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Everything posted by BeanCounterGrad'03

  1. What is the probability of Navy and/or Army joining Big East to plug any holes created by Big Ten expansion? If this happened, there would probably be no effect on CUSA.
  2. Looks like Rice hit the jackpot this year with 3 "big 6" opponents...how did they pull that off?
  3. That's the first time I've seen those two terms exclusively used to describe a political leaning. Even so, wouldn't "proactive", "preemptive", or some other variation of the word be a better opposite to "reactionary"? Someone break out the thesaurus! As a self described moderate liberal, I found it very balanced...google the writer and I think you'll agree that he's coming from the conservative side.
  4. I agree with you on your FDR point, but I think you might be missing the point of the article by only considering "radical" as anything that leans too far to the left.
  5. 5 Presidents More "Radical" than Obama I thought this was a pretty well written (and fair) assessment of the current and past presidents. To the opponents of a sitting president, everything that president does can seem more "radical" than it may actually end up being or continue to be. Thoughts?
  6. My prayers go out to you and your family, Deep.
  7. Idiocracy is not "name calling". It is a reference to a scenario played out in the movie with the same name in which intelligence is slowly weeded out of society to an extreme (but comedic) degree. While I don't see the full connection of FFR's comments to this reference (feel free to enlighten me, CBL), I certainly don't consider it name calling.
  8. I'm flattered that you consider my knowledge of famous Monty Python quotes as "dazzling intellect"...maybe I'm being too modest. Relax though...the only thing you are obviously unworthy of is being a fan of British sketch comedy. I'm sure that devastates you. EDIT Thanks for posting the link Hickory!
  9. Probably the same people who pay to watch her eat.
  10. Yea, I was a year or two out of school. It was a great concert. I enjoyed the Q&A segment of the show. Looks like we are both bad Mean Green fans.
  11. I saw a BNL show at the SMU auditorium...how many lashes will it take to regain full Mean Green Fandom status?
  12. Ya still gotta prove your greatness with the Big Dance bracket, Chief Puff 'n Stuff. Your just lucky I was lazy and didn't get my SB Tourney picks in on time, cause I would left everyone in the dust. Boo-ya!!!
  13. Is he's gonna take our fishin' away like he was gonna "take our guns away" a year ago? Better head to the store and stock up on reels, lures, lines, and hooks!
  14. Depends...is Lee Jackson the chancellor of one of the three champs?
  15. This is news to me...I thought history has generally seen Wilson as one of the weaker presidents.
  16. Its fun watching a 4 person conversation break out between FFR and UNT90.
  17. I wish I could give more than just 1 point for this post.
  18. Yea, I should have known that that would not have been implied in this forum.
  19. Why am I not surprised that Tasty took the homosexual track
  20. Yuck! Give me a hot soccer player over a swimsuit model anyday...ANYDAY!!!
  21. Here's a link to NPR with the full note (hopefully it works): NPR: Attacker suicide note It was kinda hard to follow much of it...a true "ramble" of a note.
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