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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2024 in all areas

  1. Can we vote to delete this post, its mere existence is embarrassing
    14 points
  2. players make this decision then they should have scholarship yanked at end of semester and they are no longer allowed to utilize school athletic facilities. NIL created a bunch of entitled/selfish players, ruins fan experience and team
    13 points
  3. Per Pet Thamel of ESPN, Sluka said that a UNLV assistant coach made a verbal agreement promising he'd get a minimum of $100,000 in NIL money if he transferred there and all he's been given a $3,000 moving stipend. After he tried to get them to honor the agreement they countered by only offering him $12,000. If that's true I can't blame him for leaving while he could still redshirt. Though it is yet another thing that is screwing over fans of college football. It seems weird to me that anyone -- athlete or collective -- would do a deal verbally, but this is just a $100,000 deal. Neither side is playing in the big leagues here. While people are asking what school is going to trust him, I think a question just as pertinent is what athletes will trust UNLV? If you can't uphold that deal for a quarterback you're not worth talking to in the NIL era.
    11 points
  4. Your friendly neighborhood lawyer here: At least in Texas, oral agreements are generally enforceable, so long as there is a clear offer, acceptance, and meeting of the minds. All three of those things have been highly litigated over decades, but the basis of an agreement is certain possible as an oral contract.
    9 points
  5. So west coast pod cast team today said one reason that the AAC 4 didn't move to PAC, besides travel expenses, is the PAC only offered to pay about $5 million of their exit fees. Evidently WSU and OSU were at the bottom of the PAC 12 tv viewer list which is why they were left behind. The PAC 6's media consultants told the PAC that Memphis viewership was less than WSU and OSU and about the same as Utah State. Therefore the PAC 6 decided the AAC 4 wasn't worth more buyout money. In addition the AAC 4's consultants said that the $10 to $ 15million per team media payout was bogus, and that their recent additions just created another MWC worth about the same as the one that's falling apart, which is in the $4 to $7 million range. The bottom line is that all the new PAC has is its name, but with the new teams it has little if any value. The fact that it is reported that the new PAC has reached out to U Conn for football only is a sign of desperate tomes.None of this is my personal opinion, just passing it along.
    8 points
  6. That first post has 30 reactions, 28 of which are negative. I think it's fair to say the majority of us active fans on this board do not agree with the suggestion.
    8 points
  7. A new member who's getting a half-share really suggested booting an OG member out. Laughable. Temple played in the 1st ever AAC Chanpionship game. They got manhandled of course but still made history.
    7 points
  8. No G5 conference is in a position to be getting rid of any members. None.
    6 points
  9. Not a fan of how NIL has morphed, but wouldn't this need to work both ways? If there was an agreement (contract?) made by the school or NIL partner then they also need to uphold their side of the agreement? I suspect if the other side lived up to whatever commitments were made, this wouldn't be a story.
    6 points
  10. What about UNLV lying about what the offered him in NIL. What about that? You are missing the point of my post entirely sir!
    6 points
  11. i just saw this story, this is nuts... who in their right mind would offer this kid a scholarship now? He quit on his team after an undefeated start???
    6 points
  12. I live in Florida and one of the penalties I pay for that is I have to catch the football broadcast on Varsity network. The past game I was subjected to hearing Wyoming broadcast team and to pit it bluntly, it was painful. We are extremely fortunate to have the UNT broadcasters we have.
    6 points
  13. I think we need to start winning some more before we start trying to get other teams tossed from the conference. We aren’t exactly in the safest of positions ourselves lol
    6 points
  14. Why should he give up his final year of eligibility to a school that made a false promise of NIL money? It's not like he can go back and get paid that money after the season. If they didn't care to make it right now they would be laughing at him if he asked for it later.
    5 points
  15. If only this highly predictable result of NIL could have been predicted... Hopefully this leads to contracts enforcing players to perform and stay multiple seasons and stop this madness
    5 points
  16. UConn to essentially a West Coast conference. That makes perfect sense.
    5 points
  17. Was going the say the same thing. There are probably many who think we should be dropped. We need to take care of our own business...winning, attendance, financial support, etc., before we start talking about removing other schools. We still have a long way to go...GMG!
    5 points
  18. The PA is so loud it drowns out everything. The band can't even be heard. At the Wyoming game the student section tried to get the "North" "Texas" chant started, but the PA killed it. 27,000 fans (okay, maybe 24,000) didn't get to enjoy the full game experience. When are fans have the opportunity to get loud they can get very loud. See "the Stand" against Rice. Or the North Texas chant against UTEP. We need that level of fan engagement at our games, not an overly loud PA.
    4 points
  19. If the coach made the offer, I believe that would be a violation. The athlete should know it was a violation. It seems there are no clean hands on either side.
    4 points
  20. This whole saga has been bizarre, it's why you don't air your dirty laundry in front of the whole country. Now the PAC looks incompetence, greedy, arrogant, stupid, and any other adjective. With them suing the MWC about a deal they signed not even a year ago they are losing any goodwill people had for their teams. Their entire organization looks awful top to bottom, and should frankly be a warning to anyone wanting to be part of that conference.
    4 points
  21. We shouldn’t be afraid of competition. I do feel weird rooting against the troops, but I root for them the other 364 days of the year.
    4 points
  22. Whether UTSA was invited or not the one thing for certain is they won the PR battle hands down and has been able to elevate the perception (warranted or not) of its football program, its athletic department and school across the sporting world. They are running circles around UNT leadership who seem to just be sitting on their thumbs. SMH.
    4 points
  23. Sorry, but the service academies are great to have in our conference, but I would guesstimate that the average rank of each of the teams over the past ten years is 60 or higher. They aren't world beaters, they recruit a different type of ball player than we do, etc. I see them as great members of the conference, but dominance? That might be a little hyperbolic.
    4 points
  24. Speaking of basketball, I saw a Tulane fan account on twitter say the AAC is a terrible basketball conference. The arrogance of these "top" schools is wild to see. Buddy, maybe it would be better if y'all could manage more than 5 wins in conference play.
    4 points
  25. It's a good feeling, but it's against a winless team and after the Tech curb stomping I'm not ready to drink the kool-aid. Let's see how next week goes then I'll take a sip.
    4 points
  26. Opened the app at the right time apparently...
    3 points
  27. We are blessed to have a fan and Ex like Joe Green supporting UNT (78).
    3 points
  28. Sounds like the American is not such a bad conference after all and that it should get better. We just need to raise more money and WIN GAMES! I don’t suspect many of us will be suiting up so raising money is our contribution, pun intended!
    3 points
  29. Doubt that happens as well too, there seems to be a lot of bad blood now. Also whomever stays in the MWC has incentive to do so to collect some big checks from departing schools.
    3 points
  30. Nothing says Pacific Ocean/Time Zone like Connecticut. Harkens back to all the Elvis, Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello movies.
    3 points
  31. Just wow! Thanks @golfingomez for finding that article from On3. It has an actual human, the kid's father, speaking on the record. The post from CarlReedJr just names "sources" which could be the staff at UNLV will to lie without being named for damage control. I put a lot more credence in people on the record than unnamed "sources." It appears UNLV offered him $100,000 in NIL to transfer to UNLY from Holy Cross. They gave him $3000 for moving expenses. UNLV has not given him any other money since then. He's living in Las Vegas and UNLV is NOT covering any living expenses. According the the father, the kid has NOT asked for any more money but does want what was promised. He has is represented for NIL purposes which does NOT change his eligibility. Again, an actual human, not "sources," say the kid has not been paid beyond the $3k in moving expenses. The fact the kid has NIL representation makes me think - I don't know - that it's likely there is something in writing. If I'm getting $100k, yes, I can pay my own living expenses. But if I'm promised that and it's been weeks without payment and no firm date for delivery of that, I'd be stop working! I'd be shocked if any of you would keep working for free also. I suspect, sources at UNLV will try their best to muddy the waters and make it appear the kid is some how doing something wrong. But if he can keep having people talk on the record supporting his story, he'll be fine. I hope he gets the three game checks he's still owed and UNLV sports gets another black eye in bad publicity.
    3 points
  32. So redshirting is the code name for quitting in this situation? I obviously don’t know how this stuff works, but isn’t it the teams decision as to who they choose to redshirt?
    3 points
  33. I am thinking if we do really well this year we will go 14 - 0
    3 points
  34. I can bet before any sort of overhaul of the NIL system takes place, this loophole will be closed. More than likely, the NCAA will restrict how and when a player can "take" a redshirt year. That being said, if the UNLV NIL Collectives really did fleece the kid, then this whole story is on their incompetence. What else do you want to bet that they couldn't find enough donors to fulfill the promises they were handing out?
    3 points
  35. If it’s true that after two big wins he wanted more money this kid is shameful. However coaches are scumbags and promise anything and everything and players are committing because of it. It has lead to so so so many players getting screwed. I’ll be vague but I know this for fact, one school got a huge NIL commitment from a company, promised high profile transfers the world then they’re two weeks in to fall camp and the NIL deal is so new the funds aren’t there yet, no one has been paid and even worse coaches lied to certain transfers and did not put them on scholarship leaving them to pay for classes on their own out of NIL $ they don’t have so they could use those spots on signing 5-10 extra freshman. This has become a dirty, dirty game from both sides. Everything outside of the games days themselves sucks now.
    3 points
  36. Recruit kids that want to be at your school. Let the NIL money be the cherry on top.
    3 points
  37. is he now ineligible since he now has an agent? NCAA and the P4's have completely FUBAR'ed College Football.
    3 points
  38. I don't think either side wants anything in writing at this point..... It's the wild west right now
    3 points
  39. We are the “American” Athletic Conference. What’s more American than having all 3 service academies?
    3 points
  40. They bring fans to the stands and eyes to the TV.
    3 points
  41. but there is no state in north texas anymore....wouldn't be accepted to that conference.
    3 points
  42. Denton Co. is still in operation and owned by Dave Barnett's son. They are located at on Carroll between Sunset and University in a new location.
    2 points
  43. Plus the annual Army/Navy game is now a conference game.
    2 points
  44. 2nd best of all possible outcomes. Best would have been UTSA going to the PAC by themselves, we wish them well and replace with Tx St.
    2 points
  45. If so, that’s a much better optic. Obviously we don’t know who talked to who about what. But the national perception was that UTSA was a candidate and we were not. And that’s a pathetic indictment of our athletic program. That’s why I reacted strongly to our “commitment” post. Saying we were committed to the conference without any (perception of) another option would be silly.
    2 points

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