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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2024 in all areas

  1. I know some of you don’t want to hear this but we are not very good right now.
    14 points
  2. I have to agree with this. As a green glasses guy, I would make excuses that Rubin and CJ were rusty, but it's BS. At this point, there is 0.... ZERO excuse we lose to UTSA on our home court when we are fully healthy.
    11 points
  3. Not diminishing what Tylor did, but here’s a thought, Perhaps we are playing a higher level of competition that exposes some of the weaknesses we had last season, and if we did some of those little things (finish around the bucket, hit our free throws, shoot a CONSISTENT percentage from the floor) we wouldn’t need last second heroics. Keep in mind, we have lost 6 of the last 8 by a combined 25 points (that’s just over 4 a game). I am pretty certain a healthy current roster playing in rhythm overcomes that deficit more times than not.
    7 points
  4. It would be hard to find a worse loss since the Benford days.
    7 points
  5. Days like today I wish I was more like my wife and daughter where my whole day isn’t ruined based on the result of a sporting event.
    7 points
  6. It’s year one, and he hasn’t Benford the situation yet…so No. But watching Grant at Tech sure makes me wish he was still here. That guy is the whole package. Ross still has some growing to do to get to that level.
    6 points
  7. I wish I could upvote this 100000%
    6 points
  8. Is it time to open the discussion about Ross Hodge? I mean there’s been tons of talk on here about how he was the reason for Mac’s success and we’re getting a 1 for 1 replacement if not better. I’m not so sure about that at this point. We play awful situational basketball in crunch time.
    5 points
  9. This loss doesn’t bother me as much. We’re not winning the regular season conference. These are just tune up games for the AAC Tournament. Before today, this team had played one half together in conference play. It felt out of sync, but I don’t think it will last. Hopefully Rubin and Noland continue getting into game shape and play more minutes. I’m begging Scott to stop committing silly fouls. He needs to take that next step to playing hard, but keeping it clean. I still believe!
    5 points
  10. This is my thing too. When we lost other games, it made sense. Injuries, etc. Today, as stated already, 0 excuses to lose to a team AT HOME who has a NET in the 260s. Really lost on this team now. Not sure what's going to happen. I felt good about making a run in the NIT, but today even changed that....
    5 points
  11. I can’t find an option 2 on this team. I have more faith in Edwards with 5 guys on him. That speaks more about the offensive ineptitude about the team than actual confidence that he will hit the big shot. We actually ran the offense like Allen was the primary weapon at times today. Again. The offensive philosophy is incoherent.
    5 points
  12. If we’ve learned to never leave a timeout sitting once we pushed and didn’t get the look we wanted, great - that’s growth. If it keeps happening along with a general lack of plays/looks for certain player combos, then yeah, let’s have a measured conversation and probably not invite a few folks.
    4 points
  13. Nah. Talking about things he could do better sure. But if it is a question of if his seat is getting warm… no way. He will keep us successful. We had some big holes to fill from last year. And we still need to fill some of those. I am confident he will get us there.
    4 points
  14. Exactly. To be clear for everyone in the thread - I’m not advocating firing the guy or that his seat is hot. Just find it interesting that certain players on here consistently receive criticism (some warranted) but we’re hesitant to scrutinize the person in charge of it all & proclaim that we’re all good at that spot. I’m just not convinced is all. It’s still very early in his tenure, but I had a way different feeling about Mac in Year 1 vs Hodge Year 1. Grant inherited a disaster of a program and quickly righted the ship. Ross took over a 30+ Win NIT Championship team. It’s not even close to the same situation. This with the caveat that I do acknowledge injury struggles this year. There are certain issues: late game offensive sets for last shots, late game management, press break, giving up offensive rebounds in critical situations ect. that have been recurring issues throughout the season regardless of player availability.
    3 points
  15. Losing to UTSA at home in front of 5k is a fireable offense, IMO
    3 points
  16. At this point? Probably. There seems to be no realistic shot for us to get in the NIT now.
    3 points
  17. I did not say those 14 instances all resulted in losses. There were times a make would have essentially ended the game but instead we had to win the game at the free throw line or on defense or on an opponents' final shot (like vs. SMU). Just go pull his season stats in the last minute of those close games.
    3 points
  18. Just my personal 0.02, but I feel like if you've won the NIT, you have played some legit T25 basketball to make that kind of tournament run. Even if it doesn't reflect in the polls.
    3 points
  19. I'm with you and have been saying this all season. Not even exaggerating, he is 0fer on probably a dozen opportunities to hit a dagger, tie the game, or win the game. You could even add to that count a couple of times he split would-be game-sealing free throws. But I think both sides of this argument can be correct. It is far from fair to lean on Jason to be the entire offense. Especially with this being his first year at the D-I level. Aaron has got to figure out how to stay out of foul trouble. I recall him getting his 2nd foul midway through the 1st but I couldn't believe when I looked up to see he had 4 fouls. It seemed like he was only on the court for five minutes all game.
    3 points
  20. As unlikely as winning the AAC tournament and getting into the NCAA tournament as an AQ would be, that might actually be more plausible than an NIT bid at this point, since there is no way to qualify automatically.
    3 points
  21. I hear you man. Since I moved to Mineral Wells and my commute to Denton has increased to 85 miles, these three losses in four home games have been deflating...
    3 points
  22. If Edwards is the player I think he is… I imagine he has higher expectations for himself than even what criticism that comes for him. also, no one is saying we would be any good without him. We are just stating a clear fact of the matter… he hasn’t come through with the game on the line. That’s pretty indisputable. And we can’t pretend that it isnt a very different pressure when it is a scenario like that vs much of the rest of the game…. Even if it is because of him that we are ‘in the game’. regardless of all that, it doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t hit the big shot yet.
    3 points
  23. I don’t want to imagine how many losses we have if we didn’t have Edwards. Feels like he gets the heat for other players underperforming.
    3 points
  24. Just got home from game. Embarrassing. Forget any postseason tournament invite with this home loss on your resume. I'm not feeling optimistic about next year either. Returning players from last year regressed. Losing size with Allen and none coming in. No coherent offensive system. Defense is good enough for us to hang around but no reliable offensive players when needed down the stretch.
    3 points
  25. We got to use to Hamlet and Perry bailing us out the past 4 years. This team needs to have set plays to run. That's on Hodge.
    3 points
  26. Well well. Reversal of fortunes. Let’s go, Chandler!
    3 points
  27. This was the worst loss of the season. There is no excuse. We cannot blame the refs. They came into our house and kicked our butts. This was just bad on so many levels. It was a good crowd and we crapped the bed.
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. 3 points
  30. This cat I keep feeding won’t stop showing up!
    2 points
  31. The craziest thing is we could go .500 in our first season in the AAC without beating a former CUSA refugee. 0-for-5 so far.
    2 points
  32. Not at all, we have been in pretty much every game we lost. It has been said on here mutiple times, we are missing a closer. It does really come down to execution for these close games. The coach has put the players in the position to win games IMO. And really, when you are that close, in your first year as head coach, I feel pretty good about that situation. We have just gotten used to winning and that is a good thing, but if we look back at Grant's first year he was almost .500 at 20-18. We won the CBI, and look how that turned out. See above.
    2 points
  33. Losing close games will traditionally be attributed to players. The close loses have to start becoming bigger then just large before you look at the coach. CRH is not up for discussion at this time. We would need to not only lose out (currently on the table), but lose by say double digits at home to ECU and FAU followed by a wood shed type beating at Rice. There is no change to the Fan Pendulum at this time.
    2 points
  34. This team has heart. I love them.
    2 points
  35. Even using last year's criteria it seems very unlikely we would sneak in.
    2 points
  36. 5,247 today. That should put our season average at just about 4,090.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. This team ...just isn't clutch
    2 points
  39. The sound quality of the telecast is poor on my end. Got to really turn up the volume to hear the announcers, then get blown out by commercials.
    2 points
  40. The kid has been in town a little more than a month with zero official practices. Wouldn’t this be a tad premature?
    2 points
  41. Congress or the IRS via letter ruling need to do the obvious. Donations to support professional sports or athletic organizations offering a mixture professional and amateur athletics are not charitable and should not be tax deductible. The Federal government shouldn’t forego $37,000 in revenue because the owner of a chain of cannabis dispensaries and used car lots loves the Sooners and gave them $100,000. Between 2005 and 2022 Oregon pulled in $969 million with taxpayers subsidizing at least $230 million of that via deductions. If they are separating and going pro much harder to keep a straight face arguing it should be deducted
    2 points
  42. 1 point
  43. I didn’t say this - someone else did. “He’s [Edwards] is the only reason we have a pulse”. “You want him to play hero at the end of the game. He was a hero the entire game”. Don’t shoot the messenger. I’ll allow you to look at tonight’s stats from everyone but Edwards and wait for you to take a steamy dump on them. Rather certain that I’ll be married with children by then. 🤣🤣🤣 (Buggs revenge game 31 minutes 0-1)
    1 point
  44. Worst loss in several years and Hodge took the blame for not calling time out but he got out coached all day. Hopefully he learns from this. Lowest point of the season. Will be interested in how this team and coaching staff respond.
    1 point
  45. It may be due to the changing of the rules though. Write the NCAA 😕 I miss the old pep band days as well. Granted the UNT DJ is pretty good too.
    1 point
  46. I'm not criticizing our band. I feel like just about all of them are less visible/audible than they used to be and I miss it.
    1 point

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