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  1. Classy move of Johnny to allow our Bleed Green squad to practice at his TSU facilities prior to the game tonight in Houston. Should be a fun game tonight. Go Bleed Green!
    9 points
  2. I met Abner at the Color Barrier Breaker Breakfast some 10 years ago. I saw him again at the dedication of the Unity Plaza. He truly was a man amongst men. Every black athlete at North Texas should know his story and those of the men who helped him get through it! As a former player, I will always owe him a debt of gratitude for what he did! At let us not forget... Abner and Leon are the TRUE color barrier breakers in Texas (not what the school down south wants you to believe). RIP! GMG Forever!
    7 points
  3. Abner Haynes played football here when the playing part was the easy part. The abuse he had to deal with, likely every day, must have made him wonder why he chose to come here in the first place. Abner Haynes and his teammate Leon King blocked so that others could run. They carried the ball so that the ball later generations carried was lighter. And thank you to the University of North Texas (NTSC, NTSU) for offering these opportunities some 10 years before those opportunities became fashionable. My Dad took me to see my first football game. I’ll never forget him saying we were going to see “Little Abner.” There should be a statue to Abner Haynes next to Joe Greene’s. I’m just sorry Abner wont see it.
    7 points
  4. That would be a nice touch.
    6 points
  5. This is sad news. Abner was a legend, but he was also really nice person, despite all he endured. I'm grateful to have met him I hope the team wears a 28 patch and honor him this season.
    6 points
  6. IMO, this part of our history should be glorified as much as UTEP honors and glorifies their 1966 MBB National Title. Maybe one day someone will document this team in film/cinema, profiling as many people as possible who were a part of the story.
    5 points
  7. Loss of a NT legend, but more importantly a national legend. Jerry Levius, who was recruited to SMU by Hayden Fry in 1966 was the much ballyhooed first black player to sign in the SWC. Despite that Haynes and King played for NT, ten years earlier. A historical athlete, who also had a great college and pro career. I have had the pleasure of talking to him several times at NT functions and he was a great supporter of the Green.
    5 points
  8. We're getting closer... today the home/away opponents were announced for conference season. Tidbits: Home-and-home with Rice and UTSA! Not sure how the pattern works with 13 teams now, but this should be the case every year with these two schools. Last season we only played BOTH teams once. Home-and-home with Wichita State as well! I went up to Wichita last year and despite it being over Winter Break, was still a great atmosphere. If the game in Denton is closer to spring and on a weekend, the AD should pump this game up to be our annual push for a 6-8,000 attendance event. Wichita will definitely bring some fans. Don't know if it was intentional or not, but 2 games as well against UAB and FAU. Despite the intensity of the last five meetings, who knows if the fire will still be there against a whole new team and staff at FAU. But good for the conference to keep pushing the rivalry against UAB. Only one game again against nearby Tulsa and Memphis. This season the locations are swapped. Meaning a trip to FedEx Forum. Thank goodness we're not going to Charlotte this season.
    4 points
  9. I have been debating purchasing season tickets because of my expected schedule this fall. I went to the official website, logged in, click on football season tickets and get a screen that says "No Events Currently on Sale". So, I went to the scrolling banner that says Season Tickets Available Now, and ended up again with a screen that says "No Events Currently on Sale". And they wonder why they aren't selling any.
    3 points
  10. Chandler Morris just had a pedestrian game against UTSA. Only 879 yards and 11 TD’s
    3 points
  11. You are invited to call me out. All personal attacks... just go. I will survive. But it seems to me there are individuals unwilling to debate beyond their predisposition. Just answer the one question: do you choose to put an adulterous rapist in the Whitehouse? Bonus points: how do I explain to my daughter why he should have control over her choices?
    3 points
  12. It's a direct quote from trump. Bury your head in the sand, but this is who you are signing up for. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/trump-says-he-won-t-be-a-dictator-other-than-day-one-199592005930 And if you think it stops there, it won't. That's just coping with the results internally You vote for him, you deserve him
    3 points
  13. Dallas texans... this so predates me but what cool collectible. I suppose he retired a Chief? RIP to a UNT legend
    3 points
  14. Their leader makes them think that's just how you do things when it comes to politics. No actual debate, no actual facts or fact-checking, just deflection and bully tactics. I mean look who he surrounds himself with at the convention no less - the biggest sycophants. If they had an ounce of integrity they'd kick people like MTG out of the party, but instead they fundraise on her mental disability and let her be the kingmaker. It's so funny to watch all of their politicians just get constantly cuckold because they're too afraid of going against him. Just look at what happens to the Republicans who dare speak up, they're immediately ostracized and primaried.
    3 points
  15. I've been doing some review of the AD's annual financial statements. For the 2023 report expenses for AD Support Staff were $8,432,941 (just below the $9,223,837 in coach salaries) with any additional $4,083,277 for "Admin Overhead" for a total of $12,516,218. So a little one $1M a month in direct and indirect expenses for the AD and staff. Are we getting our money's worth?
    2 points
  16. RIP to a legend. There's a great book called The Game Changers which documented his time at North Texas.
    2 points
  17. Maybe pick up the phone? They answer every time I call.
    2 points
  18. He played the best part of his career for the Chiefs/Texans. He is in the Chiefs Ring of Honor. He finished his career for the Dolphins and the Broncos. I believe his entire career was AFL.
    2 points
  19. So, you support an adulterous rapist for president? Yes or no. Since you won't read I will dumb it down for you. Both things verbally confirmed by him btw. Show us the kind of man you are. If this is who you are, I don't hate you. But that's a very odd choice of person to be
    2 points
  20. Kudos to you and the service your provide. I just work in finance, the worst I've been threatened with is federal prison for failing an FDA audit. Which I intend to not fail at.
    2 points
  21. I mean, I'm not to go into specifics because I don't think the USSS want tactics out there, but a president came through my area, and my jurisdiction was the largest local agency, so we brought in other local agencies, and coordinated with the USSS. I'm pretty sure I was painted by snipers during the visit. They don't play around. LOL.
    2 points
  22. He could tell you but then he'd have to Hillary you so that you couldn't talk.
    2 points
  23. Sad day. We never game him the appreciation he deserved. Mean Joe got all the attention.
    2 points
  24. I'm pretty fascinated by @Rudy's Washington insider contacts...
    2 points
  25. This is just a new version of build the wall mexico will pay for it, but even if you think that those people don't belong here, what an absolutely enormous tanking the economy would immediately endure. You think inflation is bad under Biden (yet lower than so many other western countries in the same time frame), wait until you disappear 15 million people overnight or within a month or even a year. It would make black Tuesday look like a minor blip in history. It's an incredibly stupid stupid idea even if you take out the human or logistical elements of it. Also, I think this sums up trump and his entire cult in a nutshell. https://nypost.com/2024/07/15/us-news/corey-comperatores-widow-refused-biden-call-after-trump-rally-shooting/ That's from 2 days ago, but he's called her since.
    2 points
  26. I'll do you a favor and not even dive into Project 2025 (which he totally knows nothing about...wink) or his vow to become a dictator first day in office, or threatening legal peril to all his opponents. Nope. That would be like handing me a softball. So... (inhales)... Blocking any border policy unless he passes it... because foreigners in a country built by immigrants are bad until they aren't. or are? I dunno, ask his guys, they blocked it. Women's reproductive rights. An adulterer and rapist should not be telling my daughter what her rights are Anyone that isn't on their side is a commie... uh... fascist... uh woke... uh... I don't know. It's been years of slandering people with hate. You pick. Claiming he would have solved the Ukraine war day 1. Without any actual policy? Israel/Hamas... again with no policy? Unless he's sleeping with Putin, it's just more false promises. Afghanistan pull out...that he started. But It's Biden's fault! Complete and utter nonsense regarding an economy he set to fail by handing out stimulus to every individual and corporation without thinking that printing money could lead to inflation. Was it a bad decision? maybe not. But you damn well know it causes inflation. Econ 101 His immaculate golf game (ok, not a policy, but good for a laugh). He gifted himself his own trophy by making up the results Immunity for him by stacking a supreme court. Because cheating on your wife and paying off prostitutes is an official act? Starting an insurrection? Stealing documents? Trying to overthrow an election? Threatening people? That stupid "save act", like people who couldn't register to vote would be able to vote? It's basically table setting to complain about a stolen election before anything even happens Handling of climate change. Yes, let's bury our heads in the sand because it cost money. But...lets also cut the taxes on corporations and millionaires who are driving the change. You WILL be paying more under Trump. That's how economics work. Corporations pay less, you pay more. But he promises you won't! The silly fact is, they don't even have policies. It's just hate, slandering, bickering, and blame throwing. So far, the only *real* policies he's preached during campaigning is not taxes on tips, removing the EV mandate, and deporting immigrants on day 1. And jailing his opponents because he's a big orange baby. What policies of his do you agree with? And, again, this is not even touching the low hanging fruit there. But of nearly every promise he makes, it has absolutely no basis in reality. But as long as he sells bibles and swears he went to church, he's a good guy! We'd be voting in a cheat, a liar, and adulterer, a rapist, a narcissist, a con man, a criminal, a sycophant, a pretender, and a hedonistic man child. That's not who we should be handing America to
    2 points
  27. Is it required you have to insult someone everytime you post, or just compulsory? Anyways, you are a known quantity now. I'd rather have chats with others with more diverse views now. You've just ensured with your last 2 posts this thread will get locked anyway.
    2 points
  28. Today we lost the great Abner Haynes.
    1 point
  29. Does this work for you? https://meangreensports.evenue.net/events/FBFS?utm_medium=email&elq_cid=3388&RSRC=Email&RDAT=1151&ehash=42f47f70abfb82fcdbd41c2ed341d55e15c50d7a83bc58799a351d509a97a95c&aid=16106&pid=northtexas_email_eloqua_eloqua&rid=1151
    1 point
  30. Deserved separate post for women's pairings: 4 of the 6 teams the women's have home-and-home's with are schools the men only play once. But the ladies' home-and-home opponents are more regionalized. Memphis, Rice, Tulane, Tulsa, and Wichita State are played twice. Other big rivals UTSA are met in San Antonio, and UAB comes here.
    1 point
  31. Could you cite where this information was said? This could align with my UNT-to-the-new-Pac-12 conspiracy if the 2-Pac conference wants to save some room for big-market Texas schools (us, UTSA, Rice and either UTEP or Tulsa). Maybe it's to reserve space for Memphis/Tulane but I doubt the 2-Pac would win those schools over the ACC.
    1 point
  32. It was pretty fkin cool. And yeah, there's a funny story in there or two.
    1 point
  33. Kinda feels worth it for a badass story though... right?
    1 point
  34. Is this what you’re seeing?https://meangreensports.evenue.net/events/FBFS says unable to process request every time I try to buy tickets.
    1 point
  35. Details please sir...
    1 point
  36. Loss of a legend! RIP Abner.
    1 point
  37. And she has also said she had no interest, but can you honestly say nothing is off the tables at this point?
    1 point
  38. I'm as Mean Green-biased as they come, but a list that leaves out Princeton, Rice, and Northwestern in favor of UTSA, Arizona State, and Colorado State deserves serious skepticism.
    1 point
  39. Can’t believe I forgot that. Really looking to the tournament.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Did you try bundling an Alexa and firestick with them? Should get you through
    1 point
  42. If these dollar figures are correct.....it's very strange to say the least. Just saw that UT is paying Delware State $110,000 and UAPB $105,000 to come to Austin. Apparently they won't play us even down there.....right? So this is what the P6 gives us all. Crappy home OOC games....because they jack up the market, by overpaying schools like Del. State and UAPB, for guaranteed Ws. Teams that I am guessing.....no one cares to see in Austin, any more than we want to see MVSU in Denton. So instead of interesting intra state OOC game....against us.......they play those guys. And the thing I really don't get. Losing to us.....or SFA....or ACU.....or UTEP....isn't gonna hurt UT. They can go 18-12, 9-9 in league play....and still get into the Dance. We're a school....where we need to almost be perfect (great season or run the table at the tourney)....to make the NCAA tourney.
    1 point
  43. everyone is back except one player. Then we have added Tyree Eady, Shannon Shorter, and Deng. Eady is meen green basketball through and through tough physical guard. Shorter is a very experienced pro and he looks to be in really, really good shape. dj, coach hodge, and jj all talk about deng's heart and is refusal to lose any individual battle. So yeah, not only do we have one more year of experience but our roster is better and deeper.....
    1 point
  44. The fight they have chief. Thank you for posting this. I'm honored to be involved. Yall just wait. We gonna show you.
    1 point
  45. If all were at their college ages, that roster makes it to the NCAA round of 32...at least
    1 point

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