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Everything posted by BeanCounterGrad'03

  1. I second that and would like to add Kevin James (of King of Queens fame)...I think he's incredibly funny.
  2. Ooh! What kind of parade?
  3. I'm thinking of making the 7 hour drive from Denver and didn't know where I should get tickets from so that I can sit with other NT fans. I didn't see anything on the meangreensports.com website for out of town tix. Should I give the ticket office a call? Also, who else is planning on making the trip...would be cool to hang out at a tailgate with some gmg.com peeps.
  4. There was a milkman sighting here in Longmont, CO Apparently a local dairy still delivers.
  5. Wouldn't they go to hell after their life in prison? Where's a priest?!?
  6. OH! OH! For the liberal music, can we have tori amos playing in the background...I love me some tori amos! For the conservative background music, my vote is for Lee Greenwood.
  7. I think a death cage match between our board's most outspoken lib and con would be interesting... I'd place bets on FFR because of the simple fact he's a firefighter. That and CBL is a lover, not a fighter. Anybody know if we could get a pay per view for it?
  8. I wonder if they've developed a lube that can stand up to the intense heat.
  9. I don't know if there is anyone more ready for football season than Tasty. When do 2 a days begin?
  10. They'll look great with beer in them
  11. My wife would shed a tear...they are her favorites.
  12. I've never thought of chows as being aggressive. Guess I haven't been around them enough. Good to know, though.
  13. As much as I dislike the breed of pitbulls, I'd have to agree with this solution or something similar like required yearly vet exams so that vets can monitor the behavior and demeanor of the dogs (which is usually the result of how they are raised). However, that still won't totally eliminate the problem, but maybe it would make people think twice before getting the dog. Strangely enough, this topic seems similar to gun control debates...pit bulls = AK47's?
  14. I'm sorry if you took my post as making light of dog attacks. It was aimed at the rediculous suggestions made by Adman (who was obviously using sarcasm as well).
  15. This news break just came across my company intranet: New bio-gasoline product developedXcelPlus Global Holdings Inc announces the acquisition of BIOLENE , a newly developed bio-gasoline product. HARTFIELD, Va. -- XcelPlus Global Holdings Inc. announces the acquisition of BIOLENE , a newly developed bio-gasoline product. XcelPlus Global Holdings working in conjunction with Maverick BioFuels developed the technology in which a fuel compatible with internal combustion gasoline engines is derived from natural renewable oils like soybean and vegetable oil. Initial marketing efforts will focus on an additive package for converting ordinary biodiesel into gasoline. The Biolene additive package will be blended by Xcelplus International Inc and will enable producers and consumers of biodiesel to convert the biofuel for use in any gasoline powered engine. The additive is expected to be on the market later this year. Home blenders can expect final pump-grade fuel to cost approximately $2.70 per gallon. According to Bill R. Smith, president of Xcelplus, 'current testing of the fuel is being conducted with test vehicles run exclusively on Biolene. The test vehicles are being monitored for CO, CO2, hydrocarbon, O2 and NOx exhaust emissions, and we are very pleased with test results to date. We are looking towards an ASTM testing for the fuel before launching it into global markets.' SOURCE: Xcelplus Global Holdings Inc. via PR Newswire. Just thought it might be applicable. Peace out.
  16. Don't worry...the law of supply and demand and the free market will correct all these problems. Wait...am I in the wrong forum topic?
  17. You could add the FDA and the US Military to that list as well.
  18. I have to agree with most of what she said (which is hard to say for a Dem like me). I agree the mandate should be scaled back, but I would like to see them put more funding into biofuel research. And something else that bugs me to no end is that everytime an article comes out attacking ethanol, they are only discussing CORN and GRAIN ethanol and complete skipping over CELLUOSTIC (sp?) ethanol. I agree that corn ethanol is only a very temporary fix and I believe (based on what I've read so far) that we will start to see a shift away from this type of ethanol within the next few years. I would have like to seen Hutchison briefly address in her editorial the great promise this type of ethanol holds once the research and technological advances are more complete.
  19. Well said...and I agree with what you stated in your earlier post: these rising prices are going to be what will eventually force us (and the market) to begin to heavily shift to alternative sources of fuel and energy - solar, wind, biofuels, hydrogen, nuclear, food trash, cow farts, hot air coming from SMU fans, Quoner's raw homo-erotic desires, etc. I too have faith that everything will work out in the end.
  20. A few months ago, I got pulled over around midnight for "signaling too late". The officer didn't even try to hide the fact that he was hunting for drunk drivers, but he quickly let me go after I truthfully told him that I just came from a Christian rock concert and offered to show him the ticket stub. He was pretty nice about it and I'm glad there out there watching for it.
  21. Amen! Football season, get here fast!!!
  22. That is pretty interesting...we'll see if it happens. (hope so)
  23. I don't think the pipeline issue will be as big an issue as you think it will be. There are currently approx. 150 ethanol refineries in the US (and growing). Most of these are smaller refineries that are concentrated in the midwest, but that is because corn has been the only option for making it up until the last couple of years. As far as the infrastructure, it will become obsolete, but that's like arguing that automobiles aren't a good idea because they will put horses out of work. You got me on ethanol being less efficient...however, its currently selling for approx. 2.20 per gallon up here in CO (gas is going for approx. 3.40). Granted, there are gov. subsidies that are helping keep that price low right now, but breakthroughs have been made and will continue to be made (I'm keepin' the faith ) to keep decreasing production costs. Every indicator I've seen points to gas prices to continue rising: mainly China & India demand, and research into new technology to be able to keep extracting oil from more challenging locations. The only reason ethanol has been a pipe dream is because the technology was not available until very recently (see the link in my previous post as an example). The reason many people are pushing it (and its not just politicians and corn farmers), is because breakthroughs are making it a much more viable alternative energy solution.
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