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Everything posted by NCMeanGreen

  1. Common practice here in NC...we have Clemson, USC, VT, etc. Funny thing is, I have yet to see any Duke tags. Most Duke fans (other than current students) are out of state...there is not a very big faction here in the state. There is always a debate on the radio as far as who has more in-state fans, Duke or NCSU. No question...there are a HELL of a lot more NCSU fans in the state of NC. Kind of like UNT being the red-headed step-child, no!??
  2. Did we not have this same very discussion last year? Did the Athletic Department not read the board then??? Point is, this was a hot topic last year and it appears not much was done about it. Par for the course here at good 'ol NT!!!
  3. If I recall from prior seasons, that LSU schedule typically displays most (if not all) of the scheduled games...marked as TBA. However, as the TV games do get confirmed they will update that TV schedule. I am hopeful for one or two NT games on TV this year... On a side note, I will be flying down for the ASU game this year, and I am REALLY hoping that game has Conference implications! (Either that, or we have already wrapped up the Championship would be nice)
  4. http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/ Has he really ever played for us anyway? Seems we have other pretty decent DB's to play...I do not see how this hurts us, other than it does seem like a lot of players have left this program since Dodge has arrived. May be nothing (normal), though...
  5. Beautimus! Question, though: Will there be that much separation between the Athletic Center and the end zone. I am thinking of Byrd Stadium and Carter Finley where there is really not much seperation there.
  6. OK...maybe I am naive as hell...but why would the student body NOT want a new stadium, even if it meant a new fee increase!!??!! We need that new stadium in order to be competitive, and surpass other schools. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SCHOOL PRIDE!!?!?!? Also, this is T E X A S for crying out loud...doesn't EVERYONE LOVE FOOTBALL!!! Do what is right for your school...U...N...T...EAGLES, U.N.T. EAGLES FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
  7. This news will give some player(s) the opportunity to fill in a huge void left and become a team hero! It can happen, I've seen it on TV...or in a movie... Reality is, this was a big, big loss...
  8. Sounded great...but definintely was not the NT Fight Song.
  9. Insignificant off-season in a number of seasons: 1. While we have our first committment...it is (yes, don't be shocked) another WR 2. No real stadium news (although the rumors are pretty much MY reality, so leave them alone!!! ) 3. Predictions of a 3-4 win 2008 season: Now THERE is something to get cheery about!!! 4. No Helmet Talk 5. No "Black Jersey Conspiracy" Talk 6. No Logo Talk 7. No Scrappy vs. Eppy vs. Albino Squirrel Talk 8. There has been no QB bashing (isn't DM around for another season???) 9. I guess everyone is now ok with Fouts??!!? 10. What happened to the Tomato? Come on people...lets spice this b*tch up!!!
  10. You, sir, are a smart ass! (Actually, I am just jealous because I wanted to post the same thing...) EDIT: BTW...do we need another WR??? Is that the only position we can recruit??? Enough already, we need some DE, DL, OL, etc. players!
  11. Can you order on line...anyone know???
  12. That's ridiculous! No, it is Black Jerseys in '08!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Oh, well Wil said it, so, there you go...
  14. Seriously, was he drunk when he did this??!?!??
  15. Yes, sad, makes me want to cry really.
  16. Well, if history were any indication, it has been proven that the university has taken the route of leveling then raising. Masters Hall, for instance...
  17. ...and this has anything to do with UNT football because...?????
  18. Did they actually review the offense??? The article stated they did...but I did not see the article?!??
  19. I wear my NT gear almost every day. I am DAMN PROUD of MY University!!! Even in a sea of UNC, Duke, NC State, et al, in this area me and my children wear out NT shirts, hats, and a whole bunch of other gear with pride. Everytime I am near campus (as I was last week to see the first scrimmage) I buy another big bag of stuff for me and the family. I LOVE my school and show real, strong pride for it...if that is a crime, well, then I say lock me up and throw away the key!!!
  20. You know...when I first read this I, too, had an emotional reaction. In fact, I WAS a bit offended! I certainly did not think of the "value proposition" when I decided to attend UNT. I thought UNT was the best choice for me due to the programs it had to offer and it's reputation for such programs. So, we are the "ValuJet" of college choices?????? Yeah, no wonder we never seem to progress all that much when we have so much potential. Frustrating...
  21. Well, then, have you thought that maybe he is NOT "too talented an athlete"???
  22. Yes, my thoughts as well...
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