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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. IF TD continues to keep practices closed, think about what it means for our opponents. They will be watching SLC film when preparing for NT. As of now, they have nothing to prepare for. I don't think they will get just a ton of film from the OU game. I think it's VERY smart on TD's part to keep the advantage as long as he can. IF the other teams have nothing to prepare for, we can surprise their tails off with our offensive attack.
  2. Last I heard, He had been charged and was awaiting arraignment. He has defamed his own character on public record. I had high hopes for the guy. I really liked his cadence under center. When he yelled out the plays, it made me want to stand and salute. The guy sounded like a drill seargent on the field. I hated it that things didn't work out for him.
  4. Don't you just love it when any thread can become a new stadium thread? I wish we would build a new freak'n stadiums just so we can quit talking about it. What will talk about then? How we need an indoor practice facility? How we need additional parking at the new stadium? How about a new golf course at NT? I'm sure we can come up with something to keep our conjecturing minds working.
  5. Joey Byerly had more problams than just his academics. He liked to participate in illeage activities.
  6. Well, the bright side to all of this is that HE WANTED TO COVER UNT. In the past, only the people assigned to UNT would write anything. Now we have reporters complaning that they can't get enough access. That tells me that the arrow of progress is pointed up! TD should give him a 1 on 1 interview after practice and all will be well.
  7. I'd like to see us go with GV. I know, I know...we want to see what Meager looks like after he has some good QB coahing from Todd Dodge. I feel like I know what Meager is. He shows signs of being a really good QB and then......he does something silly. GV has less training and experience than DM, but somehow DM can seperate himself apart from the Freshman. This tells me that GV'S stock and potential are on a diffrent scale than that of DM's. If this year is all about learning and adapting to the new offensive scheme of TD, then I say start Vizza!
  8. If Vizza get's the starting job, can we give Fouts and new name? Vizza Hut. (like Pizza Hut)
  9. GENIUS! BRILLIANT! I think they should seriously consider changing the name of the state to OKLA HOMA and making her the governor.
  10. Think about this. Had the Albino Squirrel Preservation Society been successful in their efforts, we might actually have TWO mascot's and a nickname. We could have been: The University of North Texas Mean Green Eagle Albino Squirrels. Try explaining that one to your average Sooner. It would really bake their noodle.
  11. That really is Bazaar!
  12. OMG! GROW-UP! Get a sense of humor. Try some Paxil. It will help you relax.
  13. He said that BOTH had been on campus and he participated in interviews with each of them.
  14. I'd like to say a feel sorry for MUTS ont his issue, but after the thumping they gave us last year, I'm not so sympathtic. I love it when we beat the hell out of MTSU. I just burns their asses that we have dominated them like we have in the past.
  15. Someone was digging WAY deep into the archives to pull this one up.
  16. I like #1. That means we are guaranteed 6 home games next year. We have only 5 home games this year, so in order to meet this requirement, we need 6 next year.
  17. You have to be pretty impressed with the SLC schedule. That's a tough road to another state title.
  18. I don't know, but I pretty sure I just learned something. Thanks.
  19. I thought speed was illeagle. I think the NCAA has rules against using speed to your advantage. Yep, I'm pretty sure they test for speed.
  20. Boy, how would we explain that to the parents of the children who just can't resist eating them?
  21. What happened on the way to Austin last year? Surely they didn't get lost. It's a staight shot. UT is kinda hard to miss.
  22. Well I can't think of anything to throw that meets all the criteria. I guess we need a combination yell and jesture. We could all flap our Eagle wings, but then we would look kinda stupid. We could hold up our talons and make a circling motion with them while saying something prophetic and unique, but who knows. Maybe we would yell: Do you believe in the Mean Green?
  23. Do you think that the NCAA did this to put an emphasis on special teams?
  24. Jamario has a younger brother named Damario. I know he was a UNT recruit a couple of years ago. We placed him at a Junior college so that he could work on his grades, but I don't know what happened from there. Anybody know?
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