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meangreenbob last won the day on April 13 2024

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  1. It’s only a matter of time before the students challenge the fee in a court of law. There are some smart activist out there that will make a winning case that if athletes are now being paid then why are students still being forced to finance athletics when they don’t care about sports and attending games This will be a huge loss of revenue for a financially poor program like UNT. I guarantee this will happen soon. Sooner than many believe.
  2. So true. It really doesn’t matter anymore.
  3. He started the season last year against Cal then we all found out that Rogers was the better QB. I don’t think it has any thing to do with being treated fairly. It’s more a of confidence issue. Even if Chandler starts there is always the possibility of injury and an opportunity to step up. But you have to be a team player first. Team players don’t quit, if that is indeed what he did, when it gets tough.
  4. Maybe Stone knew that he wasn’t going to be able to compete with that incoming freshman?
  5. But is education even required or considered any more?
  6. One thing to keep in mind. No one is forcing these kids to play football. Sometimes we all act as if that’s their only option. It’s not. Let them get a job. Go to work. If they truly want to educate themselves then fine. Pay for your tuition. If that’s by working in a grocery store, do it. If it’s by earning an academic or athletic scholarship fine. But don’t ask me to pay you to come and play at my school and then expect me to pay again at the ticket office to watch you play. I’m no fool
  7. It really seems foolish to just hand over money to people who have no accountability to where and how those funds are spent. Let that sink in.
  8. Been a Mean Green fan for well over 50 years. Like many of you I have green blood flowing in my veins. But I must admit that if I were to win a $500,000,000 (cash value) lotto I would not contribute or donate one cent to UNT Athletics under the current system in place. ( NIL, Portal) Not one cent.
  9. Let’s assume you’re correct and more schools will be relegated down to what will be perceived as a lower class division. Think about what that does to us. Some of these schools routinely attract 45,000-65,000 fans on a typical Saturday. Sure that may drop off some if they are demoted but how do you think we stack up to them with our 8,000 game day fans? Should your hypothesis be correct than those schools would take the best of the current G5 and form a separate league with its own playoff system. ESPN and other networks would jump on it. Too much tradition with those schools North Texas would be excluded and fall back to 1AA. You can take that to the bank.
  10. Well actually the Portal and NIL are a microcosm of what is happening around the world. Don't lose sight of the big picture.
  11. You know it’s not just the Portal and NIL. I have never seen the traffic on gmg so anemic and I’ve been coming here since the 1990’s. Now, not to say the Portal and NIL haven’t had a huge negative impact but when you add the turmoil and uncertainty with what’s happening in our nation and around the world it’s forcing many to adjust their priorities. With that being said, maybe, just maybe people will turn out in masses on Saturdays if for no other reason than to just seek some kind of normalcy, an attempt to try and convince oneself that all is ok, nothing’s changed…..see the band is playing, the fans are cheering as the players take the field. Go Mean Green
  12. Over more than a decade ago I posted a marketing plan for the survival of G5’s. Darn good plan too. In fact, I used what I learned in my North Texas “Marketing Problems” class. I also have been saying for decades that time is of the essence. Those of you who mocked me will remember. Well, we did build a new stadium and even a nice indoor practice facility. But unfortunately we failed miserably at what was really important, WINNING and building a strong supportive fan base. We made very foolish decisions in hiring head coaches and even more so in their employment contracts. It cost us dearly. We lost well over a decade of opportunity, settling for mediocrity. Were we ever going to be invited to the P5? Of course not. But there will be a lot great schools left out as well. Had we had quality leaders in our Administration we would be a program other name schools would want to align with making what would be seen as a quality conference. But then again…….whats the saying? How does it go? All together now. But we are North Texas.
  13. Morris is circling the wagons around the program. The coaches are working on getting the players to commit to making the playoffs this year. Thats the goal. It’s only between the coaches and players. The silence is because they want to let their actions on the field speak louder than their words in the press. They don’t want to go public with the goal because they don’t want any of the ridicule to discourage or have a negative effect on the team and create doubt in the minds of the players. You should see a well disciplined, business like , well focused and mature team this year. 😉
  14. Excellent post! It’s inconceivable that we are to blindly give money into a system that has no obligation or requirement to account for the allocation of those funds. Kind of like the government. No thanks.
  15. It’s INSANE!!! So we are encouraged to contribute to a NIL fund to pay players who have absolutely no loyalty to our school and then if we want to watch them play we must buy a ticket, pay for parking etc.? Count me out.
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