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Everything posted by BeanCounterGrad'03

  1. For those of us whose only job is to make the shirt look good while wearing it, please explain what a screen print is. I have an idea of what it is, but I'm not sure.
  2. There's a club for that!?! Count me in too.
  3. Dude! That's sweet!!! So how can I get one up here to Colorado so I can iron it onto a green shirt?
  4. I just threw up in my mouth a little
  5. I agree...the college kids dig the nostalgic. I also like the "Screaming for vengence" that was on the original...could that still be left in or would it violate some copywrite law? I slept through my law related classes.
  6. If by chance you do make t-shirts, count me in for one...if you wouldn't mind shipping it to colorado. I'd pay extra of course. I like the color in the background too. I wonder if they make t-shirts with that greenish yellow color. It give it a good nostalgic (sp?) 70's look. Not that I was around for the 70's, but cool none the less.
  7. Not to be a smart a$$, but its still spring until June 21. Maybe something is in the works (crossing all my fingers and toes).
  8. Actually...Back in college, I use to meet up with my preacher at the Greenhouse for drinks...some of the best and deepest conversations I've had. KingDL's quote: "Anyway best of luck to you, we have differing ways of seeing things. I used to be a middle of the road guy and still feel like one, seems like the world shifted left on me. In the 80s I voted both ways depending on the candidate, Phil Gramm I voted for as a Democrat and as a Republican. I met Dick Army at UNT and he impressed the hell out of me. I still feel when I look at things I look for the truth regardless of party, I just feel that in recent years the Democratic Party distorts the truth way more." Pretty much the same for me except I now perceive the Republican Party as distorting the truth more. Alot of it probably has to do with the environment you are in and how you are raised. I was raised in Midland and at times felt like right-wing "propaganda" was being shoved down my throat. Other friends of mine took it as truth. I'm actually a fan of the Green party...GMG.
  9. I don't mean to argue about such a sad event, but two of the four had an apartment together, Stephanie and Rebecca. Maybe they were in Clark before they got their apartment. My future wife and I hung out with them at their apartment a month or two before the accident. All in all, a very sad way to end a fun event
  10. well...what would you expect from a 150 calorie desert
  11. The same article is now on CNN.com: http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/02/20/di...e.ap/index.html There is a link to it under the Education section toward the bottom of the homepage.
  12. I don't mind the snow too much...especially when I know that I won't be sweating 18 hours a day come summertime.
  13. We live on the other side of the city in Thornton. Yea...we're surviving through the worst winter they've had here in 10 or 15 years (or so the locals say). It's snowed every weekend since we have moved here (snowing right now, in fact). Once spring rolls around, I'm sure we'll enjoy it much more.
  14. My wife and I recently relocated to Denver, CO and were wondering if there were many alumni in the metro area. Does NT Exes have a Denver chapter? It would be great to know a few peeps that we could meet up with at games (basketball, soccer, or otherwise) or get together with to have small watching parties come football season. As a side note...what crappy timing for a NT fan to move. I'm a season ticket holder for 3 years of Dickey ball and right after I decide to move, they hire a new, exciting coach. Oh well...guess televised games will have to suffice.
  15. I was seriously looking at the AFA during my junior year of high school and back then ('96-'97), it was 6 years of mandatory service after you graduate. I think that was the tipping point for me to consider other options (like NT ). That and a cadet's daily schedule is brutal by civilian standards. I admire anyone who can make it through the academy. If he does choose AF, best of luck to him.
  16. I'm still not able to get it...I hope someone is recording it cause I'd really like to visually see it!!!
  17. Guess I'm the only one this week...anyone else? Earl Griffin, WR Fifty Scent, Air Freshener
  18. Anthony Crosby, LB Fitness Guru Richard Simmons
  19. OK, I'll give the dirty-minded answer before Quoner gets a chance to really do some damage: Masturbation (following this up with a very junior-highish giggle ) hope I didn't cross any lines
  20. Trying this for the first time...hope it works Chris Keagle, P Fred Flintstone
  21. This entire thread is the very reason that there needs to be a 16 team playoff...too many great teams and too few spots to play for the championship. Too bad money trumps all
  22. I feel dirty just reading this thread... yet I couldn't stop reading
  23. Has anyone emailed this to DD? I'm sure (hopeful?) that they at least know of this kid, but you never know with this coaching staff.
  24. I thought it would be only be a matter of time before we passed up Houston...looks like we might have finally done that this year. And just think...projections have us reaching the 40k mark
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