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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Denton loves him because he's doing a fine job of keeping gameday traffic around the city to a minimum.
    19 points
  2. 17 points
  3. This ad running across the top of gmg.com was an appropriate image for this thread. Rick
    12 points
  4. I wish, just once, we would hire a head coach that was the best fit for North Texas instead of just following the latest trend...
    10 points
  5. It's bogus. Take a look at the Frenchy's logo on the front- the entire logo does not fit on the vehicle itself. Additionally, the panel with the number "2" covers a portion on the passenger side door, preventing it from being operated. If you look closely at the portion of the vinyl that reads "Rick Villareal", it actually does not have the tell-tale rise from the raised metal that goes across the right flank of the truck itself (which if it were actual, the pressure required to fix the lettering placard to the vehicle would be present against the sign itself). Also, the haphazard spacing and size differential of the lettering shows either 1) the letters used were not procured from the same source (a technique used in cut-and-paste letters preventing handwriting analysts from identifying culprits of crimes) or 2) the fabricator went to an unrealistic (and ultimately damning) effort to give the appearance that this was made with human hands. With the resources that a small business like Frenchy's has at it's disposal, and if it were truly a truck that was used with the intent to show solidarity with the athletic director, the effort would have a far more professional appearance than what we are looking at. It's a slow day, so I had our intel analysts look at this picture to give me their thoughts. They also asked who the hell is Rick Villareal.
    7 points
  6. How about giving the team a chance and supporting your alma mater. If they tank, then stop going, but not attending out of spite towards the AD or Bball Coach is, well, spiteful,
    5 points
  7. I chuckled last time I drove into town and a flashing sign said warning slow moving traffic ahead UNT game day. I thought to myself they must be talking about our offense. Then I get to the parking lot and it was only half filled, then I realized they WERE talking about our offense.
    5 points
  8. Really disappointed in Frenchy. Normally he uses the sides of his trucks for good, not evil.
    5 points
  9. I would love someone with head coaching experience, even if it is at a lower level and they are now P5 coordinators. Also, there MUST be ties to the area for recruiting.
    4 points
  10. It will probably only take the 4 playoff teams out of the mix for us but I doubt we are looking at the staffs of Alabama, Clemson, Notre Dame, Iowa, Oklahoma State. This could put a wrench into Lincoln Reilly plans as OU still has a shot at making the 4. Teams will generally release assistant coaches to their new teams if they are in a regular bowl game. Keep in mind that the coaches we are interviewing are still working, gameplanning, recruiting, coaching, etc... at their current jobs. These guys probably have been granted only a limited amount of time to interview and talk to UNT. It just isn't feasible(and maybe not allowed by the their current head coach) to take additional time to fly or drive to Denton. We may only have an hour or two with these guys and need to make any concessions we need to get the best possible candidates.
    4 points
  11. I wouldn't be surprised that RV's reputation itself will be his biggest hurdle in landing a good coach. His record aint great people. And, his department seems to shoot itself in the foot.... Just sayin...
    4 points
  12. Not requested for the most part. Non-profits do at time make requests which he gladly accepts. Always free. Frenchy does this on his own. Folks can knock him for being a bit of a self-promoter, but he gives a ton to the local community both of himself and from his company. I know how hard he works on community projects as I am a member with him in the local chapter of the Viet Nam Veterans Association and he is a dynamo of volunteerism within our group, and when I recently volunteered to work a shift at the Eureka2 playground re-build there were several Frenchy vehicles there and several Frenchy employees working....while the workers volunteered their time and Frenchy provided vehicles and implements for the build, he also paid these folks their normal wages while working on that community project. He has also and recently been diagnosed with prostrate cancer (he has gone public with it so I am not divulging anything private here) and is now adding cancer fund raising and awareness benefits to his otherwise busy schedule. I have no clue if the RV thing was real or not, but I can tell you....Frenchy is the real deal and a great asset to the Denton area community.
    4 points
  13. I think we can all agree we are at a low point for our Athletic program. I think we can also agree as fans we are divided as to what is the best way to voice our frustrations. Some have chose a banner and now are rallying for a billboard, this is a route in the spirit of full disclosure I will concede I have supported both on the board, and the billboard financially. Although I will concede as well I don't know if it will change anything. I don't think it's detrimental to our program or an embarrassment that the fans care. I will admit until this year I never got involved in the board I browsed casually and never felt compelled to contribute any commentary. I was apathetic to our program like so many other alumni. I met my best friends and had some of the greatest times at North Texas I proudly sport the green in airports public and around the country. I have had more conversations in the past few months with disengaged alumni about athletics recently than ever before. With a few exceptions including a few on this board the folks I went to school with are mostly disengaged, this controversy this divide this attention to the program, even if you disagree or are following it for comedic relief is bringing people back to looking at our Alma Mater's athletics. I personally have believed and vocalized my support for things like improved athletic facilities, a new stadium and putting more skin in the game on our coaching decision. I think the debate the divide the blame at this point is a good thing Mac and RV are just catalyst for a long overdue uprising by a thirsty fan base. No matter what side you are on I encourage all alum to keep the conversation going keep it going on the board, keep it going with your fellow alum with alum you meet on the street. Let's bring alum back to apogee, lets hire a new coach, lets recruit and that's all of us always be asking 'Why not North Texas?', let's make ourselves part of the conversation in the mid majors and strive to be a powerhouse. These type of things will take the support of students, alums, administrators and donors. Lets start moving a mountain one shovel full at a time.. Let's get some people involved in North Texas Athletics.. Rant over..
    4 points
  14. Not this. There are a lot of places to run down RV. This thread is not the place.
    4 points
  15. It is possible to be fanatical about your alma mater's football team without your entire life revolving around it. Or so I've been told. Gotta run. My sons Jamario and Booger need help with their homework.
    3 points
  16. One who can recruit, recruit, recruit, and on special occasions recruit even more. Also a good recruiter wouldn't hurt.
    3 points
  17. Most initial interviews/indications of interest are done over the phone. Next step is face to face interview. We are paying too much money to have it over Facetime. We are also in no position to make demands of candidates regarding time and travel when they are still employed by someone else. We are at the mercy of the AD at the candidates school. If Lincoln Reilly/Mike Norvell says "Hey the phone interview was great. I'd like to formally interview for the job. I only have 1-2 hours due to my current job. Can you come up to Norman/ Phoenix?" We should be on the next flight. Period. We're not begging anyone. It's not about pride. We are doing what everyone does in this situation.
    3 points
  18. This whole thing has gotten so internal class war, bitter fan base, cloak and dagger swept away in the dark of night secrecy, it's just plain difficult for me to care anymore. All of the fan speculation, based on no legitimate information at all, is entirely ill informed and entirely unheard (most likely rightly so) by the deciding powers that be. Throw Gumby and Pokey out there in compromising positions for all I care anymore. It's gonna make some happy and others angry. Only time will tell if it works out in the long run.
    3 points
  19. I don't have anything against Louisiana Tech or Ruston by the way. LT outperforms and should be proud. But anyone who supports an NT administrator who lets us not only to languish in the same league but to be getting killed by LT, is crazy. NT has to be the worst underperforming university in America. So instead of pride we have shame.
    3 points
  20. It's much easier for us to travel to a prospective coach without being noticed than vice versa. As for talking on Skype, this is a job that could pay $1 million a year, the way some people are talking. Would you make a hire that big without doing the interview face to face?
    3 points
  21. Thank goodness you're not an AD. I bet you'd have the new coach just skype with all of his potential recruiting targets too. Isn't that what we're doing? Trying to recruit a potential HC?
    3 points
  22. And why wouldn't Mac want to make sure his team participates (in a timely manner) in something that just about every D-1 school in the nation builds their game day (after tailgating) around? I mean every school listed on his resume just drips with traditions on game day. Did he think it was just an option here?
    3 points
  23. If true, I hope they find a way to get Lincoln Riley. He is my favorite next to Carthel.
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. Oh well, I guess "what did we expect"?
    3 points
  26. I realize I am a visitor but I have first hand knowledge of what Dooley can do to your program. He will ensure the expansion projects are a focus, the trash cans are positioned properly around the complex and can teach proper showering techniques to athletes. We have a rock that the students paint and I thought I would let you see a couple of highlights from the Dooley era.
    3 points
  27. In all fairness.. O'Leary was the HC and AD... They had to hire the AD first.
    3 points
  28. As someone whom I would have to assume employs a PR department, if not just a single representative.... Reading this thread I can see one more responsibility it might be prudent to entrust upon them.
    3 points
  29. So they hired an AD and now will hire a coach? I thought that was impossible
    3 points
  30. ^This is truth^ RV's record speaks for itself. It's not about love. Sports are about winners and losers. If you aren't winning, you are losing and have to go. Period.
    3 points
  31. That is your answer right there. Listen this is a forum of the ultra zealot. If we were a religious sect, we wouldn't be the people who show up only on Easter, we wouldn't even be the people who handle snakes, we would be the people who all dress alike and drink the poisoned kool aide at the same time so we can make the mother-ship ride to a P5 conference. Like any other group of incredibly involved fanatics when things go bad there isn't much else to do except eat our own. We argue about dogma (The Sepulcher of the Big Donor vs The Holy Way of Small Gifts), we nailed treatises to church doors (banners/billboards), we even argue if the Pope (Villarealous the First) is infallible, or if perhaps we should throw him into the Brazen Eagle (Not many people know this but Spiriki is actually a giant smoker, it makes greats brisket). The problem isn't that we are zealots, the problem is there are too few of us. People freaking out when things go bad is a good sign, not enough people did at UTA and now they don't have a program. The real root problem is that there are too few of us, most UNT alums avoud athletics like the would hare krishnas. --- Actually the first person to mention the AD was someone defending him, of course the detractors are going to answer:
    3 points
  32. People are using his HC hires as an example because its one that everyone can agree with. If RV would have came out and said "I wouldn't go out and say Mac was a good or bad hire but at the end of the day -- We had some great moments that we'll share for the rest of our life together. Then they're moments I wish I never thought I'd be in. We have to move on and learn from our mistakes and grow from what we did well. I believe if we do these things, seeing 30k of the 40k that showed up in 2013 will be coming back to denton six times a year." Thats it... Instead, RV came out and said that he did everything perfect and wouldn't have changed anything.. That's not going to win people over...
    3 points
  33. How can you base a hire off of one win? That's my point. It's extremely too irrational to even bring Mitchell in the conversation, that's what RV would do. He makes irrational decisions. Perfect example, giving an extension to a 3rd year HC after his first winning season in 3 years. Look what UNLV did, of course they didn't win their bowl game but their HC had another losing season and was fired after his forth season. That's what should have happened to Mac, if we had any press like SMU or TCU, he would have been fired.
    3 points
  34. 3 points
  35. It's what is done at legitimate FBS programs...
    2 points
  36. It's hard to engage in any UNT sports topic without RV somehow working into the conversation. He is the AD of the programs we discuss. Asking the fan base to exclude him from topics on this board, would be like asking the media to exclude the president from foreign policy topics.
    2 points
  37. For those that made the trip I hope you had a great time. I do expect the field to be in better shape if you visit again. That was an embarrassment. I thought the NT defense played a very good game and your team was well prepared to defend what we wanted to do offensively. You have great fans on this site and I have enjoyed the interaction. I will be following the coaching search and wish you luck in landing someone willing and able to take this team to the next level. Your fans and alumni deserve it. I am sure you have already read this but I will post a link. http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2015/10/14/9530335/ncaa-football-coach-jobs-best
    2 points
  38. I can only imagine what those numbers would look like if RV had been able to fire DD like he wanted to do back in 01. Maybe the guy that he hired to replace DD would have gone on the same conference winning streak. But in light of RV's two times up at the bat in hiring football coaches, I kind of doubt it.
    2 points
  39. In all honesty, in the times in my life when I've actively tried to go to the athletic department to voluntarily give them money, I've found it damn near impossible to do so. This goes all the way back to my very first game against Tulsa in 2008. I had no idea how anything worked. I knew I had a student ticket, but I wanted to buy one extra to bring my daughter. I walked to the old athletic department over by Fouts, went in to the door that said "Ticket Office" and had one hell of a time acquiring that ticket. Things have not improved. At all. I still struggle to buy extra tickets even though now it should be nothing more than a phone call, my account number (attached to my credit card) and a trip to will call on game day. Still like pulling teeth. Until I got Reggie on speed dial, I could count on a minimum of three transfers per call, and usually no tickets in hand at the end of the ordeal. Furthermore, it was super funky groovy in 2014 when I sent a check to pay for my season tickets, they cashed it, misappropriated it to my stadium gift, and invoiced me for tickets I theoretically hadn't paid for. I think we could admit that by virtue of my very existence on this message board, that I'm going to be a bit more tenacious than most when trying to give my money to the athletic department. For the more casual fan, even if they unilaterally step up and pursue this, how do you think things are gonna go? I know for a fact that you were not the one who came up with that spiriki level. I was really excited about the recruit 25 thing this past summer until I realized I was selling $25 stickers and nothing more. I'm a grass roots kind of guy with a shady background. I want to bring in the masses to cheap seats in the wing zone, (first one's always free), get them hooked on the experience, then hit 'em with a real gmg donation. The spiriki thing was almost there. Almost. But it lacked a fundamental piece of the puzzle -- the right to buy cheap GA tickets at some discounted price.
    2 points
  40. That truck is UTSA colors. No wonder he likes RV. Frenchy's a sleeper agent for our bitter three-year rival.
    2 points
  41. Why? It was my understanding that the folks on Bonnie Brae feel the games don't need any promotion.
    2 points
  42. It was "Recruit 15"...and yes, I helped bring in excess of 15 new members to the Mean Green Club. Yes, I led that campaign. I am always happy to help my university as best I can.
    2 points
  43. Wonder how much that cost RV? More or less than his personal Mean Green Club donation (or lack thereof)?
    2 points
  44. According to Kram you're lazy and need to take initiative. It's not like it's the Athletics Department job to reach out to prospective donors. That would be asinine. Get your act together Dr. Seuss.
    2 points
  45. So curmudgeonly behavior on the board is going to drive away more people than losing by 59 to 1AA/FCS Portland State? Not buying that at all. The board is the board and it's behaved the same way for 15 years or so now. When we win a ton of new faces show up and it's a happy lalaland of good feelings. People who have doubts get chased out with pitchforks. When we lose the board shrinks down to the ultra zealot core and the blood cults start drumming in the hills. If we lose (which is out of the boards control) so much that even the ultra zealots convert to The Longhorn Heresy, that is the real danger.
    2 points

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