit....and I've noticed something that has been written about time and time again, "The Boise State Comparison". If they can do it, why can't we? Guys, Boise State caught lightning in a bottle. To their credit, the managed to carve out something out of nothing and made it look easy. A million little things probably went right for them to capture their success. And you know what? If it was so dang easy to do, every school like it would be doing the same thing...and getting the same results. They are not! (It's kinda like when you happened to impress that really hot chick out at the clubs one night, and you don't have a clue why she digs you so much. Things worked out for you that night. All the planets lined up if you know what I mean. But...you can't seem to find that magic the next time out at the bars. Bummer.) I just have to shake my head when I read posters basically say "if they can do it, why can't we?" Good luck with that...it's not going to happen. That doesn't mean North Texas can't be something more, certainly, than what is was even at its very best. But for all the "Million little things" that went right for Boise....a million little things seem to be going wrong here. I've often wondered, how did we get sooo bad, so fast? The answer: a million little things went wrong. So....who has to speak up for that? I have my thoughts, but that doesn't even matter. North Texas needs a better plan for success, period!
  8. Just to add to that, I'd also like to thank the families of those who serve, or have served our country. It is often forgotten the sacrifices that wives, sons, daughters and all else related to those in the armed forces endure when their loved ones are in the military. It is amazing....
  9. This is a "mythical" National Championship since there are NO playoffs. It still boggles my mind what a true 16 team (or more) playoff system could do for college football. It would make March Madness look silly.
  10. Mr. Shrader....what a character, and actually still a lover of the Mean Green at age 84! He listens to the games on the radio and watches them whenever they are on TV. As far as the Pac-10 comment, well, I have no clue. BUT, I'm not surprised. His son, who worked at the pharmacy for many years as well, is a good friend and has more old North Texas stuff than you can imagine.
  11. 5000 students voted
  12. Sooner or later....a new facility will have to be built. Buildings come and go and Fouts is old. Very old. Why not build it now? It will cost more 15-20 years from now to build the same stadium today. If we can't get a stadium to remain competitive with the schools we go up against (And I'm talking more than sports here people), we might as well go I-AA. OR even worse Div III non-scholarship athletics...or hey, lets play Pop Warner. Maybe our Jazz bands can put out a killer new 8-track tape? Maybe the Education department can buy our future teachers a set Commodore 64 computers to train them for the real world classroom? I got it, Slide Rules for the Math department! No wait.....just let the Drama department produce the awesome hot, new play Grease, no Cats! PROGRESS please. Uuhg.
  13. You can give him his 4-5 years if you want...and maybe things will be better. At some point, when you are 0-12, and 0-12 or 1-11, and those years get stacked on top of each other, then what kind of credibility can you give Dodge? What athletes will come play for the man? The High School Glory days will be a distant memory, replaced with a UNT punchline. I don't want that. If things are "going to get worse before they get better", then how long can you tolerate the "worse days" of NT football? The handful of Denton-ites I know that love and support NT football, none of whom read this board, have totally lost interest for now. AND THOSE are really the ones we can't afford to lose. Most people here will keep coming back (although even many are "done") , but it isn't enough! We need those whose interest has been battered and bruised. You can say "to heck with those fair weather fans" if you are so inclined...but I would rather not. Especially if you want a stadium with people in the seats.
  14. Really? This is a pretty bold statement, and in MY opinion, somewhat shameful.
  15. Historic Low..... Stating the obvious does not make us bad people, bad fans, or fairweather friends. I do not associate my good times at North Texas with its football team. HOWEVER, to the rabid and diehard fans of this team, I feel bad.
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