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Everything posted by j0nat8an

  1. anyone know where i can get a copy? i've looked everywhere in denton i think.
  2. this is great to hear because personally, i've been upset about a wedding this Saturday (two NT grads.) that's pulling a ton of my friends away from the game. maybe i'm a little naive, but i don't think it make sense to schedule a wedding on the night of a home football game. that sounds dumb to actually say, but there are so many away games that it seems a little mean to your guests to keep them from the game. thank goodness i don't really know the two, so i'll for sure be there sat.
  3. they need to get the new scrappy and cheerleaders out on Friday to promote the game.
  4. i've gone full circle on this issue. initially, i didn't like the tradition, in fact, i hated it. but as i've been here (going on my 3rd year) i've come to love it. when we score it gets more exciting to watch the alumni section with tortillas flying and then search the ground for tortillas to throw (i've never actually brought my own). i, however, also want to comply with the rules, so i would have to vote that this tradition end. would tortillas that happen to make it to the field somehow get mashed into our brand new turf? i'd hate to mess that stuff up. and i agree with those who've mentioned that it sucks for the people who have to clean it up... but it also sucks for them to have to clean up the freakin coke bottles and nachos plates that people are too lazy to throw away. last year i was able to go around and collect nearly 40 coke bottle caps from under the stands in about 2 minutes so that i could get a discount on nfl 2k5.
  5. complete genius!
  6. haven't seen this asked yet, but for those of you who were watching on tv, did you guys think the logo that espn+ was using looked about as bad and unrecognizable as what we've had in the past? why use both the logo and the wording? choose one of the two and make it look good. it was too jumbled.
  7. very nice!
  8. i think they could be a good complement to each other. a good management staff could figure out a way to get them both on the sideline at the same time.
  9. i agree that jmo needs more touches, but we also necessarily sustaining long drives and racking up a large number of plays to begin with. i'm not going to worry about it as long as we keep winning. in a loss is when i'll get upset. i think this is a much tougher issue than i had initially thought it would be.
  10. finally, someone is giving credit where credit is due!
  11. they could wear green helmets and white speedos for all i care. they're coming to fouts undefeated!!!
  12. perfect!!!!
  13. nope, look at the picture
  14. at least with this scrappy the navy and copper are gone. i'm guessing that's why the change was made
  15. good point. ya'll have sucked against us!
  16. this move just ensures that i'm going to have to make the la. tech game because i don't think i could take 3 straight weekends with no live mean green football.
  17. i vote for plumm to be in the locker room firing up the team before the ULM game! and i think it would help if he'd gotten no sleep the night before.
  18. i live off campus, but am on campus all day so i eat in bruce cafeteria (the best food but the wierdest people). anyways, i walked in and right in my face was a HUGE banner hanging from the ceiling with jmo and pc and the home football schedule (maybe it had all the games). there is no way possible to walk into that cafeteria and not see that thing. if one of these is in all the cafeterias maybe our on-campus students will be better informed of the games. now we just need to get those in all the apartments and houses that others live in!
  19. is that a bad thing?
  20. pay these guys please! shoot, charge a fee to all students to guarantee that they contribute to the program. i'm so sick of the attitude of students being, "let's cut all costs so my tuition goes down". how does dickey not get a raise? this is pathetic. we're going to lose him one day and have to replace him with a scrub because we don't pay well. why is it that football fans can realize that the music department is important to our school, but why can't many music students (AND FACULTY) understand the important of athletics. this rant probably has less to do with the article, but it's an issue that gets me heated.
  21. would it make the university seem cheap if there was some type of "buy a ticket for an evacuee" program? i would gladly buy some student guest tickets for evacuees to attend the game. that way it's free for them, cheap for me, and the athletic department still makes the sale.
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