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Posts posted by shutter

  1. Keep the updates comming, I dont know where to hear that game. Sound like a great one. I am surprised that the Athletic web site doesnt have the game streaming for their subscibers. Listening is almost as good

    Go Mean Green, I have my flag out in Highland Village.

  2. I am a freelance photojounalist and dad. I got to be self employed when the DMN bought and shut down the Dallas Times Herald where I was a staff photographer for my first 8 years after NT. I am a contrant photographer for USA Today where if you buy enough of them you will find my by-line.

    Oh, got my training on the NT Daily for 5 semesters in 80 or 81.


  3. I know that a packed house is possible as I saw it in the early 80s vs Number one ranked DePaul featuring Mark Aquire. The super pit was full and we stood through out the entire game. DePaul won but we kept it close and it was the most exciting game crowd I have ever seen at the pit. Most excitine game there was a victory over Texas while I played in the pep band what fun memories.

    The seats are small for big folks. hmmmm I know, go on a diet.

  4. Our fight song is great. We have an original fight song when so many school have she will be comming around the mountain fight songs. I love our fight song and spent time as a music major at NT and was a member of the green brigade in 79 and 80.

    Variations on a theme are popular all over the world and will always be. I agree with Joe when we are in the heat of a battle use the original FIGHT song. If we are on our way to a win let the fun begain.

    Go Mean Green,

  5. Happy Birthday GG,

    Glad you came back to the games. We need everybody. I too wanted to leave when Meager came in but my kids wanted autographs after the game and were sure we were going to win. I stayed and they got their autographs and a stroy about 7OTs to tell their buddies in 2nd and 3rd grades. I too had a blast watching the OT, not good football but exciting none the less.

    Go Mean Green!

  6. There were a bunch outside. hmmmmmmmmmm. I guess there is good and bad in everything so the spins will work. I love the tailgate stuff but wish would could get those folks in the game. The guys behind me where calling their wives outside to tell them that the game was running late. He said there were 20 in his group alone that had tickets but stayed outside to drink beer.

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