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Everything posted by BeanCounterGrad'03

  1. Same problem here with my iPhone
  2. Thought it was funny that they said LaTech's stadium was a great place to check out Sunbelt conference action. A bit of foreshadowing?
  3. Just learned that Elton John and Bernie Taupin named the song "Levon" in honor of Helms because he was one of their favorite performers.
  4. Congrats Emmitt...great to hear! Sounds like it would be right in my wheelhouse...I've got a couple auditing stories I could swap with you.
  5. I'd be interested, but geography keeps me away. Good luck though! '03 Alum with '07 2dr Wrangler
  6. What I don't understand is how the defense thinks it can win using the FL stand your ground law when there's evidence on the 911 tape that Martin was running away and that Zimmerman was chasing after him. Of course I'm arm chair litigating, but the defense doesn't make since to me at first glance.
  7. A number!...I need a number, dammit!!!
  8. His last day is tomorrow, correct? I'll probably be streaming for several hours on my day off tomorrow afternoon.
  9. Why are you yelling?...you're a foot from me.
  10. Not to nitpick, but I had to get different insurance when I moved to Colorado because my Texas insurance company said they couldn't insure Colorado residents. Can't remember if this was a law, regulation, or just the company choosing not to cover Colorado residents, though. Insurance guru's...help me out!
  11. Will that be his handle if he joins GMG.com?
  12. Me too...except it was UNT and 1998
  13. I guess this is where you and I agree to disagree...while I agree with you that a program like Amtrak (and MAYBE the USPS)should be scrapped (didn't the USPS fully separate from the government years ago?), I'd rather give a good effort to fix Medicare/Medicaid and SS than just throw everything out the window. Besides, weren't a large amount of SS funds pulled and used for something else by Congress which is a huge contributing factor to it financial instability now? (I don't have a link, I just remember hearing about it a few years ago)
  14. I could definitely see the benefit in that...didn't realize Australia did that. To Green2012, if the government healthcare only covers "catastrophic" conditions (cancer, heart attack, etc.), then many people would want the additional coverage to cover checkups and minor injuries (sprains, broken bones, etc.). The government coverage would insure that there is a minimum "safety net" for all while still allowing those who can afford it to get better care. However C&T, doesn't medicare/medicaid already serve this purpose?
  15. Thanks for the clarifications. This naturally leads me to another question. As a matter of consistency in principles: If socialism is such an un-American concept, why haven't there been mass protests from conservatives about our military that's been socialized since the founding of our country?
  16. Gotcha...this is why I never became a lawyer.
  17. So then socializing healthcare by making it part of the tax structure is constitutional? Either way, isn't the government making me pay for something against my will?
  18. So if the mandate is found unconstitutional...am I eligible for a refund on my taxes that went to pay for a war I didn't want (Iraq)? What about military spending in general? The government is forcing me to pay for nuclear weapons against my will.
  19. Is it still known as "Frisclosure"? Heard the housing market downturn hit it hard.
  20. Bingo...you nailed it. I own both these movies and The Ring still gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
  21. I have to admit...I was a little excited because I thought it was a preview of The Walking Dead season 3.
  22. If only everyone (left, right, and in between) had this frame of mind...
  23. ...and Odells, and Fort Collins Brewery, and Coopersmith, and Equinox, and Funkwerks, and Pateros Creek...also a Budweiser brewery on the outskirts of town for those with more conservative beer tastes. NB is my favorite though...took a tour last month and tried a chocolate chili beer...can't say that I'll ever try that one again. For my own selfish gain, I hope we go the MWC route or at the very least, play AF, CSU, and/or WYO on a regular basis.
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