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  1. I no longer feel like a bowl game means we are heading in the right direction.
    12 points
  2. Just for fun under previous school on the roster they should list UNT.
    11 points
  3. Thank you, Mrs. Littrell!
    10 points
  4. He is 37 and 38 overall. This is a statement!
    10 points
  5. I hope you clowns keep changing coaches every couple of years....
    10 points
  6. The numbers don't get much clearer than this. No idea why anyone believes these are anywhere near worth deserving of another year at the helm let alone another extension. Show his overall numbers against teams with a winning record and it's borderline unforgiveable that he still has a job going into this season.
    9 points
  7. I respect everything you said but this part here puzzles me. In 2019, he was given a contract extension through 2023 which made in the highest paid coach in the conference at the time. Since then, he has gone 14-21, 2 bowl losses and one of the years not making a bowl. He also has some of the best facilities in the conference in a football recruiting hotbed yet our recruiting has begun to sputter out. He's gotten destroyed in just about every bowl game and conference championship he has been in and has an overall losing record. What about anything above screams of a coach deserving an extension? He may be loyal but winning matters. I think keeping a coach on after consecutive 4-8, 4-6, and 6-7 seasons shouts loyalty. He's had all of the tools in the world, including continual support from the AD and President while others were calling for his head, to be successful and he has not delivered. He's our guy for at least one more year but there's a reason he is on the hot seat and why some of us don't share the same optimism of things really looking positive for this program.
    9 points
  8. He's 37-38 overall. He's only had two winning seasons out of six, and the last three have been under .500. He's never been competitive in championship games. Losses in bowl games are 13 points, 28 points, 39 points,20 points, and 7 points. His lone conference championship game was lost by 24 points. His conference recruiting rankings from 247 are as follows: 2016 - 8th out of 14 teams 2017 - 11th out of 14 2018 - 8th out of 14 2019 - 4th out of 14 2020 - 2nd out of 14 2021 - 1st out of 14 2022 - 10th out of 14 Which averages out to 6.2 out of 14, basically middle of the road. Out of teams most on here consider Rivals he is 1-5 Against SMU 1-5 Against LaTech 4-2 Against UTSA Anecdotal evidence is nice, but the numbers don't lie. At best he is a mediocre coach who lucked out in getting the greatest QB and WR in school history for 4 years. We can continue to accept mediocrity (something we've done as a university for way too damn long), or we can hold our coach to a higher standard, especially as we venture into a much stronger conference. The writing is on the wall. Seth might be here when we go to the AAC, but I can guarantee it won't be for long.
    9 points
  9. I think the day and age of contract extensions being used to help with recruiting has run its course. With transfer rules the way they are and the ability schools have shown to come up with buyout money when it's needed, it just doesn't mean what it used to. Also, athletes have a lot more access to information than they used to, thanks to social media. You just can't really pull anything over on them anymore.
    8 points
  10. Littrell is exactly were he should be at this time. The contract extension was deserved although not earned at this point with a less than .500 record the last 3 years. Giving him a new contract to help recruiting is insane. One problem with that is no one knows with any degree of certainty how NT is doing in recruiting. To base any decision on how 247 rates a recruit is at best problematic. Also you are comparing his recruiting with an unknown coach. Littrell and the NT football team IMO will have to have a much better year than the past two for Seph to be retained for the 2023 season. Littrell will have to finish strong next year and I think he will be gone if he doesn't get 7 wins.
    8 points
  11. I agree with all but two of the things you said. Nobody knows if Bloesch is a bright qb coach because to this point he has only been a line coach. I also disagree that he (Littrell) should’ve been given an extension simply for recruiting purposes. Every coach in the state and the conference knows his tenure here is on thin ice due to his failure to get over the hump. An extension would’ve done little or nothing to change that perception. He should be grateful that Wren is not RV because RV would’ve fired him this season when he was sitting at 1-6. I’m glad Littrell is here and he is one of the best coaches we have ever had but he has to get his players to capitalize on their big game opportunities. I am excited for this season but if he wins or loses this season it’ll be due to his coaching and ability to adjust. I truly hope we break through this season so he can prove the haters all wrong.
    8 points
  12. I have been watching the 2021 games again in preparation for the season - Aune is so bad in the pocket. When he gets his feet set he is a good QB, but Gunnell should run away with the job in camp.
    8 points
  13. Out of all the things you've ever said that may be the nastiest
    8 points
  14. That defies all logic. The absence of bad is not the same as good.
    8 points
  15. Who “took shots” at Bennett? I said he’s going to have to cobble together the best coaching season of his life without KD to even remotely approach last year’s defense. I think that may have been the only mention of him (at least that I saw). Certainly not a “shot” at him. As for Littrell, he’s made his own bed. He can deal with the mess of emotional fans.
    7 points
  16. The fact people blamed Littrell and Co is insane. Money talks in many situations, we don’t have A$M money, but fortunately KD saw a better opportunity to come back here. I, with no bias involved, think he made the best decision.
    7 points
  17. I know a lot of you seem down about things but there are a lot of us out here really excited about this team and especially this coaching staff and all of the experience they bring to the table. The new offensive line coach Randy Clement is considered one of the top line coaches in the nation. He will bring a lot of discipline and toughness to the offense. Mike Bloesch is a young and bright offensive coordinator and QB coach. Ask around, and you will find he is highly respected as a coach and man. Phil Bennett is possibly one of the top defensive minds in the country right now. Patrick Cobb is a rising star in the coaching ranks and his affiliation with UNT is a plus. But the biggest piece to all this is of course Seth Littrell. Do you understand that in just 6 seasons, Seth Littrell has taken UNT to 5 bowl games? That is almost a 100% bowl record folks! That has to give him the highest winning percentage in the history of the program. Littrell inherited Mcarney's 1-11 team back in 2016 and immediately took that team to a bowl game. POssibly one of the greatest turnarounds in UNT history. He's broken many ceilings for UNT in his time here, beating an SEC team on the road, recruiting future Hall of Famer Mason Fine to become a 4-year starter and breaking all kinds of records. He is loved by his players as evidenced just recently as KD Davis returned to play for him despite being wooed by UT and A&M and wheel barrels of cash. Littrell has never broken any rules and has never spoken a bad word about UNT as many past coaches like McCarney, Dickey and others have. Littrell was offered the job at a Big 12 school and opted to stay at UNT even though all of his closest advisors thought he was crazy not to take it. People say his recruiting has gone down, but the fact is he has not received the support he needs from the AD to be more successful. He has not received an extension that he deserves and other teams we recruit against know this and use it against us. With that he still managed to recruit some very good talent including QB Gunnell who may be a starter from day 1. I see some of the negative posts on here and my message to all of you is be careful what you wish for. You have a very good coach that is loyal and would like to stay here for a very long time. How about we give him 100% support this year and tell the rest of the world he's our guy.
    6 points
  18. I just havent seen any improvement from Seth. Look at NT's other programs- all have shown improvement... except football. Yet football is the moneymaker. Seth is the 2nd highest paid coach in conference - he should coach like it. One good win in past 3 years- UTSA. Skip Holtz had garbage facilities and support yet he had 5 straight winning seasons, and 6 bowl wins. There's no innovation in the offense, no fire, no adjustments. 2 mil shouldnt get me mediocrity
    6 points
  19. I don't really know why anyone cares what the reason is for his return to UNT is. I, for one, couldn't care less. I'm just glad he's back. He makes the team better. Flat out, that's all I care about. Based on what I saw last year from PB's defense last year, I am just excited to see what this team looks like in Year 2.
    6 points
  20. Wrong. They did, he had multiple offers. But here’s the 2 options laid out: Get paid a big chunk now at a big school and don’t get much playing time, draft stock falls etc. a big gamble. OR Get paid smaller now at UNT and be all conference/American that leads to great draft stock/exposure and he gets the BIG payday later like Darden.
    6 points
  21. I hope he stays coaching at UNT forever
    6 points
  22. Yea he handed the ball off in that Miami game but not to the number one offensive weapon NT had that got us there.
    5 points
  23. And then you wait for 6 or 7 games to hire a new coach? There is absolutely no reason unless there are rule violations or discipline issues to fire a head coach mid-season. This would only make the job harder to fill and create a mess that would not easily be fixed.
    5 points
  24. Well I’m excited to see him go beast mode now. He threw it out to the universe, refreshed and will now come back with an eye on the nfl prize. Less than 2 months to UTEP. GMG
    5 points
  25. Maybe not credit but they should at least backtrack their cries of dysfunction in the locker room related to this particular player leaving.
    5 points
  26. Aune will start and we’ll all be bitching about Seth by game 4.
    5 points
  27. I don't care who's dad is more of an asshole. I just hope we have a QB that can win us games with his arm, and not just hand the ball off 40 times a game (because we saw how well that worked against Miami, OH)
    5 points
  28. He lost it last year to a guy that didn't show up in Denton until August
    5 points
  29. Last year during a game Aune went back to pass and bounced a third down pass in the middle of the field to a covered WR to end a drive. As the players jogged off the field one of the announcers remarked that there was an open WR going up the sideline and Aune had missed it. Just as he was saying this the camera caught a frustrated SL talking to Aune on the sidelines. He looked exasperated as he pointed out where Aune should've thrown the ball. From all that was going on it seemed SL had called the right play but AA had made the wrong throw. Not the only time this happened. Back to this later. I don't buy the idea that things fell off when GH left. Sure, having him here was a positive but I think having SL, GH and Mason Fine here along with future NFL WRs and RB was the biggest positive. I never really felt that we were watching some genius coaching staff constantly outscheming the opponent. It felt like part of it was the scheme/playcalling but a lot of it was having good talent execute the scheme. Those 2017 and 2018 offenses were very good, but even so we only scored fourteen points against an okay 8-5 Iowa team. We'd bog down for long portions of a game then hit long tds. Fine would chuck it downfield to WRs who know where he wanted to go. It seemed like we scored a lot of points on big plays, not moving the ball up and down the field. Having said that, the Fine to Guyton short to mid pass where Guyton caught it while sliding was super effective. Wonder how much of that was scheme or just two players knowing each other's strengths. Then GH and Fine were gone. No doubt big losses but it went downhill fast. And here's my thoughts on that- I think SL is very good at schemes. I think he's probably pretty good at playcalling (inside the twenty can be debated) but I think he thought he could keep the ball rolling without a QB coach and without a incredibly smart quarterback because he had confidence in his schemes and it burned him. Having a quarterback coach allowed him to tend to other on-field coaching duties but still have his quarterback get the instruction and reinforcement of what he wanted. Maybe Fine only needed to be told things five times but another quarterback needs to hear it consistently. Take that away and trade a Fine for an Aune (sorry to pick on AA so much here) and you get the quarterback throwing to the wrong area. Or throwing an INT in the end zone instead of throwing it away. Which is why Gunnell (or whoever starts) might not need Bloesch to be a quarterback whisper, they just need him to constantly be there coaching them on the schemes and right things to do. Littrell just might not be the best hands on coach, he just creates the offense and needs another coach to teach/coach his quarterback. That has been missing for a while now. I don't know if all this can happen with Gunnell showing up in the fall. Fall camp is going to be very interesting. Here's the rub. It doesn't matter what SL is good at. It doesn't matter if he called the right play. It's on him to get the right players to do the right things being taught by the right coaching staff. He's not the offensive coordinator. He's the CEO of North Texas football and it all falls on him. And it hasn't been working lately. The more I think about a full staff and probably a good staff the more I'm getting hopeful for the season. But pointing where the ball should've gone and being frustrated on the sideline won't cut it this year.
    4 points
  30. Beating Arkansas was a lot of fun . Arkansas football was 2 and 10 that year. They beat Eastern ILL who were 3 and 8 and Tulsa who were 3 and 9. Watching the kick return over and over made my day, week and month. Sooner or later we need to win bowl games.
    4 points
  31. Name the big game Seth Littrell has won. "Big Game" meaning a game with a championship or bowl title on the line, not a game against an SEC foe who would go on to finish 2-10 that year. I'll hang up, listen, and wait....
    4 points
  32. Seth has taken NT to more bowl games than any coach in NT history and hasn't won one yet. That's a negative bullet comment to me. Heck....Mac at least won his bowl.
    4 points
  33. I know this his personality but SL needs to learn to excite the crowd and get people interested again in the program. He needs to be a cheerleader. Look at coach Mac and the basketball team. I bet Mac speaks to the freshman orientation groups. He is positive and optimistic and he rubs off on his players and the fans. If you had to go listen to SL or GM speak which would you choose. GM here.
    4 points
  34. What goes up must come down. I think this season is make or break it for Littrell. So many holes on our defense and I'm still not sure our OL coach is going to develop Aune or Gunnell. This is going to be an interesting season.
    4 points
  35. You lost me at Todd Dodge. The blowout loses we suffered on Saturdays under Dodge used to make me call in sick to work on Monday morning.
    4 points
  36. I better get down to the Sun Glass Hut and get some new green shaded glasses because I just don't see it. Maybe pick up a couple of gallons of Mean Green Kool Aide why I am out......
    4 points
  37. Hay, this Davis blog is the same thing Jerry Springer does with spurned individuals. Let's get him in here too (in case we need to liven this up any MORE)!
    4 points
  38. Neither do I, but (potentially) juggling two big parental egos whilst trying to coach/develop/prepare new QB's to be ready for the season is not a skill set that I perceive SL as having.
    4 points
  39. No, but if you use a specific example at least own up to that example.
    4 points
  40. I’d also like to say, I highly doubt we ever see Jace Ruder on the field in a UNT uniform again.
    4 points
  41. Who's trolling? KD's a great player and I hope we went after him when he put himself on the market.
    4 points
  42. I say this from not being the biggest Seth supporter by far. Many on here used KD's "departure" to further blast Seth and even took shots at PB. Now that he's back are you going to give them credit?
    3 points
  43. What if it was a combination of all the known variables? KD’s paperwork was not yet finalized with the NCAA waiver; North Texas was already offering KD an undisclosed sum. A couple of other teams let primarily by ex UNT coach Marty Biagi threw there hat in the ring by offering a little more than what UNT would pay IF KD met certain playing requirement and received his waiver from the NCAA. UNT realizing that they might lose the heart of their defense and throw a couple more dollars at him. Maybe KD just looked at the players he would be competing against and thought he had a better chance to pad his stats here in a defense where he would get tons of playing time and tons of tackles. KD realized if you can play the NFL will find you no matter where you are.
    3 points
  44. GreenMiner, breathe! Some people will just never stop responding to trolls.
    3 points
  45. .....and then he regained it. Just in time for a five game winning run. Not responsible for the run.,...just presiding over it. There has been many on this board that have speculated that it was GH who sold Mason Fine to SL. And it was GH who developed Mason Fine. After talking to some parents (parents who knew what they were talking about) at the scrimmage this spring, I am pretty convinced that that is true. Additionally, it was made pretty clear to me that things have not been the same regarding the coaching and development of QB's since GH left. No one seems to know who is really in charge of that. SO, Gunnell could possibly get out there and be the starter. But don't count on hm being properly coached/developed/prepared prior to going out there. Plus I hear that Gunnell has a father that is somewhat.....shall we say meddlesome regarding his status on any team. AND I have met the father of one of the other QB transfers that was out on the field this last spring. The man is very......assertive. This could get really ugly. I hope I'm wrong.
    3 points

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