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Everything posted by NCMeanGreen

  1. Not.Gonna.Happen.Cap'n.
  2. Timing issue. I meant 'Yeah...right..." to him going to Baylor.
  3. http://www.eurobasket.com/team.asp?Cntry=aut&Team=1121 Calvin Watson playing in same league as well: http://www.eurobasket.com/team.asp?Cntry=AUT&Team=1120
  4. I do not understand the point to this post...what does this have to do with TD being at NT and the current situation?????
  5. Mine is 10,500
  6. Kind of reminds me of that song..."the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades" Well, it's either the "future" or the rays of sunshine coming out of some of ya'll's arses! I think it is extremely fair and valid to question this team in certain areas. First of all, who would question anyone who shows interest and/or concern for this program??? Those that do show concern...is it totally without merit??? This team should have more than 1 win, plain and simple. As I have been known to say, "It is not black, it is not white, it is not gray...it is Green"
  7. THANK GOD FOR NT BASKETBALL!!! Are we now a basketball only school, or what??? Ok...that might be a little extreme, but atleast there was a bright spot for the school this week!
  8. ...because there should be. I do not disagree that the O played a conservative game, for the most part, with a few questionable calls. For instance, why not go for it on 4th and 5???? However...THAT WAS PATHETIC!!! GROW SOME BALLS DEFENSE!!! To let them march down like that...PATHETIC!!! Also, what is with that D scheme? Was THAT the "prevent" D??? If so, the ONLY thing they prevented was a win! Why not try some aggression for a change? Next time, Mendoza, why even bother risking player injury...just take them off the field and let the opposing O march it right down. That would be more efficient...and definitely JUST as effective. Try that instead...
  9. Please spare me. ASU sucks just as bad as UNT. Our O was too conservative, and the D gave ASU one too many long drives. I am not really sure what happened with our O before that missed FG. Why such conservative play-call? Why not just go for it on 4th down...we would have only been up by 6 anyway!?!?!?
  10. Are there any NT basketball games on TV (I live on the East Coast and have DirecTV) this season? Anyone know???
  11. Yes, the O-Line played a phenomenal game. Did any D-Line players play???? P.S. Sorry, cheap shot...but I had to throw that in there...
  12. I flew up from Raleigh to watch the Navy and Cameron games (awesome experiences, by the way), and was amazed at some of the changes at the NT campus. My best friend came to both games with me, and when we left the Super Pit he asked me which way should we walk to get back to his truck. Honestly, I had no idea...I was lost! Granted, it was extremely dark out, but the campus just looked SO different to me. Anyway, I went by and walked around both the campus and the Athletic Village. Reall some phenomenal changes have taken place in the past several years. I enjoyed the Hall of Fame at the Athletic Village; the permanent posters afixed to the walls of Hayden Fry, Patrick Cobbs, Abner Haynes, et al was really neat. Yes, we do have much to be thankful for and should not take any of it for granted...
  13. MASN will also be picking up the game...for DirecTV subscribers that get that Channel.
  14. I'm in as well...plus 2
  15. I will be there...I cannot wait for this game! Actually, I have seats in section GA1, Row 1, Seats 1 and 2. Where is that in the Super Pit???
  16. Yeah, I mean the NT-ASU game will be on TV. What's the deal??? Oh well, at least I will get to enjoy it in person!
  17. NOPE!!!
  18. Are you black...or white? I ask because this may show some pertinence and help qualify your statement. A lot of times, white people may not notice racism from another white person. However, those of us that are a minority have a greater opportunity to translate tendencies into racial bias. A look here...small aphorism there...doesn't matter. The point is, these young men found reason enough to accuse their head football coach of being racially bias. Thus, and unfortunately, these accusations must be investigated appropriately and justly.
  19. Well, at a time like this your glass can either be half-empty or half-full...a toast to you and your half-full glass!
  20. Astonishing! What the heck happened to them????
  21. Congrats on a good season, Troy...
  22. Sanetra was delaing with off-court issues, that may keep her away for a good part of the season...
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