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Everything posted by shutter

  1. Hello from section 107. Go Mean Green.
  2. I support very very loud students but not heckling. Heckling reminds me of the kid using bad language to bring attention to himself.
  3. Heckling became too much for me to hear from the other side. There is a big difference to cheering very loud than being obnoxious using vulgar language. I do not see the appeal. Get loud but had a bit of class even if you are a student.
  4. I am excited and I dont get excited.
  5. Those are great Rick.
  6. I still need to get a logo cut from steel then painted white and attached somewhere.
  7. My refurbished smoker getting ready for the home opener. Who is with me?
  8. I am referred to as Mr Mean Green by a bunch of folks that I do not know. And while picking my kid up from Marcus High School I spotted a kid in NT gear and then there was my boy in his green long sleeved show your Mean Green pride shirt. And I had my smoker painted green.
  9. I am in for 100 bucks. I would also support some sort of disappearance blamed on another team like UTSA if it came to that.
  10. Harry, it will have to grow on me. I do not want to be negative but dang. How long do those outfits last?
  11. I want a new Scrappy so bad that I would donate money to the cause. The new one is just lifeless and looks like s snuggie form TV. If we can not get a new one I will learn to love this one. Just a thought.
  12. I think a big green neon or new led light of the ouline of our eagle logo on the back of the wingzone. It would be such good branding from the highway.
  13. I think it would be nice to outline the wing with some led lights like the new one downtown. Maybe in the shape of our logo. Very visible indeed.
  14. I always enjoy seeing Scott Campbell and my boy know his son Ian. We were looking for them at the game. I cant wait to show Ben the article in the paper. Very cool. Ben has in no way been to that many games but he has been going since he was 4 years old. Oh, did I mention he is 15 and 6 foot 4 at 230 pounds. Freshman at Marcus High school and turning some folks green over there. Oh, Scott did you see it with the picture on the DMN briefing that they throw at my house for free? I have a copy if you need one.
  15. I saw police ticketing under aged drinkers on the hill. I had a great time and saw a lot of old friends. Go Mean Green.
  16. You seem very short sighted in your observations. Keep digging.
  17. I agree totally.We are treated like a D1 team. Cheers.
  18. Kenny Buyers really caught my eye last night as well. Hi hits low and knows how to take the feet out from under the runner and is quick quick quick.
  19. I think we win out.
  20. Sec 107 needs some help. But my son is as loud as 4 regulars.
  21. I am happy but did not get to use my tickets due to my son's homecoming dance. I hate it when I do not use my season tickets and can not find anyone that will go for free with a parking pass. Dang. I did listen though and enjoyed it. Go Mean Green, I thing Mean Joe did get our boys to put the mean back in the green.
  22. If we can get the young ladies to the game all else will fall into line and we will be set.
  23. Work on some new stuff but do not throw any transitions down the tubes. We have make fly like an Eagle ours.
  24. Ugh. I love our team.
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