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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. Emmitt, I agree. It's amazing how people who don't know about North Texas think DD was the saviour of NT football. They seem to think he should have a lifetime contract and that he is a legendary figure. They have obviously witnessed an NT game in person.
  2. Well if North Texas tradition hold true, DD and the Mean Green will win out. Then the controversy really starts. I can already hear it... "just as Coach Darrell Dickey (who lead the Mean Green to four staight confrence championship and 4 straight trips to the New Orleans bowl) turns the Mean Green program back to it's winning ways, AD Rick Villareal fires him in a very callouse move despite his health conditions." Nothing is simple around here.
  3. Yes, many moons ago.
  4. Last night was my first Basketball game in several years. I hated that we lost on a bogus buzzer beater, but I had a great time. The Super Pit looks awesome! My kids had a great time. My daughter - dressed in her North Texas cheerleader outfit was able to meet with the cheerleaders after the game and was in heaven. I certainly will be back. I think good things are in store for our team. I don't like to see us so dependant on the 3 point shot. We really didn't shoot very well last night. However, all in all, I had a great time. I will absolutely be back!
  5. Boy, This guy knows how to get a reaction. Your making friends fast.
  6. George didn't have anything to do with the letting go of Bill Mercer. It was bad timing. I know for a fact that Geroge has the utmost respect for Bill and was one of his students. The athletic department was looking to make a move and get a voice that would be there for many more years. The Ticket was new in town and they even carried our games their first year around (1994). IT WAS A CRITICAL TIME IN OUR MOVE TO DIVISION 1A FOOTBALL. George was offered the job before Helwig let Mercer go. Mercer is a lot like Tom Landry in that no one likes the way it happened, but in the long run it proved to be the right move. George Dunham is a great advocate for our school. He certainly doesnt deserve to have folks demand that he be fired. He is personal friends with DD and his family. Obviously, he is upset that DD will be gone. He will be over it as soon as we put together our next winning season.
  7. I listen to Talk Radio almost exclusively. The Ticket, KLIF(570) or KSKY(660). My radio hasn't seen an FM station in years.
  8. Do we really think we are so much better than last year? I know we are all excited coming off the SMU win, but lets face it. Tulsa kicked our butts last year. I think we will have a hard time pulling out the win. Tulsa is a much better team than SMU. I hope for the best and know our boys will be working their tails off, but I can't forget about the beat'n they put on us in our house last year.
  9. Almost all of his "big" plays have come from running outside the tackles. If he can reach the corner and make the turn, he's going for at least 15 yards.
  10. I just hope SMU keeps an open mind in scheduling NT more often and not use this loss as a means of killing future games. Both schools need attendance and a local rivalty game. Tcu need to be in the mix too. ←
  11. I know how to make it louder. I can eliminate the flame-outs.
  12. Not much can be done until the NCAA rules on his suspension. We don't even know when he would be eligible to play again.
  13. Why else would he be calling a press confrence? I can't think of anything he could say that would require a press confrence other than his plans to retire. Mabey he is going to announce that at he will be retireing at the end of this season....again.
  14. That is a great looking helmet. It looks like a classic college helmet. Even though we know it is a new logo, it looks like it has been around forever. People just being exposed to NT would have no idea that SOW hasn't been around but a year.
  15. We need more BBQ, more people eating BBQ, more people cooking, serving, donating BBQ. We need a BIGGER PARTY. People love to PARTY! The Greenbackers are the best thing to ever happen to North Texas tailgating. I've only had the opportunity to slice brisket and help serve food, but it is amazing the comments fans make about the free BBQ. Not only does it taste FANTASTIC, but it helps create a HUGE sense of community among the fans. WAY TO GO GREENBACKERS!
  16. Why are we not jumping all over this? Quinn would be a huge help to our O-line. Bomar seems like a pretty good QB to roll into our "QB by Committee." I kidding about that. I'm think QB by committee is suicide.
  17. I know..I know... This is an age old discussion.....but I have to ask. When we first rolled out the new marketing logo's I was lukewarm about them. However, SOW has really grown on me. I think I like it. There are a couple of things I don't understand about it. 1. Why is it not on the 50 yardline at Fouts? 2. Why is it not on our helmets (rather than the "give-up" of Noth Texas in our new font.) 3. Why can I not buy a chrome SOW for my car? 4. Why do we insist on using the new font on everything rather than our SOW symbol. People will never associate it Noth Texas if we don't use it. - I know, we use the SOW with North Texas attached to it, but IMHO that looks "cheesier than just the SOW. I think the new SOW has some staying power if we will just use it. Thoughts, comments? I'm not marketing guru, but I do spend a lot of money on useless crap.
  18. It does not have a price. Only a phone number. I'll call next time I see it.
  19. It's been there for weeks. It is an old Dodge. It has the darker green and the Helwig era UNT in copper, blue, and oh yeah...green.
  20. Looking forward to it. I need a fix of QUALITY Mean Green info.
  21. I don't think he could play for a year (per NCAA transfer rules). Therefore Quinn would be gone as he is a senior. Nice thought though.
  22. Never a shortage of people saying "it can't be done."
  23. Didn't he coach at NT?
  24. Where were we before DD??? Were we soaring to new D-I heights? I remember us stuggeling to win anything with Matt Simon at the helm. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Fantasy Land.
  25. God Bless Bobby Ray! While I may not always agree with him on every subject, he is a great person to have as Chairman of the Board. I hope no one on this board ever doubts his love and committment to the Univerisy. I think he will help lead the board to a quality selection in our next president.
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