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Posts posted by shutter

  1. I am not worried about Mendoza's feelings or anything. It just so dang clear that it just like the old beating a dead horse thing. It is just so obvious that a fire Mendoza web site would be a cliche and a bad one at that. It is just short sighted and a waste of time thinking about it. Dang, it is my fault for reading the board and then getting bummed and then sending a reply.

    I am just tied.

  2. The fire mendoza thing is rediculous. It is a lot like telling someone they are fat or they are ugly. Those folks live like that and they KNOW it. Coach Dodge knows his defense has to be fixed and you all are just making negative waves that feed back to our recruits. It is just short sided to think that all this anger will give you power to change things. I am so tired of it. First year coach, that likes to win and has to teach a new offense.

    Lay off Mendoza. He has been humiliated and he knows it. Things will change for the better.

  3. See, that's the problem. What evidence do we have that we will get any better next year at this point? We lose a ton of starters on defense and we don't seem to be recruiting very well on defense at this point. Who's going to step up next year on defense? How is Mendoza going to recruit players in a defense that averages giving up 46 points per game. Call me a pessimist but I see more of the same on defense next year.


  4. UNTcampbell says "The woman who chooses to live outiside medically designated weight and height guidelines, yelled out. "THANK YOU!" I heard her but chose to ignore it, as I believe those who dish must be able to handle the occasional retort."

    The only thing I can say is to yell on and they can move. My 300 lb butt is outside the designated weight and height guidelines but was yelling very loud, so I really do not see how size comes into play.


  5. thanks you all and unt74hm,

    for some reason I my receiver was turned off to channel 643. I had run a spilter off my cable modem and found fsn on the basic cable and was going to use that but now everything is fine and beef and beer will be consumed and the game will go on. I hope I am not on "suicide watch" in this game as I have been in the past. I least I dont have to pay the ppv price I did last year.

    GMG, no on to beer 3 before my nap.

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