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  1. i played last night too... it was pretty cool... the fight song... spiriki... people flashing the claw in the stands... UNT being on the correct sideline... the defense being paper thin... felt like i was at a real Mean Green game!
    10 points
  2. Played EA NCAA 25 last night. The squad looks good. Defense created some turnovers, but struggled versus Ollie Gordon…Ikaika Ragsdale was explosive and elusive…Chandler Morris was incredibly accurate…Landon Sides was open all game! I think we’re going to have good year. GMG!
    8 points
  3. The fight they have chief. Thank you for posting this. I'm honored to be involved. Yall just wait. We gonna show you.
    8 points
  4. everyone is back except one player. Then we have added Tyree Eady, Shannon Shorter, and Deng. Eady is meen green basketball through and through tough physical guard. Shorter is a very experienced pro and he looks to be in really, really good shape. dj, coach hodge, and jj all talk about deng's heart and is refusal to lose any individual battle. So yeah, not only do we have one more year of experience but our roster is better and deeper.....
    5 points
  5. Doug Burgum didn't wind up being President Trump's choice. Trump's selection for Vice President wound up being JD Vance. I knew very little about Vance other than him being the junior Senator from Ohio and his 2022 election victory over Senator Ryan. Where the hell did this guy suddenly come from? Watch the following video to get insight into his unusual upbringing. It's an inspiring story that became a bestselling book and later a movie. Ron Howard later produced an Oscar nominated film starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams about JD's life. I can see how his humility would be a contrast to the often brash President Trump. Please keep it civil. What are your opinions of the young man?
    4 points
  6. From the little I know, I like him. I do find it funny that the likes of CNN, MSNBC, etc. are claiming he doesn't have the experience yet they didn't have the same concerns when Obama became President or Kamala Harris was selected as Biden's VP when she was so disliked in her own party that she was the first one to drop out of the Dem. primary in 2020. Vance seems like a solid pick.
    3 points
  7. Popular opinion out of UNT Twitter camp is that Landon Sides is lightning fast in the game!
    3 points
  8. Oh. Never thought about that. Maybe something like this: Hey, Denton!! Start caring about our university by coming to DATCU Stadium!! Take out 4-5 hours of your Saturday to come over to the stadium and watch our marching band perform!! They will play live (during a football game that features UNT) and even march on the field!! It only costs $25 to attend!! DATCU sellouts are right around the corner!!
    3 points
  9. L.A. went for height on their roster... 6-7, 6-8, 6-8, 6-9, 6-11, 7-1, 7-1. https://thetournament.com/tbt/teams/la-ignite/
    3 points
  10. If all were at their college ages, that roster makes it to the NCAA round of 32...at least
    3 points
  11. You're right about that. Many more dorms on campus and around campus these days.
    2 points
  12. in before the lock
    2 points
  13. Wait, you mean to tell me this kid didn't visit University Park and think "yeah, these are my people"??
    2 points
  14. Hey there. My first degree was music performance. The other 2 business and I'm just about as invested a fan as you get (if my wife didn't hate the fooseball I'd be in the club every Saturday. Instead I watch on my phone in the bathroom cowering with my cat like the whipped man I am)
    2 points
  15. That is why I championed Patrick Cobbs for the job. He loves North Texas, wants to be here, and I am sure has turned down other offers. Make him the HC and let him hire excellent coordinators from his connections in the game. We need stability at the top.
    2 points
  16. The amount of this that is allowed here is something you don't see anywhere else. No matter how many times Mean Green fans have commented, it seems to be ignored.
    2 points
  17. The term “lone finalist” refers to the person who got the job. I believe there is a 21 day waiting period between naming a lone finalist and the job becoming official.
    2 points
  18. Really have to stop with the crap about liberal arts. I was in the school of business, but literally all the rest of my tailgating crew was in some form of the arts or teaching. Common thread is that we all played sports growing up and care about sports. Most of those kids now go to “football” schools. I have no clue what we’re doing in the admissions department but I’m sure there is a certain profile that is more likely to be engaged on campus, with sports and that will end up as a donor. Start there if you want to see change.
    2 points
  19. Too bad there's not a special place for fans of other schools to post
    2 points
  20. This isn’t Todd Dodge taking over for Darrell Dickey or Seth Littrell taking over for Dan McCarney. He took over from an offense first coach. I don’t see where the appreciable difference is between him and his predecessor other than Chandler Rogers ability to run and pass. That ability left for Cal to meet up with a very good O-line coach we used to have. Where is the hope for the future? This guy is no better than Littrell and the fact that he is less committed to this program than Littrell ever was shows he is worse other than having the “new” label associated with him.
    2 points
  21. Too bad there's not a special place for post about conferences
    2 points
  22. Either that GOR is the strongest contract in sports history, or it will get busted. So far, that GOR strength has held up and it's what SMU is banking on to last. But the moment that it gets busted or settled, then the reality is that FSU, Clemson, UNC, Uva, Va Tech, Miami, Duke, NC State, Louisville, Pitt, and Georgia Tech are gone to the other three leagues.
    2 points
  23. This is Morris's year to prove his coaching ability. Win 6 or more he stays. That defense is the big question. Hope it doesn't bite him in his arse but if it does it will be his own fault.
    2 points
  24. Love TBT. What channel is this going to be aired on?
    2 points
  25. Forgot the "NIT" after 2023.
    2 points
  26. #33 Bryan Penn Johnson was on Last Chance U playing for East L.A. College.
    2 points
  27. Damn, you must be a football genius to have determined Morris's faith at NT after one single year. I think Morris accomplished a lot of the offensive side in one year, and I look forward to a continuation of that and am hopeful that many of the defensive issues will be positively addressed. Just for grins, who do you think NT should have hired that would have a better change of success?
    2 points
  28. Or, maybe Moulaye improves by working his arse off this off-season.
    2 points
  29. if someday people stopped posting things in need of condescending condemnation...like this...I'd consider it.
    2 points
  30. have you ever stopped for a moment to consider that maybe you're the outsider, the outlier...the nerd...at your alma mater and that A&M or Tech or Texas State were always available options for you if you just wanted to integrate into a more homogenous cultural experience?
    2 points
  31. Want fans. Make the games an event that can’t be misssd. Market them over and over and when you don’t think you have marketed them enough, market them some more. Students must realize these are the 6 or 7 weekends out of the year they can’t go home. Incentivize them to attend and then win the damn games. You have to make it the place to be. Partner with Denton. We are Denton’s team. Make the locals want to come. Again, a family event. Market the games like there is no tomorrow. I am sorry, but our AD has never put forth effort.
    2 points
  32. Then I feel like you can sort of get behind it. I am not saying that you have to like the system, but I think if we accept who we are and what we are it gets easier. At least for me. Gone are the days where I thought we had a chance at moving into a P5 conference. I just don't see that happening now. I do think we can still have some fun albeit playing in a lower level. In high school, in my freshman year we had two football squads, the "A" team and the "B" team. I was on the B team but got to play the position I wanted and had more fun than I would have sitting the bench on the A team.
    1 point
  33. He cost us a bowl game. Made no changes to the staff that controlled the worst defense in the country. Also, dictated them to do nothing differently... except for "relearning how do tackle." Whatever that means. Offense showed flashes... often times vs umbrella defenses and down 3 scores.
    1 point
  34. Correct. If he wins it won’t be long term because he’ll get hired away. Same thing for the next guy we bring in. And the next. And the next…
    1 point
  35. Or working shot clocks either.
    1 point
  36. We are punching bellow our weight with the amount of students and alumni we have. Agreed on the marketing, the other thing is people need to have something to cheer for. People don't turn out because the reputation of the football team is poor, but when they did have something good we did see fans show up. I think back to the LA Tech game under Littrell, it was the first time I genuinely thought there was a positive buzz around the team, then we took that momentum and rammed it into the ground, and never recovered. We need multiple years of that kind of success to make people change their attitudes about FB.
    1 point
  37. You'd think. But we have had ADs, basically the 3 that we've had since I've been a student/alum, that do not consistently market. Rather, they openly state, "OK, THIS is the game we need to ramp up our efforts." Every game in every season is the next opportunity to ramp up every effort and use every tool. At every level, we are who they say we are.
    1 point
  38. And you're in a cult. I was perfectly respectful until a racist insult was hurled my way.
    1 point
  39. I'm a film major, yet here I am as well. That hasn't been true for quite some time. I'll give you Law since that has been around a 10 years only, the other schools have been around for decades. The school of Business has been around since the 40s, there is no shortage of alumni that the school has produced. The reality is people like to use this excuse without any real facts. From the numbers here, the number of graduates should closely match the size of schools. https://institutionalresearch.unt.edu/images/factbook_dair_2022-2023.pdf Taking the graduation numbers on page 36 and 37, UNT gave out 10,946 degrees in 2022. Even if you combined the School of Liberal Arts and Music that's only 27% of students. Are you really telling me the other 73% care about athletics? Where are those other thousands of students and alumni? The reality is we have low fan engagement across the board from years of mediocrity and no sustained success.
    1 point
  40. This is a North Texas fan site, discussing another university in the DFW area and somehow a supporter from the University of Houston not only reads the entire post, but feels the need to comment. I looked at the Houston fan site and at Ponyfans and I saw no evidence of North Texas’s lurkers there. But GOMEANGREEN posts virtually anything and our bored friends from Dallas and Houston think they need to contribute.
    1 point
  41. Team is gonna be scary good with all this size. Excited!
    1 point
  42. How does one recruit sports fan? Winning would do a lot for that.
    1 point
  43. Dan McCarney, when he first got here, was the closest thing we have had to being a salesman as Hayden Fry was. HE believed that this place was going to be huge, as we were opening a new stadium, preparing to go to CUSA in a few years from the first edition of the SBC, and sitting in the middle of the Texas recruiting hotbed. He went on media outlets to tell everyone how exciting the future was here. He was great with TX HS coaches. He would talk to any UNT gathering he could to see the program. And that's when the Apathy Monster defeated him. DMac thought recruiting would be easy here. But he ran an antiquated offense that nobody in the state ran or wanted to run. The TX HS Coaches liked him, but they didn't like that offense and they knew the UNT Apathy better than he did. He had no idea of the decades of apathy he was fighting. He couldn't understand why people didn't show up for games in Denton. He even wondered why the HOD Bowl game in Dallas on NYD could have such a huge green crowd show up for us playing UNLV but wouldn't show up for a conference game in Denton. Eventually, the stress and his coping with it thru drinking almost killed him, as he suffered a stroke. And he was never the same after that. And neither were his teams. What Dodge had recruited was put to use in a solid way by DMac and his staff, but what they had recruited couldn't come close to replicating the same talent he had inherited, especially at the skill positions. And two years later, with the worst collection of QBs we have ever had, we hit rock bottom in the worst loss in modern college football history, that 66-7 loss at home to FCS Portland State on Homecoming. He was rightly fired immediately after the game and the rest is history. Similar to Littrell, having had some success here got him an extension, but it just meant that we had to buyout more in the end. Hoping Morris' tenure will be different, but so far, nothing has suggested we are on a different path.
    1 point
  44. McCarney hire was a milestone for NT, the first time they actually spent competitive money to hire a head coach. Unfortunately, McCarney was not well; suffering from vision problems, drinking issues and probably other ailments. A combination of his physical status and NT's lack of resources were too much to overcome.
    1 point
  45. Money changing hands happened long before NIL. What makes anyone think that money exceeding an NIL cap won't continue to change hands after a cap is put in place?
    1 point
  46. I think with the latest two additions we are already bigger than we were last season. We lose Aaron, Robert, and two benchwarming bigs in Morgan and Dixon, but gain two bigs who played in all their respective team's games last year plus Vice who looks promising to me. So now I think you've got four bigs who will get minutes instead of three. I would have liked to get someone who will be a clear #1 scorer, even if they came from the JUCO ranks. Someone who averaged 18+ per game. This year's transfers are higher scorers than last year's transfers like Noland, Walker, Buggs, and Allen, but none of them were the first option. Who's not going to be afraid to have the ball in their hands with the game on the line in the final minutes?
    1 point

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