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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. I had the exact same thougt. Mabey he didn't think we would see the first post. Mabey it was the Captain speaking (Captain Morgan that is).
  2. Starting to ice over in Denton and North. Sanger getting hit hard now.
  3. DODGED and big bullit there! (Rim shot please).
  4. "Consideration of individual personnel matters relating to the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, discipline or dismissal of University and System officers and employees" Do you think this has anything to do with DD?
  5. Just drove to Sanger and back ( I live in south Denton)... I encountered no problems. Just like driving in rain.
  6. Agenda: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS SYSTEM BOARD OF REGENTS Board Meeting Agenda UNT Denton Campus 801 North Texas Blvd. Gateway Center Board Room Denton, Texas December 1, 2006 ¿ Time: 9:00 a.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes of July 31, August 14, and September 7, 2006 Meetings III. CONSENT AGENDA (Blue tabs)______________________________________ 1. UNT Small Class Reports, Fall 2006 IV. UNT HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER (Red tabs)__________________________ President¿s Report Board Action: 2. Commercial Professional Medical Liability Insurance Endorsement 3. UNTHSC Participation in the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Initiative 4. Naming of Rooms within the UNTHSC Center for BioHealth and Research Buildings V. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS (Green tabs)________________________ President¿s Report Board Action: 5. Emeritus Recommendations 6. Regents¿ Faculty Lecture Series 7. Naming of Career Interview Rooms in Chestnut Hall 8. Naming of the Softball Stadium in the Mean Green Village 9. Naming of the Student-Athlete Services Center in the Mean Green Village 10. Naming of Football Practice Facility VI. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS SYSTEM (Yellow tabs)_______________ Chancellor¿s Report Board Action: 11. Naming of Student Recreation Center VII. BACKGROUND REPORTS (White tabs)______________________________ A. Gift Reports (UNTHSC, UNT) B. Investment Reports (UNTHSC, UNT, UNTS) C. Annual Compliance Reports (UNTHSC, UNT, UNTS) D. UNTS Commercial Paper Program Report E. UNT Faculty on Leave Without Pay, 2005-2006 F. Facilities HUB and Minority Vendor Report and Update G. Facilities Construction of New Life Sciences Building H. Facilities UNT System Projects Status Report I. Facilities UNT Capital Projects Plan Update VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Orange tab)*________________________________ Deliberations Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property - Texas Government Code Section 551.072* Consideration of matters related to the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property Consideration of matters related to the purchase of real property and improvements located at 1901 Main Street, Dallas, Texas Consideration of matters related to the purchase of real property and improvements located at 1900 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas Consultation with Attorneys Regarding Legal Matters or Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation or Settlement Offers - Texas Government Code Section 551.071* Consultation with attorneys regarding confidential legal matters, including pending, threatened, and contemplated litigation or settlement offers Daniel Peak v. University of North Texas, et al.; Martha Escobar Molano v. University of North Texas; Jose Perez v. University of North Texas; Edward Morimoto v. University of North Texas; Unity Semiconductor Corporation v. John A. Kelber; University of North Texas v. Attorney General Greg Abbott; Violeta Paskauskiene v. University of North Texas; Deborah Mouser v. The University of North Texas; Gus Livingston Elliott v. Mark Linnell, et al.; Dan Smith v. Vicki Campbell, Donna Fleming, Bert Hayslip, Jr., Lawrence Schneider and the University of North Texas; In Re: Sabine, Inc. (F/K/A In Re: RoweCom, Inc.), et al.; University of North Texas v. Attorney General Greg Abbott; University of North Texas System v. Attorney General Greg Abbott; Kirbyville Independent School District on Behalf of Texas Political Entities; Estate of Preston Payton v. Charles Maxvill, D.O.; Sau Le Hudecek v. Sam Buchanan, D.O., Keith Pensom, et al.; Beulah Barrett v. Barbara Atkinson, D.O., German Berbel, D.O., Francis Blais, D.O., David Brickey, D.O., et al.; Robert Brogan v. Adam Smith, D.O., et al.; Donna McKenzie v. Albert O-Yurvati, D.O., Martin Weiss, D.O., et al.; Joan Williams v. Irvine Prather, D.O., Francis Blais, D.O., Russell Gamber, D.O., Trey Fulp, D.O., et al.; My-Tech, Inc. v. UNTHSC, Dr. Dimitrijevich, and Dr. Raven; The State of Texas v. AmCare Health Plans of Texas, Inc., et al.; In Re: Medical Select; In Re: Heritage Southwest Medical Group, P.A.; Mashburn, et al. v. Joseph Daniels, D.O., et al.; Chappel v. Gregory Smith, D.O.; Norris v. Craig Whiting, D.O.; McDonald v. Maya Namboodiri, D.O., et al. Deliberations about Gifts and Donations ¿ Texas Government Code Section 551.073* Consideration of matters related to negotiated contracts for gifts or donations to the University of North Texas and the University of North Texas Health Science Center Personnel Matters Relating to Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Assignment, Discipline, or Dismissal of Officers or Employees ¿ Texas Government Code Section 551.074* Consideration of individual personnel matters relating to the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, discipline or dismissal of University and System officers and employees Consideration of matters related to the evaluation and contract of the Chancellor of the University of North Texas System and possible action Consideration of matters related to the appointment of a Head Football Coach and possible action IX. Reconvene in Open Session X. Adjournment * Any issue listed for open or executive session may be discussed during either session, if permitted by law.
  7. Playmaker, Please tap the break. RV has not given us any reason to think that he will not make a great choice. RV has proven to be a good decision maker. Many people on this board didn't think he would fire DD. Well, he did. RV has been able to increase the level of alumni and community giving and improved our facilities in a great way. He has also proven to be aligned with our vision of this program for the future. He has worked very hard for a new stadium and a higher standard for NT sports as a whole. Give the guy time. How you you feel if you were RV and every gripes about contacting people you know and TRUST? How would you feel if you were a long time friend of RV and he didn't even give you a courtesy call about a coaching opportunity he had available. Many of these contacts may be RV simply reaching out to those he knows to see the intetrest level. There is a reason that RV posted on the board that he will not post while this process takes place. Give him time. He knows what he is doing.
  8. I don't see the similarities. I might just be dumb though.
  9. Did you forget your Centrum Silver today?
  10. What do we know about this Nix guy? Does anyone think this would be a good hire, or just a wild gamble?
  11. Fun...yeah right. DD looks dumber every day. Not such a bright move since he wants to coach again another day.
  12. I thought he ran with determination and he refused to go down. Looks good for next year.
  13. I hate to route agains SLC, but it would be nice to get him locked down.
  14. I think that if RV was involved in the black uni's that the team wouldn't have wamed up in the green jersey's. It was a subversive move.
  15. No, not with the handicap of our offense and coaching. We had no chance.
  16. I noticed that RV was missing for a while during the game. He might have boxed up DD's stuff during the game. Can't you hear the conversation at the AC right now?
  17. I'll take Todd Dodge next year and Rielly Dodge the year after that.
  18. Hard to argue with that.
  19. He's got to be better than anything we've seen this year.
  20. I've never had a problem with the students getting in for free. They do spend money in the concession stand. Students are poor. I think it's our responsiblity as Alumni to foot the bill for the rest. We ahve got to find a way to get students to a FREE game. Student attendance was better when we were winning. Nobody wants to be remined of how bad you suck.
  21. We looked like a junior high team for sure. What an embarrasment! I hope DD is asked not to coach the last game. Happy Trails you SOB. I always thought he had some sorriness, know I know he has truckloads of it.
  22. I just don't get why anyone would be that upset that DD is gone. Surely the students get sick of this kind of football. Even when we were winning, there were very few times it was pretty.
  23. I really thought Phillips was the guy we could hold on to, buy after tonight I'm afraid I was wrong. Meager is a huge dissapointment. I heard that Wilson has had trouble learing the offense, but I don't see how that is possible. Everyone in the stands had it figured out and we don't even get to practice. Let's hope for some young QB stud in this years recruits.
  24. Where were the students? That side looked woefully empty.
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