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Everything posted by BeanCounterGrad'03

  1. An over 60 gun ban...a bit rediculous. An over 60 driving ban...now there's an idea!!!
  2. Oooooooo! So dark!
  3. I wonder if we'll ever catch Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, Pakistan: 1,850,643 With the student athletics fees, we could buy the Cowboys, turn them Mean Green, and DOMINATE college football. Suck it, horns!
  4. Good one!!!
  5. Are we still the 4th largest in the state or have we passed UH yet? (Specifically - total undergrad and grad students at main campus.)
  6. Just keepin' with the doomsday theme going around lately.
  7. Term limits sound great to this liberal.
  8. I'm tickled too. Can't wait to see how this class plays out over the next couple of years.
  9. Would make a great T-shirt
  10. "Homosexuals at UNT: We ask and tell"
  11. How about "WATERBOARD ARMY!"
  12. I wonder if those customers saw the final "score"
  13. Hey me too! Something we have in common...I like pepperoni and mushroom thin crust. Think I'll have one tonight
  14. Emmitt, do you get alot "requests" from other mens' wives?
  15. And here is another example of why we need a legitimate playoff system in college football. 8 teams would be a start...16 teams would be the best! (That's right, I started this discussion again )
  16. Actually, I meant Samuel Jackson.
  17. It is sad. But usually its only very old people who love reminiscing (sp?) about the "good 'ol days" when people were free to bounce around their vehicle with out restriction.
  18. Take that, Ralph Nader! Seatbelt strangles boy So much for the theory that seatbelts save lives.
  19. I'd like to think that my limited vocabulary is at least that of 9th grade guy humor.
  20. You guys are sofa king retarded.
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