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Everything posted by j0nat8an

  1. i guess you're right. sometimes guys are sick of being outside, so girls need to get over themselves and stop expecting us to hold doors open for them...sometimes young men aren't in the mood to carry things, so old ladies need to struggle with their heavy bags because we can't be expected to help... that's what this is about... DD is a model of manhood for many of these guys which involves thinking beyond yourself which and i don't think he models it well at all!
  2. i'm officially done being a DD supporter in any respect. i'm sick of his badmouthing fans, disrespecting my school (and his employer), lack of imagination, lack of integrity on his team which does come straight from his example, and refusing to own up to any of his mistakes. his days here should be numbered!
  3. the fact that such a simple, standard pass pattern is shocking when done by this team is very pathetic. go out to the intramural fields and what pattern is run the most? the quick slant because it's an easy pass to complete especially on 3rd and 4, and there's a good chance that the defense will miss flags and it could go for a big gain. on another note, ea sports has done a great job scouting our team because if i want to pass the ball much at all without just sending JQ on a go route, i have to change the playbook before the game begins.
  4. i was just emotionally threatened by eppy4life in a PM, can i get him banned?
  5. i think the key to growing fan support is consistant winning over time. i graduate in may and will be back for every home game once i'm gone and i'm sure many of my classmates will say the same. the point is, keep the consistant winning up and the current students will grow into faithfully attending alums who will pour money into the program and it all grows together. part of the problem is the general lack of pride people have for their school in general around here, but i think we're heading in the right direction. i agree, it's going to take some time.
  6. i bet mack told simms when recruiting him that he'd get the playing time. he was keeping his word.
  7. i don't know how i haven't noticed this, but this makes me want DD gone WAY more than anything on the field!
  8. i didn't notice this, but hearing about it really burns me up! classless coaching! or maybe you could buy into the theory that they forgot to stay for the alma mater. just like they forgot that they were supposed to sign autographs for the katrina releif stuff. DD is showing his kids how to really make fans feel like fools for supporting them.
  9. i haven't seen this posted yet, but the fountain is full of bubbles this morning!
  10. i think DD needs to go back to the chalkboard and teach his guys that "loosing" is not a word and if we score less points than the other team we did not "loose" the game.
  11. wow, i never wrote that to bash DD. i was just asking if it was possible that his problem is a lack of motivation because he's done this year in year out. i do support DD and don't want him to leave.
  12. does anyone else think that DD's problem is that everything now is "been there, done that". there's nothing new to his job. i love to support the guy, but i think HE needs a change. i'd love for him to stay here because of what he's done, but i think he's burnt out here and needs to move on. that's the only explanation i can see. the days of joe pa. are over. coaches use schools as stepping stones until they reach the top and get fired eventually.
  13. i'm involved in collegelife (the college ministry of denton Bible church) and we have our weekly meetings (axcess) on Tuesday nights. they've cancelled axcess and have encouraged all 800 of us to be at the game together, so hopefully at least 500 will make it that way.
  14. the only thing that bugs me is when people will "we" it for a $ school that didn't graduate from or never went to, especially people who currently go to NT.
  15. run "fire" drills to get the losers who would rather hang out in their dorm rooms than support their school out of their rooms and over to fouts. i get out of class at 5 and am heading straight to tailgate then. prediction: NT 28 Troy 17 16,543
  16. obviously we don't have the money, but it would be cool to wear throwbacks (if it weren't on espn 2). we HAVE to win this game!
  17. well, honestly, i don't really care either way about the tortillas (although i do enjoy pelting the people about 4 rows in front of me (the talons) with them), but what's the point of arguing about being allowed to bring them in when at this point we haven't had a reason to throw them yet?
  18. i have a buddy who is in class with this girl who said that last year she had a class with scott hall who said that the team plays harder if they know that tortillas will be thrown in support of their efforts!
  19. our marketing department must pull out ALL the stops beginning yesterday! the biggest promotion/giveaway should be done for this game. unfortunately, the football team hasn't given the casual fan reason to come, so we'd better figure out a way to get them there. This promotion can't just be done, it must be ADVERTISED! shoot, the breckenridge ski resorts have posters all over campus advertising their college week and because of that everyone gets really excited about it. here's what you do. have a giveaway for a group of 8 students to get one of these trips for free (it's $200 per person = $1600). make them purchase programs in groups of 8 in order to win and announce the winners in the 4th quarter and make all students be present to win. that would sell programs and make people get their friends to come with them if they want to go skiing together. i guess the fear would be a possible lawsuit if a student gets injured on the trip, but they can work that out.
  20. i got to go to the game and the roh induction was special, bit it sucked to have to leave with such a bitter taste in your mouth. you can't lose to the skins, they suck!
  21. honestly, i found every aspect of sat. night to be great except for the game.
  22. exactly! everyone who posts here will complain about the game, get it out of their system, and then show up to the next game expecting improvement. the "fans" to worry about are the ones who showed up for their first game and saw the mean green account for 0 points. i'm too pround of my school and that team to ever "jump off the bandwagon" but unfortunately that's not the norm at this school. people said to me that the loss was embarrassing and i was quick to say that i will never be embarrassed by my university, that game was simply dissapointing. it happens, now let's just learn from it.
  23. with dd and rv's decision to get the community involved by letting the denton city pee wee football champions start on the o line
  24. anyone?
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