i've gone full circle on this issue. initially, i didn't like the tradition, in fact, i hated it. but as i've been here (going on my 3rd year) i've come to love it. when we score it gets more exciting to watch the alumni section with tortillas flying and then search the ground for tortillas to throw (i've never actually brought my own). i, however, also want to comply with the rules, so i would have to vote that this tradition end. would tortillas that happen to make it to the field somehow get mashed into our brand new turf? i'd hate to mess that stuff up. and i agree with those who've mentioned that it sucks for the people who have to clean it up... but it also sucks for them to have to clean up the freakin coke bottles and nachos plates that people are too lazy to throw away. last year i was able to go around and collect nearly 40 coke bottle caps from under the stands in about 2 minutes so that i could get a discount on nfl 2k5.