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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2024 in all areas

  1. A small part of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The decision-makers at the various networks lockup conferences with contracts and put the match-ups they deem to be the most desirable in the best time-slots to maximize eye-balls and low-and-behold, those get the highest ratings. Of course that confirms in their mind that they have this thing figured out and the cycle repeats. The 37K viewership for UNT/Temple was on ESPNU, but let's face it, none of the games on the U pulled in big numbers with most under 50K. We had 88K for the UNT/Cal game. The most viewed game of the season on ESPNU was the Memphis/Missouri game at 181K. Put the UNT/SMU game on ABC, CBS, NBC or Fox at a desirable time-slot and I suspect we'd double or triple the 618K we got on a Friday at 9:00p on ESPN2. Same teams, same game, but different numbers IMHO simply due to network and timeslot.
    5 points
  2. Let's not forget about the Stars and the greatness of post season NHL play. Great comeback win last night in Edmonton. Stars now up 2-1 on the Oilers
    2 points
  3. Why don't the G5s work together and say "we're not paying....we didn't create this mess" and force the Power conferences to sue....P5s, state your case and convince a jury or the public you have a legitimate complaint. You don't.
    2 points
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/inside-fauci-morens-coronavirus-emails-1904099 https://www.newsweek.com/anthony-fauci-coronavirus-origin-emails-1903777
    1 point
  5. In the new NIL era how should UNT athletics be focused?
    1 point
  6. The Stars were on fire the last two periods.
    1 point
  7. Need to finish them off tonight in Dallas. Don't give them any hope and a chance to go back to Minnesota. A week break will also be good for Luka's health.
    1 point
  8. Totally agree on this. The only issue I see if that if they separate the have from the have nots you will see a lot of lower level P5 programs start losing a lot more games as they cannot rely on lower level wins against G5 schools. These new big P5 conferences are so big they don't have much room for non conference games as I see it. Some actually have mandated you have to play 9 plus conference games every year.
    1 point
  9. I’m just waiting to watch some ball, I hope it is against like institutions. Saturday afternoons hearing the roar of the Green. I’ll catch some SEC Big games but on my schedule and convenience. I’m not seeking it out over a weekend with the Mean Green Tribe in Denton Texas on a warm, cool, windy, rainy, Saturday afternoon. I may be unique but I followed this team to Monroe. Troy, southern miss, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Tempe, boca, Murpheesboro, bowling green and las cruces. Some of the best trips of my fandom. It’s going to be green forever no matter the landscape. GMG
    1 point
  10. Pitchers around here throwing softballs, and then they mock the batter for taking the swing.
    1 point
  11. Bilas sounds like another P5 suck-up. Athletes will have to accept restrictions on compensation if they want roster spots on some programs. Deal with it or join the military!
    1 point
  12. Yep, that post on “X” probably took all day and cost a fortune.
    1 point
  13. I wonder if Raveon Hoston has any availability.
    1 point
  14. Evidence suggests that the initial outbreak was detected and confirmed at the Wuhan Research Lab by October 6, 2019 and that the Chinese government immediately closed the facility, quarantined all employees, and "disappeared" those that were infected. The facility was then entirely disinfected and all records of the outbreak were systematically destroyed. All employee cell phone activity at the facility suddenly ceased from October 7 through the 24th. This has been confirmed by both US and British Intelligence agencies. It's inconceivable that Fauci would not have been aware of all developments at this point. The facility then reopened on October 25 under the guise that nothing had ever happened. By the first week of November it was apparent that the outbreak had somehow already spread into the civilian population and the PRC immediately tried to obtain every N95 respirator on the global market. Then it was just a matter of time for the NIH to play ignorant until the outbreak reached our shores. I'm confident that it will be proven that Fauci and his staff were aware of every single development, and helped orchestrate the coverup. They wrongfully endangered millions of people just to cover their asses. President Trump was able to have an effective vaccine created within seven months of the lethal pathogen arriving in the United States. How many of our most vulnerable citizens could have been protected if that emergency vaccine research (Project Warp Speed) could have been started in October 2019? From the Select Committee to investigate the origins of COVID-19 chaired by Senator Marshall (R-KS) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
    1 point
  15. I thought our recruiting focus was on the state of Texas and more narrowly the Dallas-Ft. Worth talent pool. So the recruits are already living in/experiencing the benefits you list. I guess it would not be luring talent here as much as keeping it here and pointing out the negative aspects of going elsewhere. I think the problem we face is that in the mind of 17-18 year old high school players, there is an allure of being recruited out of state by so called "bigger" programs. It confers upon them an additional status symbol to strut in front of their friends and peers.
    1 point
  16. That's the logical thing to do. But they aren't standing up for their stepping stone job and blacklist themselves from their dream of coaching/administrating at a p5. And that's why little vague comments on social media from these people faking outrage is beyond irrelevant.
    1 point
  17. This has been the thought for 50 yrs. You can quit an association ( NCAA) at anytime, which would be my premise. NCAA doesn’t mean $h!t.
    1 point
  18. Can the G5 schools get their sh*t together in time to break away and avoid paying into this?
    1 point
  19. non-Power 4s are the athletic equivalent of the GOP. They learn about it after the deal is done. Then vote for it. GMG
    1 point
  20. Everything about this sport just keeps getting worse and worse. No wonder everything here on GMG is crazy apathetic. I can barely muster caring about it anymore. Just ready for Saturday tailgates with friends. Who cares about the rest of this shit?
    1 point
  21. It seems the solution was the "alternate plan" that the P4s rejected. It seems we've been wanting an AD who would stand up for us rather than bending over and grabbing his ankles for the powers that be. He may not have the power to override the P4's decisions, but at least he's standing up and calling out their garbage.
    1 point
  22. Ok... don't bitch about it if you're not coming up with solutions for it. Otherwise, you're no different than myself. And if you're no different than myself, why is my university paying you 6-700k a year and me zerok a year.
    1 point
  23. That is a great idea. Most big schools wouldn't come knocking if we hadn't taken in a overlooked recruit and housed, educated, and developed his skill level. We should be compensated for that.
    1 point
  24. I don't like it. But what he says is obviously true. This is not good for college football. Or basketball. Or most any other college sport.
    1 point
  25. Wow a sobering statement indeed. This has to be having an energy effect on most programs. Will college football actually become less popular? I mean the power programs say no way, never. I am not so sure about this. It won’t go as niche as golf. But investment works 2 ways. GMG
    1 point
  26. They're paid to get viewership.
    0 points
  27. Feels great. We're still making more money than we did in the AAC. And whatever happens with conferences and levels, we won't be back on the level of AAC.
    0 points
  28. I am so in before the lock again.
    0 points
  29. Lamar has a little history on their side. UAPB is in my Mom's hometown and it is rough now. I'm not sure I would let my child attend there because of the terrible crime and even worse condition of the city. Really sad, because it used to be a beautiful town decades ago.
    -1 points
  30. Well, the Dems vote on it and then read it, so they are both idiots.
    -1 points
  31. This ain’t politics. College sports have very certain brands that make the networks money with eyeballs. The little guys aren’t any of those brands.
    -1 points

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