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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. Must be the number.
  2. NMSU now has a white helmet with "Aggies" in baseball jersey script. Looks kinda silly IMHO.
  3. Don't hate it, don't love it. I really think the new eagle on the helmet would look awesome.
  4. That number 92 (Littlejohn) is a force! Glad we don't have to play that line again.
  5. A win is a win. To start the season with a VERY young team, a red-shirt freshman QB, against a team that has already played a game and we were on the road, I feel like lucky or not, we stayed in and fought and WON! I believe that in football you make your own luck. The deck was stacked against us coming out with a win but we got it and we ain't giving it back! GMG
  6. Undefeated and coming home!
  7. Stop washing my winshield! I'm not giving you any money!
  8. Not as close as we think. NT - 27 MTSU - 10 Is there a prize for being right?
  9. I really want the clip of the NT player putt'n the KO on what looks like an MTSU player last year.
  10. How do you argue with that? PMG has his facts in order! Our offense will be just fine. For all the worries about this season, just remember this. After 4 Confrence championships and 4 Bowl berths, we are recruiting a much higher caliber of player than we were 4 years ago. Remember 4 years ago when we got the first shot at New Orleans? We were so excited! We new then that win or lose, being able to tell recruits that we were the defending confrence champion and had just played in a bowl game was going to help a ton. Now multiply that by 4. We are going to be just fine this year. We got some good kids!
  11. Season tickets are being mailed out today.
  12. And I'm guessing that your point is that we no longer go to football games and promote the home games. NT football should just shut down. Forget the rest of the season, we no longer have the right to promote our program and sell tickets. I don't see why what you give to the school has anything to do with what you give to the Red Cross. I guess we should call the NFL and tell them to cancel all of this weekends games. Afterall, if we just cancel the game, maybe people will give the money they were going to spend on a ticket to the game to the Red Cross instead. Why are you on this board? I guess you should be on the disaster relief board! Give me a break. My guess is that you are reading this board because despite the tragedy in Gulf, you still are intrested and care about NT football! I have been working 10 hours a day at Camp Copass with 300 transplants from New Orleans who have no home. Don't you dare tell me you can't do both. Life must go on. More than anything, these people just want their old life back. Shutting the world down to focus on the pain doesn't cut it.
  13. Well stated by the Honorable representative from Memphis.
  14. I we do have to cancel the game with LSU, we will need to find a way to replace the 500k that we lose from the athletic budget. This means attendence at home games is a must for financial reasons. Also, Mean Green Club donations will be VERY important. Are there any other ideas on how to replace these funds? This is a great opportunity for the Mean Green Nation to step-up our giving and participation in fund raising.
  15. My guess is that we start like this: 1st down: Hand off to Patrick 2nd down: Hand off the Jamario 3rd down: Pass to the tight end (any tight end will do). If at anytime in the first three plays we get a 1st down, simply repeat the pattern.
  16. Good for AA. GOOD FOR NT! The more pro athletes we produce, the easier the recruiting gets. It's good to be green. GMG
  17. So does that mean that TCU is better than UT right now because they have beaten OU and UT has not? I would guess that Mack Brown has just ordered a dozen or so copies of the TCU/OU game film and will study it in depth. Nice job TCU! GMG
  18. I think my daughter and I may attend. It's at Fouts..right?
  19. Please explain.
  20. Hooters!!! Man, this is great. Hooters has great wings! Life doesn't get any better! The Mean Green and the Hoot'n Owls!
  21. I am still waiting for my LSU ticket as well. Since I live in Denton, it will probably take an extra day or two to get to my house.
  22. Same here. The box office told me on Friday that they would finalize seat locations this weekend and mail our the tickets on Monday or Tuesday.
  23. Well the dribbler off the tee on the first hole was a minor infraction - so I don't have to count the stroke. Hit again and take the mulligan.
  24. Sounds like one side of the family tree can't get along with the other. Should ya'll see some Cajun counseling?
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