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Everything posted by meangreenfreak

  1. It was great air time. They didn't downplay any aspect of the game. They gave us lots of props. It's fun to be in the limelight.
  2. I'll be tuned in. Make us proud!
  3. Nice plug for the Alum doing flashes.
  4. Your right, very random. However, I might need a little jazz to calm me down tonight.
  5. You might be right. Tonight proves that we have an athletic program not just a FB program.
  6. 163k is almost our entire BB buget!
  7. If JJ and Boys can keep it up, this board is going to get VERY busy. The Mavs just won their 16th straight game and the talk of the town is the MEAN GREEN! This is a great night. Reminds me of the night we beat Cincy in the NOB a few years ago.
  8. After a serious party, JJ should have these guys practicing 100 free throws a day each. That could have really hurt us.
  9. Watching ESPN NEWS, the highlight guy just reffered to us as the GREEN WAVE. Not surprising from a guy who can't say NORTH.
  10. I love seeing the Mean Green hair on TV. Green is such a great color!
  11. I am always proud to be Mean Green, but tonight is one of those times that just make you feel EXTRA proud to be Mean and Green! WAY TO GO MEAN GREEN!
  12. Unfortunatly, we don't seem to respond ti things very fast. Even during football season, I don't usually get the invitation to the Ben E. Keith pavillion until the Monday ofter the football game has occured. It takes an act of congress to get anything done int he marketing and promotions department.
  13. I am pretty sure that it will be in HD. Basketball in HD is awesome. It's almost like you are there!
  14. Was it 1995-1996?
  15. Was KD's stomach flu for real or was it the Alcohol induced stomach flu from the celebration of the win in the quarterfinals? The way the DRC article read today, it sounded as if the flu was the result of the celebration after winning on Sunday.
  16. We have to beat Arky St. before we can go dancing. Let's not start looking past the game tonight.
  17. This schedule just plain sucks. In the first 5 weeks of the season, we get 1 home game. Season ticket holders really got the shaft on this one. 5 home games on a 12 game schedule, one of which is on a busy (travel) holiday weekend. 1 of the 5 home games is against a D1-AA team. I know they will be in the confrence in 2009, but I feel very let down. TD wants this to be the metroplex's team, but I don't see a whole lot here that will get people excited about buying a ticket. Playing teams like Florida Atlantic and Florida International feeds the fire of those who think the Sun Belt is a joke. Most people around here have never heard of those schools. Many people (Not familiar with the Sun Belt or from Florida) equate FAU and FIU to the University of Pheonix. It's going to be hard to get new fans to the games when our home schedule is so pathetic.
  18. It's Dickenson. Check the UNT website if you don't belive.
  19. I believe he did. Amazing how things change.
  20. Police said the bottle was sent to the Miami-Dade County crime lab. So.... Horatio Cain is going to get to bust Michael Vick. - Interesting...
  21. The black makes your players look small. It's also very hot in warm weather.
  22. I hope they both get a chance to read this. They need to know how much we appreciate them. I also hope they know that GMG is not just a place that is critical of everything they do. I hope they realize the GMG is their biggest fans as well.
  23. Maybe the DRC can run a front page picture of him in a Mean Green uniform and start all sort of speculation.
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