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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2018 in all areas

  1. The best thing will be having a whole new set of pictures of the stadium to look at that are not the opening game against Houston. 🙂
    21 points
  2. 14 points
  3. DRC: Here's more on where ticket sales stand https://www.dentonrc.com/sports/unt-confirms----smu-game-quickly-approaching-sellout/article_a4d672e7-dd9a-54e7-b744-bacad536d982.html
    11 points
  4. Probably best to keep these thoughts to yourself until after the honeymoon.
    10 points
  5. 9 points
  6. The 2017 New Orleans Bowl
    9 points
  7. I usually hate putting so much emphasis on one game but eventually you gotta stop kicking the can down the road and win a game like this. We're favored, we're at home, it's all right there....we need to win.
    7 points
  8. It is important to win in front of a large crowd to bring them back, start the season off on the right foot, recruiting, etc... but let's not forget that it is only smuT.
    7 points
  9. time to step up and not be the same ole north texas....IT'S NEW DENTON TIME!!!
    7 points
  10. Led UConn last season with 7 rushing TD’s.. I don’t have any further info , but I’m assuming he’ll sit out this season https://247sports.com/Player/Nate-Hopkins-76906/high-school-134205
    6 points
  11. I CANNOT WAIT FOR SATURDAY! With the buzz surrounding this game, the NATIONAL expectations we have, and the news that a sellout is approaching, this is a MUST WIN GAME!!!! If we can get a rowdy, fun crowd and get a W, that momentum can be carried a longggggg way. A loss will put students and other 'on the fence' fans back into oblivion. Lets get this!!! Go MEAN GREEN!!!! NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!
    6 points
  12. YES! Thanks so much! I appreciate the information more than I have words for!
    6 points
  13. From your keyboard to Trump's Tweet!
    6 points
  14. Finally, a promotion that will set your hair on fire.
    5 points
  15. Stadium's Website: https://watchstadium.com/live/141126 Stadium via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveCUSAFootball/videos/334796903732889/ Source: https://watchstadium.com/schedule/
    5 points
  16. I've looked forward to the full force combination of a packed Apogee and those acoustics since Case Keenum couldn't get the plays called.....
    5 points
  17. As far as I'm concerned, this website is all talk.
    5 points
  18. I just bought my first set of season tickets so I know I'll be there!
    5 points
  19. https://houston.sportsmap.com/where-does-your-team-rank-among-texas-schools-heading-into-2018-college-football-season/
    4 points
  20. And Ben Hicks is no Case Keenum (who I believe at that game was a 39 year old 12th year Senior).
    4 points
  21. Absolutely. I only have 2 fall semesters left. Taking the most advantage of it I can. Spoiled transfer student who has never seen UNT lose at Apogee.
    4 points
  22. We’re getting love everywhere
    4 points
  23. No first game of the year is a must win game.
    3 points
  24. I'm in the crap hole that is Cleveland right now. Thanks for posting the link. Now I can enjoy this wedding that I don't want to be at.
    3 points
  25. If we are wanting a 10 win season, I absolutely think this is a must win game. This is a momentum game and if we can win, this will loom large going into Fayetteville on Sept 15th. Im not saying we are going in there looking for an upset but we will have some swagger behind us, looking for a fight and maybe get a little sweet revenge from our ol friend Chad Morris. If we dont win this weekend, we will more than likely be going into the LA Tech game at 2-2 with our confidence a little hurt. With the right momentum we will be at 3-1 and ready to rough up those Bulldogs and show the West that we mean business and we are here to stay! Either Way, Beat those Ponies to DEATH and GO MEAN GREEN!!!!
    3 points
  26. And, a win here sets up the ability to go into Arkansas at 2-0 and start to really join the national conversation at that point depending upon the outcome.
    3 points
  27. I believe you can access through Facebook Stadium.
    3 points
  28. Another guy we added is DE Jermarcus White. 24/7 had him rated as a 3* out of HS https://247sports.com/Player/Jermarcus-White-46042255
    3 points
  29. Another important point to throw out there.... WEAR GREEN Nothing would be more impressive (aside from a North Texas blowout of SMU) than too see a sea of green in the stands. I'm pumped! Fill Apogee and beat SMU!
    3 points
  30. I am chugging to get every student I can inside Apogee saturday night. Let's sell this b out!
    3 points
  31. They’re Portland State bad. 😉
    3 points
  32. @malonish Has your new coach set up his inner city men's ministry yet?
    3 points
  33. UNT was approaching 19,000 tickets sold for its game against SMU on Thursday afternoon, a total that doesn’t include student tickets. Attendance could approach a sellout, or at least the Apogee record of 28,075 set against Houston in 2011.
    3 points
  34. I hate to say it....but C-USA needs a Wren Baker fighting for them. He'd get that $hit taken care of. WHIP smu! Rick
    3 points
  35. I know I've said this before but there are a LOT of students I know (as I am one) who are investing interest and planning going to this game that would never have considered it the last few years. Beating FAU or Troy would've certainly helped but I can honestly say the hype this team is getting is resonating on campus. People aren't rolling their eyes when I suggest coming to the game.
    3 points
  36. No. It's good to have the option for people who CAN'T attend to be able to attend to be able to watch on TV or be able to record. The problem is those who CAN attend, but don't.
    3 points
  37. Just GA in the Wing. Currently working on paying for a wedding so had to get a cheap seat. I'll probably end up sitting in the student section.
    2 points
  38. looking at the the tickets purchase map on Meangreensports.com just now, it is showing the wing to have ticket availability as low. on section with high availability are the upper corners of the alumni side.
    2 points
  39. Yeah, what the hell was that all about? I mean, didn't we get the ball on a turnover deep in positive territory on your first possession and never even look like we were going to throw a pass on that 3 and out? That was when I stopped hating SMU and started hating whoever hired Coach Mac. On another note, I was somewhere in the last couple of weeks and saw Coach Hawaii coaching a CFL team. Unlike McCarney, who I think retired from coaching when he got a contract extension at UNT.
    2 points
  40. You don't go to jail for getting creative with funds within a system. You go to jail for transferring money from X-department to your personal accounts....or fake account......or off shore account.
    2 points
  41. Honestly, I haven’t heard or seen this much hype since that year Cobbs & Thomas were in the backfield and Tulsa came down and stomped a mud hole in NT. Everyone picked NT to beat the Golden Hurricane. Talk about letting the air out of our balloon and ultimately the season. Let’s hope the SMU game goes as planned....
    2 points
  42. Well, considering our performance in the championship and bowl games I think you have a good reason to be nervous. In all honesty I don't see this being a special season. We have a good coach and good quarterback so a floor of 6 wins is easy to see but there is nothing to indicate this is a break out year. That will come with better recruiting. Thankfully that is finally happening at UNT. Better years are on the horizon. As for this year, give me a win against SMU and a bowl game and I will be content. Don't get me wrong 14-0 would be just fine too!
    2 points
  43. And the winner is: Can’t go wrong with this. Good choice.
    2 points
  44. I’m coming all the way from NYC. The least these dummies could do is drive the 30 minutes from DFW.
    2 points

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