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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. That's embarrasing. It looks like a University of Memphis shirt that was emroidered with the wrong logo.
  2. I'll take high school on the uni's if we could get our level of play up to that of Auburn's.
  3. Is it too early to induct Johnny Quinn into the H of F? I am just kidding around. Johnny will have his day in a few years.
  4. I think that the students want to pay as little as possible each semester. College students are not know for being the weathiest citizens in town. Now if the have a rich set of parents, then who cares what school costs.
  5. They were both at the top of their respective leagues when someone wanted to look like them.
  6. I was in Denton the other day and saw alady wearing a T-shirt that said: TWU FOOTBALL "still undefeated"
  7. Just mention Boise St. I hear Sooner fans love that.
  8. Now that REALLY bothers me. He is free to have his opinion, but that doesn't make it a fact.
  9. I bet most of the season tickets were sold on either side of section E. The $500 donation might be a bit steep for the novice (new) Mean Green Fan. I am happy to pay it and would not trade my seats in section E, but I bet most new season ticket holders are in other sections.
  10. Did you really just say that socialism has it place in America? It's that kind of thinking that scares me. Let see where Socialism has been good for the common man....... Russia? Europe? Sociaisml creates a huge divde between those in power and those without power. Capatialism give everyone a fighting chance. This country is great because a common, poor South Dallas boy can get an education and make something of himself. Hard work and the Entrepurnial spirit (the willingness to take risks) is the basis of Capatilism. There are many men and women who fought long and hard to make sure we have the freedoms and opportunities to succeed in this country. I feel it is a great slap in the face to them to say that socialism has its place in America. Opportunity has its place in America. If the people who had business on Fry wanted to save Fry St, they should have bought the property years ago. That would have insured that no one was able to raise their rent or sell their space. Personally I felt that Fry St was an eye sore. It was a place to get drunk and get drugs. I'm glad that that corner of the University will be improved. I think it will have broader appeal to more people; not just the ones who want a dirty place to hang out and drink.
  11. The pitcure of the Basketball Uni's isn't Kelly Green at all. Kelly Green is the color most commonly associated with the Irish, 4 leaf clovers and Bennagins.
  12. I have not missed an NT home game since the 1990 home opener. I wish I could say the same about the road games. I have been to NO 4 times.
  13. I know a good doctor who can prescribe some anti-depressants. Sounds like you might need them. Cheer-up. Have some fun. There are more people who browse this board without posting much than you might think.
  14. I like the white helmet. It brings good color balance to the uniforms. I hated the all green uni's of years past. Green helmet, green jersey and green pants was a bad look. However, I did like the all green better than the all black. Done right, a white helmet will be a good look, and it is a sign of a new era in NT football. It a reminder that there is a new sheriff in town, and his name is Dodge.
  15. This roster will change in the Fall when the incomming recruits show-up. Am I correct?
  16. I think the stripes on the white helmet help a lot. Marshall's uni's look good. I think it would be a good look for NT.
  17. I couldn't agree more. I HATE the block logo. I like the new SOW logo. The current helmets are such a lame look. The uni's as a whole look good, but our helmet is weak. You know, we haven't had much success with the block letters. The last winning season we had was with the script logo. Just food for thought.
  18. Just makes more room for the fans who want to do it "right." The idea that "fans" are tailgating and never step foot in the stadium boggles my mind. Why tailgate at the stadium? Just stay at home and tailgate in your driveway. The whole point of tailgating it getting ready for the game. GMG
  19. It's on the old Eagle Point Golf Course. Father down the street than the bonfire site, directly across from the old Liberty Christian school.
  20. I don't think the NCAA wants the average fan to see how bad the ref's actually are. It may go back to the rule that no play under review can be shown in the stadium. If you are broadcasting the game on the Jumbotron, pretty much every play gets shown.
  21. That's really good news. After all the media attention on Tuesday night, it seems little 'ol North Texas is getting some respect from the critics. I heard several radio stations commenting on the range of Calvin Watson. Some were even kidding that he could sink a three from a diffrent zip code. This is fun.
  22. It's way too early to know the schedule for next year.
  23. I really hope there are 6 home games. However, after this week of BB, Lafayette seems a lot like a home field advantage.
  24. I guess I should say that it's good to be in the lime green light.
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