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I stumbled onto this good offseason watch today. It features a UNT that had recently announced plans to move to a new conference called The Sun Belt Conference. This post has been promoted to an article5 points
4 points
Ya, I mean anyone who averages 14 points and 10 rebounds a game his first year in college (one of only 2 players in college that year to average a double double, with the other player with this accomplishment being the 1st overall pick in the NBA draft in 2012) just doesn't show any college potential. This may be the most stupid statement you have ever made, and that is really saying something. Your right, Andrew, a first round NBA pick just wasn't talented enough to excell at UNT. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!3 points
I hope the go 0-12. I just cannot root for anyone that we might have to compete against for recruits. If they start to win in the Sun Belt, it could get a litle closer to happening.3 points
"In a side note, all of UNT’s seniors are graduating on time and all of the Mean Green’s returning players are going to be eligible heading into next season without needing summer school to get there. That’s a pretty significant achievement. UNT also has its highest team GPA in recent memory." I may not have much faith in Benford turning things around on the court, but I have to give credit where due for the off the court success.3 points
Why should UH be ashamed? They can boast that they gave him a lifeline when he failed out of North Texas. That's true altruism.2 points
I actually like Egi better than Gaines based on what little I know of them. Being on a BE squad means little if you don't play. Egi appears to have some offensive game unlike this guy.2 points
Thanks for posting the 1999 video. Not to stir up a hornets nest but aside from the daffy duck helmet logo, I sure liked those uniforms back then. Dark green and all.2 points
2 points
I don't like his facial expressions.2 points
He actually played in the BE. Not one of Benfords "could start in the BE dreams"2 points
I don't think the greenies even know how much of a "carbon footprint" they make. Nor do I think most of them really care. I think they are mainly driven by the desire to simply oppose oil companies for the sake of opposing them. The majority of them have no idea how many petroleum-based products they use daily. I don't think even a tenth of them realize how many petroleum-based products they use daily. And, it benefits them greatly. I still see them driving cars. I still see them living in asphalt shingled houses. They wear shoes and permanent press clothing. They - some of them - still use hygiene products. And, on and on and on, on, and on. The beat don't stop until the break of dawn. I'll take them seriously when the streets are flooded with bicyclers and pedestrians, and they are living in hovels and caves, hunched over campfires eating the food they killed or harvested themselves. Otherwise, they are just silly people consuming and using many petroluem products daily while railing against them. Here's something all greenies should do: go to Nicaragua or some other third world country without strong oil companies producing life enhancing products for them. Go down there and live with a minimal "carbon footprint" and other such nonsense. Hypocrisy. That's all it is with these greenies. There is no way any of them, in spite of all of their spit and vemon, will ever abandon the petroleum product in America that make their lives easier. Shut up until you live in a cave, live with fire as your main source of energy, and are sustaining yourself on what you kill and grow. Buttholes. Ted Nugent is leaving less of a "carbon footprint" than most of the greenies and lefties who rail against him. Ding dongs. (P.S. - Speaking of Ted, guitar strings are made with petroleum-based products. So...all of those protest singers...they are using petroleum based products to oppose petroleum producers. Yes, it's that laughable. Beardo the Weirdo ranting on the corner with his beat up guitar has his hands all over petroleum products.)2 points
Ahh the Big 12. Where we have more bowl tie ins than eligible teams.1 point
If and when Coach Peterson has some fantastic exciting interesting news, I hope it gets a new thread.1 point
Likewise, I suspect some other universities are poorly represented on this board.1 point
Maybe so, but the music is 1,000 times betterr than the crap they throw on these things nowadays.1 point
1 point
This just boggles the mind. Benford will have less talent in a more competitive league. We all know he isn't going to out-coach anyone. But we just need to wait and watch the disaster unfold. It amazes me how many people are willing to let this program be reduced to the 2002 days.1 point
1 point
I think this is the point that was being made: Comment from Vito's blog: I think Mitchell let's this carry over to the floor, and his draft video in the other thread points some of these problems out and provides video as support. Look, I hope Tony gets drafted #1 and has a Hall of Fame worthy career, so maybe we can let all of this die away and just support the young man as he starts his NBA career. Maybe we can also support Coach Benford and the program heading into his second season here. If we have another season, results wise, like last year then we can go looking for another coach, but let's let the season play out prior to jumping to conclusions.1 point
Not to mention the whole "Tony sucks and is the reason our team sucks" crowd. Lets see, Tony is a lottery pick before playing one game for Benford, plays a season under Benford and sees his draft stock plummet, and then gets away from Benford and sees his draft stock skyrocket. I wonder what the variable is in this situation.1 point
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Sounds like folks in Cincinnati still struggle with physics.1 point
If u go down 3 tweets from NoJo he hints at a possible uniform change ....1 point
1 point
Cougar Queen, does it make you feel good inside to know that both of your schools' fanbases hate you? I mean, there's a bit of annoyance at my opinions but it doesn't seem like everyone hates me. You, however. Not a lot of <3. You just piss off everyone. Literally, every single football fan on every forum you've ever posted on dislikes you. Yikes.1 point
1 point
Yes Make it happen Benford. Looks like our best option available. Even though his PT is low he still has Big East expieriance. If he can split time with Coleman or if Coleman doesn't develop then it gives us another option at center.1 point
1 point
I am a card carrying member of the GOP and I understand volcanos are the largest source of carbon emissions on planet earth. Global warming is a serious problem right now, on Mars. Al Gore should have stuck with banning Two Live Crew albums instead of amateur climatology, I guess he needs something to bitch about to feel relevant. Finally, thank goodness the industrial revolution ended the last ice age 10,000 years ago. Please, bring science up in the global warming debate, it would be a welcomed change. Planet earth never had periods of warming and cooling in its estimated 4.6 billion years? We have been keeping data for less than 100 years or so? (Seconds in geological terms.) It's funny how legitimate scientists don't get air time when they speak against the expert opinions of actors and politicians. I am all for recycling and keeping land, water, and air clean but the global warming crowd should be ashamed of the verbal diarrhea they spew. (Example: Moronic Congressman claiming Moore, OK was caused by Republicans fault. Or Al Gore claiming the record setting snowfall recently is caused by warming...seriously..., the laughable UN even admitted they had to change data and cook the books to make global warming look like an issue, and on and on...)1 point
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Why do we always have to have the lame voice overs? Just pick cool music and roll highlights.1 point
That's what we have California for. So that those of you who can't get enough of government controlling your lives can move there. Rick1 point
Come on, O, Prophets of Green Doomsday...save us! Save yourselves first. Stop being hypocrites. If you live in a structure topped by these, tear them off or move out, if not today as soon as possible to prove your commitment to the cause: And, then, pull these things off your car: Come on, O, Prophets of Green...lead the way!1 point
I know most people thought him being drafted would be great pub for our school, but every article seems to bash us as the reason why Mitchell didn't do as well as he should have.1 point
What happened to this thread? I keep thinking someone has posted Petersen's big news, and all I see is more dorktalk. Can't you take it somewhere else?1 point
My volcanoe comment was in reference to this quote above. "First & foremost, we can recognize that burning fossil fuels will only make things worse." As if to say us humans here in the U.S. can counter the massive carbon emitting activity of volcanoes and the rest of the industrialized world by stop using fossil fuels. Rick1 point
The wii is a good family system. Nothing can beat smash brothers. Still mixing reading in there is more beneficial.1 point
No, I was referring to the tons and tons of carbon emitted into the air from volcanoes all over the planet that we can't control. I was also going to mention the tons and tons of carbon from China, Nancy Pelosi's jetset lifestyle and other regions of the industrialized planet that none of us here can control...either, but I won't. Rick1 point
1 point
Good God, it's 1975 all over again,...we're all gonna freeze to death! http://denisdutton.com/cooling_world.htm Rick1 point
Yet, you choose to ignore the historical longevity of representative democracies and what inevitably causes their demise (with far more historical proof, by the way). Oh, the irony.1 point
The classification of workplace violence and an act of terror can both be made, however, if it was classified as an act of terror he should be on trial for treason in addition to the murders/attempted murders and put to death, which I hope he gets death anyway.1 point
Hold him down, shave his F'n beard, and get on with the trial already. Jeeeeeezzzzz!1 point
The only thing this piece of cow excrement should have earned was a rope.1 point
http://blog.chron.com/texaspolitics/2013/05/cscope-lesson-plans-to-end/ Many school teachers across the state will be happy about this. Thank you AG Greg Abbott. Rick1 point
The culture of the Obama Administration is unbelieveable. If you cannot trust your President to tell you the truth, who can you trust? Benghazi, IRS, What else is next?1 point
This is chilling...no matter which side of the aisle you sit, this is chilling. Certainly an indication of an agency that has crossed the line. Problem is, I have no faith in the current administration doing anything about it as this administration has shown little to any interest in reigning in rouge agencies. Shameful, but also chilling. Both conservatives and liberals should stand up and demand together that heads roll and policies put in place to keep this from happening again in the future.1 point
The moral of the story is that in order to have success you need a good footbal team, a nice stadium, and people to show up for football games. Nothing else matters.1 point