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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2024 in all areas

  1. Class act all the way. Years ago I was on a business trip in San Jose. Nevada team came through and I saw him, said hello and we talked for several minutes. He went out of his way to say hello, ask my name, etc. I told him, everybody at North Texas knows who you are and remembers what you did for us. Good times.
    11 points
  2. Classy move of Johnny to allow our Bleed Green squad to practice at his TSU facilities prior to the game tonight in Houston. Should be a fun game tonight. Go Bleed Green!
    10 points
  3. What do you mean forced? Also Reece finished his season yesterday. He's on the way. The whole airplane Microsoft thing mucked it up. He's coming from Venezuela
    8 points
  4. Quality individual. Not many better. I will always be a fan of his.
    4 points
  5. Always good things. Oh, are we still talking football???
    4 points
  6. Damn, I thought you were gonna say he agreed to a game in Denton this year!
    4 points
  7. No idea. Could seem that way. Biden is pretty bull headed. He debated Trump with every advisor in his corner telling him not to (you know, the dementia and all). So he very well might roll with his candidacy. But if he's pressured out and someone is nominated in, that will go against all things democratic in this country. But the brainwashed will STILL scream from the rooftops that Trump and the repubs are destroying democracy. It's liberally insanity. All my adult life I've offered a table to listen to the looney from my left friends. I think I'll exile them moving forward. Not sure why to stay buddies with this level of willful ignorance. But...we're the one's in a cult.
    3 points
  8. I doubt Biden even has Covid. Just a convenient medical issue that has popped up at an opportune time.
    3 points
  9. Light the tower Bleed Green wins 78-63.
    3 points
  10. Chandler Morris just had a pedestrian game against UTSA. Only 879 yards and 11 TD’s
    3 points
  11. I'm not sure 8 wins in and of itself convinces me he is a better hire, considering the outcome of last season. If he can accomplish what eluded Seth--a conference championship or a bowl win against a decent opponent--then I'll have to acknowledge he is an improvement.
    2 points
  12. So far I'm not convinced we improved our coaching staff replacing Seth with Morris. To be honest 6/7 wins for Morris is a MUST. To make me believe he is a better hire got to Hit the unimaginable regular season total of 8. And those who say Seth couldn't do it either this year....I guess we will never know will we......as he sits up in Norman as the OC of the Sooners counting all that greenback we paid to get rid of him...
    2 points
  13. University alumnus Eric Gay has been awarded the 2024 Pulitzer Prize in Feature Photography for his work documenting the journey of migrants from Columbia to the United States. Gay is one of eight photographers at the Associated Press who shot the collection of photos in Central America and at the U.S.–Mexico borders, in both Texas and California, who won the Pulitzer. Gay contributed two photos depicting migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico into Texas. In one image, a mother helps her young child crawl underneath a concertina wire, a type of barbed wire fence, that runs along the Rio Grande river at the border in Eagle Pass, Texas. https://www.ntdaily.com/news/university-alum-awarded-pulitzer-prize-for-photojournalism-efforts-at-border/article_69bc2a50-43c6-11ef-8b98-5b0404362b0c.html
    2 points
  14. Guy literally called my daughter is a whore because I disagree with women's rights policy from repubs. Party of unity my friends. I'm out. I am just disgusted at this one. thot noun DEROGATORY•INFORMAL a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships
    2 points
  15. Can't answer eh? Just admit which party is the real clown show (edit: 3rd deflection. Do we want to debate or just post memes?)
    2 points
  16. None of the schools mentioned, including Memphis and USF, increase the media rights value of any major conference in the nation. While large markets like Temple in Philadelphia may sound good they don't matter if they have no fan base.In addition no one really wants private schools with 4 to 8,000 undergraduates regardless of location .
    2 points
  17. Obviously Chandler had both a cold and jetlag.
    2 points
  18. Yeah . . . no. Seth Littrell was fired for only hitting 6 and 7 wins his last two seasons. Expectations with the new hire were clearly that those win totals would be improved upon. Coach Morris might be able to keep his job one more year with a 6-win season, but his seat will be flaming hot next year. 6 wins is hardly "the step needed."
    2 points
  19. Abner Haynes played football here when the playing part was the easy part. The abuse he had to deal with, likely every day, must have made him wonder why he chose to come here in the first place. Abner Haynes and his teammate Leon King blocked so that others could run. They carried the ball so that the ball later generations carried was lighter. And thank you to the University of North Texas (NTSC, NTSU) for offering these opportunities some 10 years before those opportunities became fashionable. My Dad took me to see my first football game. I’ll never forget him saying we were going to see “Little Abner.” There should be a statue to Abner Haynes next to Joe Greene’s. I’m just sorry Abner wont see it.
    2 points
  20. Loss of a NT legend, but more importantly a national legend. Jerry Levius, who was recruited to SMU by Hayden Fry in 1966 was the much ballyhooed first black player to sign in the SWC. Despite that Haynes and King played for NT, ten years earlier. A historical athlete, who also had a great college and pro career. I have had the pleasure of talking to him several times at NT functions and he was a great supporter of the Green.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. I have been debating purchasing season tickets because of my expected schedule this fall. I went to the official website, logged in, click on football season tickets and get a screen that says "No Events Currently on Sale". So, I went to the scrolling banner that says Season Tickets Available Now, and ended up again with a screen that says "No Events Currently on Sale". And they wonder why they aren't selling any.
    1 point
  23. 64-6 after 3 quarters and you still didn’t call off the dogs.
    1 point
  24. Right there with you.
    1 point
  25. Great photos but does this puzzle some like it does me?
    1 point
  26. He looked like an idiot, but many people have plastic surgery. I think he is more concerned with folks like this. or
    1 point
  27. Tried the same thing on Wednesday. Went to purchase and received the error. Went to a different browser, same result. Went back to focusing work and forgot about it until sale was over. They had me with HUB club offer and discount. Lost me when the errors popped up.
    1 point
  28. Forced was bad wording. Not sure what I was meaning. I follow it, and cheer them fellas on. Kai got something set up for autographs?
    1 point
  29. Well, let's compare Trump's VP selection to that of Biden's. Is anything mentioned in this video inaccurate, and if so, what exactly? Is she really this putrid of a human? I hope it's not all accurate. Please enlighten us where Mr Shapiro is wrong.
    1 point
  30. Nice run by LA , Green up 39-38 at halftime.
    1 point
  31. Lighten Up Francis.
    1 point
  32. Triggered again.
    1 point
  33. I think all of us should set a nice December drinking date. Beers. Football. And whatever the hell happens on this cursed election year. Just people being people.
    1 point
  34. I don't think that's accurate. We'll find out for sure in November.
    1 point
  35. Hell, watch out for all those thousand of new IRS "agents".
    1 point
  36. Playing that Left card. You are good to go until someone posts something you don't agree with. Keep reading Axios, DailyKos and watching msnbc. So predictable. Oh, and it wasn't a joke. I thought the Left support story time with drag queens. I never said they were pedophiles. You ran with it in that direction and the blame me. Stop projecting and take my words as written, because your shitty debate tactic is putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.
    1 point
  37. That is hilarious. Far from backed into a corner. Better refuel so you can keep gaslighting. Truth must be hurting you.
    1 point
  38. Still waiting on Adam Schiff to produce the mountains of evidence showing Trump colluded with Russia. Any day now. Still waiting on evidence that Hunter's laptop was just made up. Oh wait, that's been proven true and also uncovered that the media kept it quiet to influence an election. Oh my, wasn't Trump indicted for that exact same thing?
    1 point
  39. He said "two wrongs don't make a right" about a ten year old that sought out an abortion in his state after she was raped. That's a start. Any thoughts on his reversal with trump?
    1 point
  40. Not sure what the point of the first sentence is. I remember Obama being lauded as the up and coming face of the Democratic Party. While there was mention of his lack of experience, it wasn't too the degree that some have heaped on Vance as the VP candidate. To top it off, Harris, as noted in another post, was so unpopular in her own party that she was the first one out of the primaries, yet people loved it when Biden picked her. A review of Biden's appointments show a clear lack of achievement and experience in the areas with which they were appointed, but reveal a pattern of making sure that matched DEI requirements.
    1 point
  41. I love the part where if someone disagrees with trumps pick they are pedo. That does not sound like the unity party
    1 point
  42. I think the only one that needs psychiatric help is yourself.
    1 point
  43. Oh that's crazy, because that's exactly how I described it: q nutter fringe shit. Unless you're someone like me that pays attention to that kind of stuff as an observer, you probably haven't heard much about it.
    1 point
  44. Would you like to comment on Vance's own words and texts and tweets, or is it just plug your ears because you don't like the source?
    1 point
  45. Excited about this tourney!
    1 point

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