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Everything posted by untlynchka

  1. Making fun of a stroke victim. Brutal.
  2. Sadly, we could have hired the "sure thing" we could have gotten either Scott cross or Danny Kaspar. Ive Always been a champion of Kaspar because he is a Unt grad. He's won at sfa, what could he have done here?
  3. Damn, calling for rv's head is just dumb. That guy has done more for this university than anybody in a long time. I wish everyone would go back and look at when we hired bendord because I saw nothing but positive posts. So far it has been a failure. No argument. I hope that it gets figured out, but if it doesn't, we have the ability to part ways with him at the end of the season. That being said, we all have to calm down a bit and see how this season plays out. I'm as disappointed as everyone else. I was asking for Scott cross or Danny Kaspar, but we have to at least see how we end up. I think rv knows how talented this team is, and what they are capable of. I don't think he'll stick with a guy that doesn't lead us to success. RV has been nothing but a blessing to Unt. He has made some bad hires in dodge and Stevens, but I remember everyone being on board with those hires like I was. I'll just say this, you just aren't gonna have a homerun hire everytime. Look at notre dame, tamu, etc. RV has been a great proponent of Unt through everything. I'll use this as an example, I was bartending, and taking care of some OU fans. I was also taking care of rv at a table right behind them. I told him I was a big Unt fan. The OU fans were giving me a hard time for being a Unt fan, and rv came up to me and said don't listen to them, they don't know what they're taking about. It's good to be green.
  4. Ranked #9 in the state now. Love the fact he wants the challenge of replacing TM.
  5. Wait, you can do that?
  6. This is annoying
  7. Talked to him last night. He was ravin about tm, but also Cj. Such a good guy, and so fun to talk basketball with.
  8. What sucks for Tony is these reports that he didn't have the grades. That wasn't the situation. It wasn't his grades it was the fact that he went to the prep school his junior year, and he didn't get the necessary requirements for the NCAA clearinghouse. If he didn't get the grades, he never would have been at a d1 school. Especially a big 12 school. Just ask cam newton.
  9. Normally true, but in the case of this year it's actually sad because they have home games against tcu and tamu.
  10. Et tu Brutus? Technically, it will be 4, but who cares about our guy. And you call yourself a Unt homer. For shame. You probably still refer to us as NTSU and think you can get $2.50 blasters(jäger bombs for you outsiders) at tavern.
  11. If we want him to stay, we can let RV know that by emailing him, just sayin.
  12. Forest Theus Kaspar Still shocked nobody mentions him. He loves UNT, and only wins.
  13. Reggie Theus would definitely ease the pain. I also would not Hate the hire of Danny Kaspar. Haven't seen his name come up yet.
  14. I hope you guys aren't expecting t mitch to be a low post guy. I mean, I'm sure he can do it, but this is a guy you are gonna want to facilitate the offense all the time. Having him play the post would kind of be like the old cavs having lebron do the same thing.
  15. Just to throw this in, no TM doesnt count, but if Jarion Henry signs with us that could put us in the top 25 nationally. He would actually be ranked higher than Jordan Williams.
  16. I hate smu as much as anyone, but there has got to be a story behind this. funny if its true, though.
  17. screw it, if it doesnt work out, we keep JJ, and we kill it next year.
  18. As good as he is, I doubt he would declare for the NBA without playing at all. Unless he was the number 1 player out of high school, he is going to have to play a little bit. I'm not doubting that he is going to be a lottery pick some day, i follwed him closely in high school as soon as he mentioned us as a possibility, but he is still going to have to play somewhere. He was highly ranked, but not quite that highly ranked. That all being said, I still think that we will have him for a year and a half, and I think that if we get Jarion we will be stupid good next year. Yeah, stupid good. My reasoning for thinking that TM will stick for an extra year is the fact that he will improve his draft stock by staying because he wont be that hot of a commodity only tearing up SunBelt teams, and he will see the oppurtunity to do really good things by staying one more year. My 2 cents.(I know that means nothing compared to Jessie i.e. TTG, love you!)
  19. I grew up, and graduated with Mr. Kunstad's daughter. He is awesome, and 'obviously' knows what he is talking about. It was always fun to talk to him about certain college prospects.
  20. WTF?
  21. Flat out we are extremely shallow. The injury to alzee, and the ineligibility of mcghee has really hurt us. we have 4 guys to play the 1-3 positions, and 3 guys to play 2 other positions. it sucks.
  22. Let me start this post by saying thank you, and I am obviously not putting in the time that you are. Thank you again. I was just wondering if it was more difficult to find stats for J Will. Only asking because he is pretty much the gem of our class. BTW, lets hope he can convince jarion henry to come along, that would be sic. FWIW he had 16/11, roughly, in his game against lincoln.
  23. CBL, pretty great write-up on their board. It was so unoffensive that nobody really knew how to respond really. I would add that, after the tech win, this will probably be the only game we are the underdog. This is, of course, if we take care of business like we are capable of. This season has the potential to be stupid good. Yeah, stupid good.
  24. at least the mojority that I have met
  25. Yeah, but, and this is actually not a shot at smu, their fans are much more educated on the college basketball scene. They have been a power for a while, and i would imagine their fans follow cbk more closely than most schools fans. On top of that most people from Kansas arent really overly arrogant.
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