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  1. I love it. Winable FBS game. At the end of the season no ones going to look back at 8 wins and be upset about that W. look at how Boise got to where they were. WINNABLE GAMES! With winning comes more fans and better recruits
    8 points
  2. Do you, or do you not agree that federal agencies have the same investigative skills as the Texas Rangers?!?!?! I, for one, don't think we should let the Texas Rangers investigate anything since they are striking out constantly and blowing late-inning leads.
    7 points
  3. Who's to say it wasn't Army that approached UNT and asked for the games to be rescheduled? Maybe we had to scramble and Liberty represented the best combination of winnable games and H/H. Need a little more info before I am ready to light my pitchfork. Seems like a good question for the coaches caravan. Hopefully, someone will post the response from the AD.
    7 points
  4. It'll all die out before you know it. I mean nobody over here still thinks of Western as 'goat f*****s' right? And that wasn't even athletics. That incident was a group of AG Fratty McFrattersons. But I still hear about it. But I don't hear about it as often. I don't think average Joe even remembers it but message board posters have long memories on any potential fuel for fire. Sounds to me like your school has done everything right so far. These dang college kids. If it ain't the marijauna then it's the sex. Who'd think college age kids would fall under the spell of either of those? Sex is what took down Ray Harper. And no laws were broken. Nobody went to jail. But 3 players were expelled and pretty much forced a resignation by the head coach. Louieville still hasn't faced down their hookers for high schoolers controversy. I hate it for you guys. I'll be following this just out of curiosity.
    7 points
  5. People do ignore an sos. You think 2 years after the season people realize who you played or do they just see that you won 9 games. Recruits don't look at sos, they look at results. Wins are wins. And at this point we need them against whoever we can get them against. I'm not one to complain about my $100 bill being wrinkled. Once we win games, once we are able to recruit better because we are winning, once more fans are walking thru the gate then we can book better teams.
    7 points
  6. Matt Brune | Staff Writer I’m from San Antonio and an avid sports fanatic. I watch more than my fair share of college football, basketball and baseball, and am familiar with most Texas universities. Two years ago, when it was time to choose a school, I chose North Texas — a school almost no one, including myself, knew anything about. Most people associate large, powerful schools with having grandiose sports teams. With that in mind, it’s painfully obvious why a majority of people, like my 16-year-old self, had not heard of UNT. In general, athletics at North Texas has historically sucked, especially the revenue generating powerhouses of football and men’s basketball. But that’s all changing. The Mean Green are a few years from no longer being cellar dwellers and a few years from being a top-four program in Conference USA. I say this with confidence, because first-year Athletic Director Wren Baker has shown a vision, a plan and a concise approach for making North Texas better now. Not later. While he did not make the decisions to hire women’s basketball head coach Jalie Mitchell or football head coach Seth Littrell, Baker has given them the resources to succeed and had their backs throughout these growing times. North Texas has six core sports in football, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, women’s soccer and softball. The 2016-17 average winning percentage in Conference USA play across those six sports is 46.5, up exactly five percent from the 41.5 percent average in 2015-16. That’s including the dumpster fire that was men’s basketball. View Full Article
    6 points
  7. I don't want to minimize this, but it sounds like the (current) accusation is that this occurred on two separate occasions. From what I can tell, one of the instances resulted in sex and the other attempt resulted in an RA listening in on the conversation and reporting it to the police and an end to the crime spree. Doesn't sound like we are dealing with a couple of master criminals. Stupid, a 1,000 times yes. Huggy Bear, not exactly. I feel worst for the 2 females involved, but I hate to see kids screw up their lives over something so stupid.
    6 points
  8. Dude? Okay. What red flags did they display in high school before Benford brought them here. But you don't know what Benford knew or didn't know. You are just being a complete asshole and you know it.
    6 points
  9. So in your world why does UNT have a police department? Doesn't every crime that happens at the University impact the University? Therefore, using your logic of not being controversial, they should hand over every crime to the Denton PD.
    6 points
  10. I have nothing against Liberty. I just don't want them on our schedule. We need to be building better non-conference schedules, not signing "home and homes" with start ups. We need games with recognizable P5 programs. Syracuse still needs an OOC game in 2018 & 2021. Oklahoma State is in need of another OOC game in 2018. Come on, there had to be better options. I do not like this series with Liberty. I'd really like to hear the logic behind this.
    6 points
  11. Evidently we chopped off 2 games of the Army series. I gues those that were vocally against the Army series got their wish. Congrats, I guess.
    6 points
  12. It would appear the experiments last year were deemed successful. http://www.underdogdynasty.com/conference-usa/2017/5/3/15532488/conference-usa-will-have-games-streamed-on-twitter-this-year-g5-stadium-tv-contract-cusa I personally fully support this move. It certainly does not address the abysmal media payout situation we find ourselves in, but it does definitely mitigate the error of fan accessibility.
    5 points
  13. Lots of "ifs" in there and there is no reason what so ever to believe to the kids wouldn't have done something like this anyway. What we know for certain is IF we would not have GM as our coach. Wren being willing to wait a year to get GM makes me believe the choices available at the time we not as good. And no matter who happens to be the coach at the time, college kids make bad decisions and get into trouble! To my knowledge, no coach has found a way to prevent this. What the better coaches do is get rid of the players after it happens.
    5 points
  14. So far, there are two people implicated in this mess, an one year ball player and a student manager. People on here with wild speculation and assuming the absolute worse are not helping anything, and I am not just referring to "Mr. Post anything to get attention". This does not point to systemic failure in NT athletics or thus far involvement from anyone else but a couple of very small time inept knuckleheads. That may change, but until it does I don't understand the impulse to make this story much bigger than it now seems to be.
    5 points
  15. Dude, this isn't mutually exclusive. They can be 100% responsible for their actions and the head coach can shoulder blame for bringing them here, too. Yes the football players who raped girls at Baylor are responsible for their actions, but Art Briles is responsible for bringing them in (despite prior red flags), and failing to act when it was discovered.
    5 points
  16. Anybody else find it ironic that this article was posted right before we learned we just scheduled a home and home with Liberty?
    5 points
  17. They are not both home games in 2018. They should both be wins. No problem for me... as long as we win both.
    5 points
  18. Liberty is full fledged FBS independent just like UMass, BYU, Army, NMSU, etc... Incarnate Word is FCS.
    5 points
  19. This article was posted just today: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/04/twitter-brings-its-tv-app-with-live-video-to-roku/
    4 points
  20. It's a winnable home and home with a FBS team, something that's far better than a game against any FCS team. Checking FBSSchedules.com, I see Liberty also has a home and home series scheduled with New Mexico from the Mountain West Conference. And games scheduled against P5s Baylor, Wake Forest and Virginia Tech. I don't understand the convoluted thought process that some how it's fine for P5s to play Liberty but it's some how "beneath" NT. We need six wins and the more of those against FBS teams the better.
    4 points
  21. That is a very reckless statement. The UNTPD in criminal matters reports directly to Denton County District Attorney. They are sworn police officers. To say that they will not conduct a proper investigation is a wild baseless accusation.
    4 points
  22. So using UNT90's line of reasoning, all County and State investigations should funnel up to federal agencies so there is no perceived improprieties.
    4 points
  23. Did you know UNT PD has a K9 Unit? They do; two "officers" in fact. They're used for things like narcotics and bomb detection. They have a Criminal Investigations Division that seems proficient enough to investigate two people who are allegedly involved in organized criminal activity as they have issued arrest warrants for two of them with one having already been arrested. UNT's name is already all over this because at least one of the victims is a UNT student, this involves a UNT employee (Resident Assistant), where part of the crime took place on UNT's campus (soliciting the woman in her dorm room over the phone), and three of the alleged bad actors are UNT students. Except that didn't happen here. A sexual assault was reported and investigated. Arrest warrants were created as a result of the investigation. Two have been arrested. What more do you want? Also, that independent investigation into the basketball program by an outside party was going to take place regardless of which police jurisdiction investigated the sexual assaults given who all three of the alleged bad actors were found to be. You're creating something that isn't there because you have an agenda.
    4 points
  24. So let's see ... After leading us to a much better season than most would have thought possible - Seth doesn't know what he's doing After coming into an AD that was dysfunctional at best and trying to make changes - Wren doesn't know what he's doing Should we start a pot to see how soon Grant proves he doesn't know what he's doing? Same for Kansas State
    4 points
  25. UNT is State property, UNT PD is a State office, therefore they are state officers.
    4 points
  26. This is nothing like what happened in Baylor! A sexual assault was reported and authorities investigated on the report and now we are seeing results from that investigation. At Baylor, sexual assaults were reported and little to no action was taken leading to those bad actors making more sexual assaults. If anything, this shows that just because you are or were an athlete at North Texas does not make you immune to legal consequences. North Texas appears to have handled this as best they possibly could have.
    4 points
  27. DRC: UNT athletic director sends e-mail to fans, boosters to address issues in basketball program http://beta.dentonrc.com/sports/mean-green/2017/05/03/baker-reaches-boosters-amid-unt-basketball-arrests
    3 points
  28. He's not wrong, since we've all had our way with @UNT90's mom. But it still hurts my feelings when he calls us that. :(
    3 points
  29. Times have changed! It seems we've had some so-called fans take up that mantle though.
    3 points
  30. I've seen enough on here recently to believe there are a couple posters who will not end the negativity, even when things are on the rise in Denton. It's disheartening, because I had mistakenly associated all the anger/bitterness with the state of the program and hoped it would go away. It seems to be it is not associated with the AD, and will continue regardless of any successes.
    3 points
  31. Pro UNT Narrative? It was a statement of fact and that is all.
    3 points
  32. It's not uncommon for UNT-PD to assist Denton PD. It happens more than people think.
    3 points
  33. I liked our Texas Tech announcement much better.
    3 points
  34. Same period last year. But, as we all know, actual numbers are not released...or have not been in the past. But, a 20% increase over any number is 20% more. At this point...anyway.
    3 points
  35. Promoting prostitution still considered a class A misdemeanor? (Asking for a friend)
    3 points
  36. Marijuana possession doesn't exactly shock or surprise me at all. While I get that smoking pot while on scholarship is a stupid, stupid thing to do, half the population of Denton is stoned at any given moment, so it doesn't surprise me that any given athlete would fall into that. But prostitution? That one's a surprise.
    3 points
  37. Good thing we kept Benford around for the full year to keep the guys focused on academics or whatever.
    3 points
  38. Travel to Lynchburg next season , host in 2021 nfm
    2 points
  39. http://www.wbap.com/2017/05/03/unt-students-named-in-prostitution-drug-possession-charges/ Maybe Sidway will finally release RV's transcripts too.
    2 points
  40. He's doing a good job for sure. 247 updates any offers reported to their site. Go to UNT's 247 how Billy did it for the longest.
    2 points
  41. You've been all over these offers. I'm diggin it
    2 points
  42. Aren't these great times we live in? I guess I know a little bit now as to how Baylor alums feel.
    2 points
  43. When was RV relieved from his position and when did this event occur? As of the evidence now RV and Benford were not involved in anyway when this started and the University jumped on it once they got wind of it.
    2 points

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