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About meangreenfreak

  • Birthday 10/15/1972

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    Denton, TX - Home Sweet Home
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    UNT, Dallas Cowboys, F1

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  1. Really sounds like something from House of Cards.
  2. Is this even a Bowl? 41 other games are called Bowl, this one is a football classic. Hard to be a classic when it’s never happened before. Sorry for the negativity. Happy to have another game but this just feels cheap. Does anyone know what the payout is? Without a sponsor, I bet it’s not much.
  3. So we only have 1 game that is on broadcast tv? The rest of the games are on an app. Not sure if you guys have seen the numbers for ESPN + or ESPN 3 viewership but they are terrible. I’m sure Stadium has even worse viewership.
  4. I think it is embarrassing. We are a program looking to build its reputation and standing among other schools and conferences. This is what we roll out? "oh look.....its Lucky the Albino Squirrel.... Every f'ing campus in the nation has squirrels. We are the only ones paying for a costume and promoting it as a tradition. As if we had any control over the albino squirrel population..... Traditions usually have some human interaction passed down from generation to generation. The squirrel is a rodent that just happens to live on your campus. pathetic
  5. This is the worst case scenario in my opinion. I was in the ABQ this past week. Trust me....there is nothing to do there. Playing on the 15th also means that Rico Bussey probably won’t be healed enough to play. Why cant we seem to get a bowl that’s not on opening day of bowl season? They should call this the “Who Cares Bowl.”
  6. Yeah baby. As it should be.
  7. These are the days that separate the dedicated from the delicate. Go Mean Green.
  8. Yes please! I have been looking for UNT kicks forever.
  9. The last 1:07 was the most important part of the game. If anyone left early, they missed one of the finest moments in Mean Green history. In 27 years of following the Mean Green, I’ve never left a game early. Tonight it paid off. I got to witness pure Mean Green magic.
  10. Woo Hoo! DeSoto High School class of 1991. Of course, in 1991 our only state champions were the marching band. My how things have changed.
  11. UNT uses the Wildwood Inn for dignitaries and special guests. I bet he is staying in the Wildwood until he closes on a house.
  12. I hope you're right. I really think Meachum is the right hire. I can't take anymore of the run first offense. We need someone who can convince Texas kids to come to Denton. We also need someone who can produce a draftable prospect at North Texas. Not having a player drafted in over 10 years really hurts us in recruiting. Good HS players want to go where they can get noticed by NFL scouts.
  13. Anyone get the official attendance number for tonight's game?
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