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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Come on over? I prefer to support all our programs.
    12 points
  2. I’m confident Morris already has a list of capable replacement on hand. How many coaches have been poached for P4 jobs this offseason, 3? I think we’ve made good hires and will continue to do so. I’m excited to see who we bring in.
    8 points
  3. Conference tournament is going to be wide open!
    6 points
  4. Saban told ESPN.... "What we have now is not college football -- not college football as we know it. You hear somebody use the word 'student-athlete.' That doesn't exist." "But what you have now isn't name, image and likeness. A collective has nothing to do with name, image and likeness," Saban said. Saban said he would like to see any player compensation model that is created to be brought in-house at the various schools and taken away from donor-based collectives. Of course, then there could be Title IX issues. And while Saban wants to see players get their share of the financial pie, he said the only way any of this works is if there's also a commitment on the players' side. "Just like an NFL player has a contract or a coach has a contract, something in place so you don't have all this raiding of rosters and mass movement," he said. "I wonder what fans are going to say when they don't even know the team from year to year because there's no development of teams, just bringing in new players every year." https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39572219/nick-saban-wants-voice-change-college-football
    5 points
  5. If playing their sport was only worth a free education, Nick Saban wouldn't have amassed $150 million in career salary as a coach. There wouldn't be all these billion-dollar TV broadcast deals. You can't let that kind of money flood in and expect your actual product -- the players -- to be doing it without significant monetary compensation. There are a lot of college sports where the players only get a free education. Even some tiers of college football. We could all start watching them instead and say to hell with the P5, er P4, er soon to be P3. Instead of doing that I'm trying to get over my fear of needles so I can get me a Chandler Morris back tatt.
    4 points
  6. Does he not realize that the vast majority of college football fans hate the way things have been going with NIL and virtually unlimited transfers?
    4 points
  7. Left UNT to be the Special Asst to the HC at Texas. Less responsibilities, a more recruiting-centric management role and most likely a significant raise. Same title they have Gary Patterson
    4 points
  8. Big loss. He was our conduit to South Dallas. UNT football is always bumming me out it seems like these days.
    4 points
  9. UAB getting waxed by Rice
    3 points
  10. OR, we just opened a transfer portal pipeline in Austin. Can't hurt to have a guy there who might guide a player who's looking to get playing time to NT and for Morris to have a trusted contact to vouch for work ethic, etc.
    3 points
  11. Oh, I'm definitely not saying he's going to follow Gilbert to UT. I doubt UT even has room for him. I'm just not sure his heart is in the game, and without Gilbert here, he may not really want to give it a go here. Maybe he's developed a relationship with Coach Cobbs, and decides to stick around & play to his potential. Fingers crossed.
    3 points
  12. One of the announcers was Coach Burton's brother.
    3 points
  13. Huge blow to us as far as recruiting goes. His presence on staff was much more impactful than Coach O's, IMO. With this move, I highly doubt we see Tre Bradford here next season. As for Coach Gilbert, he's certainly doing what's best for him & his family. "Coaching" TE's in this offense is a joke... as there are none.
    3 points
  14. TEs were not particularly great in this offense last year. Yes, his coaching/recruiting connections helped a lot last year. Give Coach O a raise and hire a TE coach with DFW ties.
    3 points
  15. When people give me a Puking Eagle for a comment like this, I can never tell whether I made them puke or the state of college football did.
    2 points
  16. Eric Morris has got to hit 6 with or without Chandler. Other wise we DID regress.
    2 points
  17. We got Jamario because UNT had a great support system for student's with dyslexia.
    2 points
  18. The only thing that may derail us in the tournament is having to play 4 games in 4 days. Hopefully with everyone back we will be able to go 9 deep and give some guys a little rest.
    2 points
  19. I mean, we destroyed Cinci in a bowl game once, and I didn't see CUSA-tier athletes coming to this Sun Belt school. Both of us are right to varying degrees. I just think, for most kids, a full conference slate of AAC teams is cooler than an opportunity to win a ton and be rewarded with....a matchup with Rice.
    2 points
  20. I think any of the top 7 could legitimately win the tournament. I would be very scared of UNT (if we get healthy) and Memphis.
    2 points
  21. Time for him to be a big boy and stick to a commitment and earn a degree. He wouldn't get any playing time at UT.
    2 points
  22. We need to consider Bradford's history over the past few seasons, and yes, Gilbert was a huge influence in Tre's life in H.S. He was definitely a reason, if not THE reason, Bradford signed-on here. With Gilbert gone, and looking at his previous stops, I'm not holding my breath.
    2 points
  23. I think his meaning was that we wouldn't have signed Bradford without Gilbert.
    2 points
  24. Refs were terrible, but... The announcers were our own. As noted above, one is Coach Burton's brother. Honesty doesn't make them Charlotte homers. *Coach Burton's partner was Kyle Youmans.
    2 points
  25. Isn't he already enrolled and on campus?
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. This team is going backward. Bad shooting particularly at the line, out hustled and just plain bad basketball. Beaten by a team down two starters.
    2 points
  28. Rice beat UAB 94-71
    2 points
  29. Poor game. Missed free throws, out hustled for rebounds, dribbling into turnovers, etc. Porter for Charlotte always drives to the right, always and they don't overplay that. This is the first game that I felt we were out-everything, out hustled, coached, played, etc. Disappointing.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. See, Little Susie Who, you claimed you were a much better fan because you attend games, both on the road and at home. I asked if you were a student, if you had a job, and if you were still on the parent's dime. You essentially responded yes to all, and I replied that it must be nice not to have one responsibility in the world other than making grades. Your life is a breeze, and I am sure the rest of us would do the same if we were afforded the same set up. Unfortunately, I live 5 hours from Denton, have a full-time job, have two boys and a wife and other responsibilities that come with being an adult. Every game I can attend is like a road game, gas money, place to stay, food to eat, etc... and my Mom and Dad aren't contributing a dime. You have it easy right now. If I were in your shoes, I would not rush to change my situation, would be appreciative of the situation I am in and would know better than to act like this all made me some kind of super fan. Two, I know how credit card bills work. My bills show the date of the transaction and I don't have to asked my dad for a copy of the bill.
    2 points
  32. I am guessing the part about QB coach was being tongue in cheek because he coached TEs.
    2 points
  33. If true, good for him. He isn't the only person with ties to south Dallas, did he really create a "pipeline" and was he a great TE Coach? I liked the hire when he came on board, but I don't think he is irreplaceable.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. EA Sports finally made their OFFICIAL announcement of NCAA25 today, and it will include all 134 FBS programs, including Kennesaw State. I am very aroused by this news and can't wait to get a copy of it. Delaware, unfortunately, just missed the cut on this one. They're going strictly by teams who'll be full members by 2025, and the Blue Hens won't be full members until 2026. (See you in NCAA26, then?)
    1 point
  36. Alabama, the University, paid Nick Saban as an employee. They agreed he was worth what they paid based on the Marketing he could bring the school. Players are not the product. The sport is the product. The sport is only as good as the coach and the players he recruits and trains make it. The players are compensated with education currently. That's what they agreed to in their Commitment letter. You could work for Apple. Apple makes billions but you make only what you agreed to be hired for, not how much Apple earns. If you want to make college players employees then there needs to be different contracts and rules from what it is now. Wages, hours expected, level of results expected, etc. You can be fired. You will need to pay for your school too as part of your employment unless negotiated. If you want to re-negotiate wages or resign to go to another school that will need to be in the contract also.
    1 point
  37. Not getting the split with UAB may prove to be significant in the standings. Really sucks to have lost that first one after we had it under control until the last few minutes when we ran out of gas.
    1 point
  38. There's blame to go around. The ADs offered crazy money because it took crazy money to land a top coach. Have any of those coaches given back a big chunk of their salaries to the betterment of college football or student athletes?
    1 point
  39. I think I would put the onus on athletic departments offering crazy money.
    1 point
  40. Yeah, if Memphis decides they want to play, they're a problem. I don't know if they'll flip that switch with a Championship on the line, or they may fold in the early rounds if they continue playing this half-hearted basketball they've been playing lately. And yeah, a healthy UNT should worry every AAC team.
    1 point
  41. Sounds to me like you're getting attached to Edwards and already talking yourself into being able to blame the coach if/when he leaves. He's a great player, but all I can tell you is that you better learn to root for the shirt more than the player or you're going to leave this place a jaded individual. Having to state that out loud and believe it makes me sick. Following kids from HS and watching them develop through college (and sometimes on to the pros) has always been the best part about following college sports...but unless something changes with regard to transfer rules and NIL, that part is dead and gone.
    1 point
  42. Finally figured out rojomojo is. Prove me wrong
    1 point
  43. I have it narrowed down.
    1 point
  44. What kids today, outside of a few, are getting paid for using their "name, image or likeness" and not just drawing a salary for being on the roster?
    1 point
  45. I have been waiting on this since the beginning of the NIL. Students already felt like athletes were being given a lot with tuition, room and board, meals, healthcare, tutoring, etc... With the athletes demanding more, the regular student was bound to get tired of footing the bill. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
    1 point
  46. Great work and great idea. Organized supporter groups make noise, get tv shots and lift the energy of our away team. You captured the attention of the smu fans on their board. I went to Rice last year and that gym was already loud with our good Houston alumni base down there. That game is going to rock. GMG
    1 point
  47. https://starlocalmedia.com/planocourier/sports/mason-building-off-breakout-season-thriving-as-planos-go-to-scorer/article_8b614352-b2e4-11ee-9e3c-036bea70b9ee.html But while much of that production came alongside players like alums Justin McBride and Nikk Williams, Mason has stepped up as the focal point of the Wildcats' attack this season. Committed to North Texas, Mason has thrived as a three-level scorer with a number of 30-plus-point games under his belt to go along with stout rebounding and defense as he attempts to lead Plano to a third straight playoff appearance.
    1 point

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