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Everything posted by Cerebus

  1. Erdoğan won't give him a travel visa.
  2. Compared to CUSA's 3 total in those three years. Or North Texas' 3 in our entire history? A10 has existed for 42 years, and sent 3 or more teams 33 of those years. They had a down year last year, still sent 3 teams, and had as many as 6 recently (2014).
  3. 3 bid league for the last 3 years.
  4. This is ODU's arena:
  5. ??? KSU was his job to turn down.
  6. Ok, in that case he's only had one other job, which he left in one year, so this is already his longest tenured stay.
  7. Mean Green place two on the list.
  8. Danny Mac replacing Garrett?
  9. SL had never been a HC before. Assistants move around more than a HC.
  10. Sigh...
  11. ...in coaches poll, #22 in AP.
  12. NT has a club bowling team, could be them, perhaps @untbowler could fill us in?
  13. Joe Bob is back for those of you who don't know.
  14. I can't speak for Rick, but for me it's usually mostly listening and then some flattery.
  15. Seems like Coach Bro wants to take the new TXST coach as his OC.
  16. Self aggrandizement is a venial sin.
  17. Folks I love GM but he's not a guy who has stayed anywhere. At the 4 year college level he has been HC at: MSU for 3 Years ACU for 2 MONTHS ASU for 1 Year NT for 2 Years If he is here next year, that will tie his longest tenure.
  18. We had no idea who was going to take over before SL was hired. Leadership did a good job then and they'll need to do the same whenever he leaves.
  19. He took over a team that had the biggest FBS loss to an FCS team in NCAA history. He got that team to a bowl in year one. He just landed the best class we have ever had in recruiting services era. Almost every school in every P5 conference wants to recruit better in Texas and it seems he can do that. He also looks and sounds like what most people expect a good FB coach to look and sound like. I honestly think that helps a lot. I think that held Mike Leach back, but it probably helps SL out.
  20. Worse. Not even sure what this would fix. Is your supposition that we spend so much on Title IX sports that if we could recover those costs and spend then on FB instead it would fix our gap with P5 teams? We don't have a costs issue, we have a income issue. Even worse: It would turn GENERAL public opinion against us, and using pressure from the GENERAL public is what we need to fix this. I talk with G5 fans all the time who seem to think the solution is getting COLLEGE FOOTBALL FANS to realize that the G5 is getting screwed and that will lead to pressure to fix the system. The average college football fan is just fine with the G5 getting screwed. The P5 successfully boiled the frog. Little by little they have turned up the inequality in the system and the frog never jumped. The general CFB will never force the NCAA to change the system. Has to be the general public. They are the only ones who can pressure the NCAA or state legislatures to do something. We'll turn them all off if we do something like try to kill Title IX.
  21. What do you people want?
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