No...I think the problem is that this system was set up PERIOD. I think local government services of fire, police, and schools are the best (and most successful) examples of social services working for the people. Are they perfect? No and they can greatly vary in their success from location to location. Healthcare is a "national" thing as it stands right you're stretching to make your anti-healthcare point. Maybe socialized medicine would work better on a local level given the better connection with the constituents. With that, I would probably agree.
Concerning the fire service: Not knowing the background of how and why this system was put into place, it sounds like either the city's fire service should have been extended to all those in the county outside of the city limits (blanket coverage voted on by those citizens and supported by their extra tax revenue) or those outside of the city limits should have a volunteer service established that could offer them some measure of protection. That's my own uneducated thoughts, though. I'd like to hear FFR's educated opinion on this "pay for spray" program.