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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm just glad that this discussion involves some semblance of science. Something that the right wing (or further) finds too hard to comprehend.
    8 points
  2. Yeah. I mean, being a grown man and getting on a computer to pretend you are someone you're not, that you have special knowledge and abilities and can do things that you can't in the real world. Who does that?
    8 points
  3. I would hope it is an official visit. Coaches are not allowed to have contact in unofficial visits. As far as traffic on campus, summer semester will be in full swing and Zac Orr will be in his ear about what campus life is like during regular semester. Not worried about that. On a side note, if Zac doesn't make it in the NFL, I really hope he gets a graduate assistant spot at UNT. He has already proven he is a good recruiter and player, all that's left is a little coaching seasoning.
    4 points
  4. until we officially leave the Belt for CUSA. Which team will win our first conference title?
    3 points
  5. i'm in...another reason to drink and play sports!!! XL
    3 points
  6. If we just started a football program after decades of not having one, we'd sell a sh*t-ton of tickets, too. Just watch what happens with baseball. We'll see how they're doing at Year Five. Same for UTSA, Lamar, et al. They've got the benefit of not sucking for a long period of time- which eventually chokes out even the most faithful of fandom. UH spent a lot of time not drawing anyone to any of their games, so I'm not sure where the condescending attitude is coming from. I guess there are still a lot of fans who "remember what once was" but in reality, never existed. Even in the 70's, playing with (and beating, I might add) the "Big Boys", UH still only managed to average 45k (the capacity of the Astrodome, where UH played for some 30 years)... ONE TIME (to the best of my knowledge -- which is admittedly limited). And then it was a steady downhill decline into the early 2000's. I'm not saying this to bag on the Houston program -- I have a particular affinity for it, having grown up watching Andre Ware and David Klingler, and in fact still attend a couple games a year -- I'm just saying the U of Houston largely isn't supported by the community unless they're winning (even UTEP averaged more fans this past year). The same can be said of North Texas. That we even averaged 19k the past two seasons after what we've fielded and who we have played at home over the past decade is impressive to me. Can anyone argue Houston's attendance would have have fared any better in the Sun Belt conference after a decade of losing? But that doesn't matter -- they're doing it now. And we need to do the same. We are an ADD society; five years of consistent winning completely changes the public's perception of a program. Here are the facts: We haven't beaten a ranked opponent since...? We haven't beaten a single BCS Conference team not named Baylor (3-9) or Indiana (1-11) since Texas Tech (6-5) in 1999- almost 14 years ago. We haven't been ranked (in Div 1) since what, 1977? We are what we are. But we hope for what we'll someday be. We've had a taste, but we've not been able to do any of with any sort of consistency. And consistency is what changes the face of a program and the culture of a university.
    3 points
  7. At least it would be better spent than the debt we went into for Iraq.
    3 points
  8. Folks...all the preliminaries have been hammered out! The first ever GMG.Com Softball game is ON for JULY 13th with registration at 9AM followed by first pitch at 10"00AM...more details to follow, but here are the items we have right now: DATE: Saturday - July 13th TIME: Registration at 9:00AM with fist pitch at 10:00AM FORMAT: Slo-Pitch and Co-Ed (open to one and all) PLACE: UNT Softball Complex at Mean Green Village COST: $25.00 per player which includes the first ever GMG.COM Softball World Series T-Shirt! PROCEEDS: UNT Softball Scholarships TAILGATE PARTY AFTER THE GAME & SILENT AUCTION So...what do we need??? 1. Players - Sign up to play here...just like our football and basketball games...give me your t-shirt size as well. 2. Sponsors - We are asking for interested parties to help sponsor the game: A. Back of T-Shirt: $250.00 B. T-Shirt Sleeve: $50.00 C. Base Sponsors: (Need 4): $25.00 D. Tailgate Sponsor: $100.00 Anyone interested in sponsoring the event please just PM me and we can discuss the details. 3. Silent Auction Items 4. Game Day Volunteers Thanks to Coach T J Hubbard for helping to make this event a reality and to UNTCAMPBELL AND RAGEMASTER5000 for being the inspirations behind moving this forward and for being the first to step forward as volunteers to help make the game a success! More info to follow...BUT...who's up for being part of the first annual GMG.Com World Series of Softball Scholarship Fundraiser? Seriously, you do not want to miss out on this one...going to be lots of fun! If you would like to contribute as a sponsor, pay your registration fee or just donate to a good cause via PayPal please click here. Thanks and GMG!
    2 points
  9. There's an interesting essay by Geoffrey Parker in the most recent Chronicle of Higher Education on the history of climate changes & our response (or rather failure to respond). http://chronicle.com/article/The-Inevitable-Climate/139423/?cid=cr&utm_source=cr&utm_medium=en Man has an unfortunate propensity for choosing short-term profit over long-term good. It's our evolutionary heritage. Climate change will occur & it will be due in large part to human activities. We've passed the tipping point & there's nothing we can do to stop global warming & the other changes in our world. There are things we can do to mitigate the effects that are coming. First & foremost, we can recognize that burning fossil fuels will only make things worse. We must shift to nuclear energy, tidal energy, & solar energy. We must give up the silliness of living miles from where we work. We must realize that our houses are too large & our cars too fast. Most difficult of all - we must understand that there are too many of us on this damaged old planet. We must be more intelligent.
    2 points
  10. In! Very excited about this game and grateful to Ragemaster5000, Kram and Coach Hubbard for getting this set up to succeed. Need some captains to step up to draft team and provide as much coaching as a charity game such as this allows or needs. Lots of things in play here: Would love to get a few NT alumni softball players to join us. Definitely looking for our female posters to play. Going to miss the microphone musings of bstnsportsfan3...anyone else want to volunteer their announcer player-smack skills? Shirt size: L
    2 points
  11. That would be awesome, but I just dont think we have the big uglies up front to allow Orr and Wallace to roam in a 3-4. They would have to contend with some guard who moves up to block on run plays or a guard could pick them up if they blitzed on a pass play since we don't have a block-eating nose tackle. EDIT: Billy said it better above.
    2 points
  12. I know it's not likely , but let's say he is eligible this season. Do the coaches consider the move to A 3-4? Gotta play to the strengths of your personnel IMO
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Isn't it typically some sort of outside threat that allows a single person (usually a general) to take command to reduce the threat, then never giving up that power, and becoming a dictator?
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Baloney. If money were the problem, it would have long ago been solved. Remember, the lottery was supposed to take care of all education funding woes. The most important thing the government does is make sure there is a competitive business environment. Homeschoolers have more than proven that the government isn't doing the best job educating. If parents are not going to get in the game for their own children's education, that isn't my problem. It's their kids' problem. My kids will be able to get into good colleges, and they will be able to get jobs and have careers. Some of you have these vivid imaginations that other people are responsbile for your children. My kids are my responsibility. Whatever information is fed them by the Frisco ISD, we filter at home, and augment as necessary. If you are too lazy to keep up with your kids' education, that is not my problem. You either make your kids' education your own priority or you don't. It is not a problem for me. Abe Lincoln sat in the floor of a dirt cabin. Some kids just got paid $1.1 billion for Tumblr after his own mother realized school was a waste of time for his talents. You don't need piles of money to educate kids. You yourself need to follow what they are doing, fill in, and recognize what their strengths are and champion them. Running around trying to blame politicians for kids' failure is the height of lazy thinking. The success or failure of a child begins and ends at home. If you expect Hillary Clinton's village to raise your kids, then you gamble on what you get. We don't gamble on our kids' future; we are helping make it a success for them every day.
    2 points
  17. This is still my favorite tribute to the ones who sacrificed on memorial day..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa2hv8U8cWU My God, who writes like this anymore?
    2 points
  18. Thanks for posting and the team did indeed look sharp. I enjoyed listening the the KSU feed for some of the game and recall they were really complimentary of us. None of that "we looked past them" nonsense. Here's hoping for a winning season and bowl invite! PS. I know I'm in the minority here but our uniforms look great. Simple and to the point.
    2 points
  19. The success of Texas depends on all children being able to contribute - not just yours. Every child that is not educated is your problem and mine. Throwing money at education isn't the solution. BUT, adequate funding is a necessary component in that solution. We need to train good teachers. We need to pay good teachers good salaries. We need to provide safe facilities. We need to provide excellent textbooks. All of this costs money. We need to quit whining about paying our fair share of the cost of the most important thing our government does - educate our children.
    2 points
  20. Republicans in congress won't do anything that President Obama supports such as fixing infrastructure; which would also put folks back to work. Instead, they continue to do nothing but manufacture lies about the president. Oklahoma republicans want relief for tornadoes in their state but voted against relief for Hurricane Sandy because it was in a blue state. Outragious!
    2 points
  21. I got 10 on UNT90.
    2 points
  22. Oh...so his presence only effects education, but not business? Hmmm. What a magical man.
    2 points
  23. And the fact that your paycheck and benefit package is dependent on this funding doesn't affect your positions on the issue at all, right? ;-)
    2 points
  24. "A Tradition of Sacrifice, From Yorktown to Ramadi" It was not the Declaration of Independence that gave us freedom but the Continental Army. By Navy Seal Leif Babin http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/a/SB10001424127887323475304578503110141945172?mg=reno64-wsj "In 2006, my SEAL Task Unit deployed to Ramadi, Iraq. Among the rubble-pile buildings, bomb craters and burned-out hulks of vehicles, we experienced firsthand the harsh realities of war. We fought alongside the U.S. Army's Ready First Brigade of the First Armored Division to take Ramadi back from a brutal and determined insurgency. Combat is hard. It is alarmingly violent, ear-shattering, dirty, exhausting and ugly. It is marked by chaos and confusion and self-doubt. But combat also highlights the determination and sacrificeand courageof those who persevere. Through such times, an unbreakable bond is formed with brothers-in-arms......" Rick
    1 point
  25. We the people?
    1 point
  26. TFLF, Like it or not, you & your children are citizens of this country. As such you have a stake in her success - success which depends in large part on the education of our children - all our children. And no, the primary role of government is not just to promote business. The role of government is to promote the present & future well-being of the governed. That well-being includes education, medical care, a healthy environment, and so much more. All of that is expensive but not providing those things costs so much more.
    1 point
  27. There is absolutely no doubt it will work out better than it did here, unless the elder Stockstill forgets how to coach college football and hires the coaches from Murfreesboro HS to coordinate the defense and offense...Its usually not hard to win more than 6 games when you get the chance to coach 43 games.
    1 point
  28. Sometimes, after reading posts like this, I really wonder why we even stay at the FBS level. Just sad...
    1 point
  29. I tend to agree. If we are going to stick with these songs and chants, then we need a REAL WORKING cheer staff (and this includes the Talons), who come over to the alumni side and get up into the stands and demonstrate what the cheers are, and their timing, and exhort the fans to participate. 100 years of organized football and it appears that we, and the University, still hope that all this will happen organically and/or spontaneously.
    1 point
  30. Obviously the news is not soon, and I really hope that it actually turns out to be good. All of this could have been a fiendish plot to mysteriously create a thread about gaming.
    1 point
  31. MUTS won't have a high school coaching staff to contend with.
    1 point
  32. I think we will. Your DRC beat writer has some good comments about it in this article by the DNJ beat writer.
    1 point
  33. Amazing what you can find when you surf the YouTube net. I wish we could find something like this of Ronnie Shanklin catching that "called back" touchdown pass against the Arkansas Razorbacks in 1968. Someone may want to tell Mean Joe about this thread featuring film footage of the North Texas freshmen football team versus Texas Tech's frosh team with this footage being a bit over 5 minutes in length. While on the freshmen team at North Texas, Mean Joe wore #72 which (of course) later became #75 when he joined the varsity and then #75 with his Hall of Fame career with the Steelers. So here are excerpts of the 1965 North Texas "Eagles" versus the Texas Tech Picadors (which was the name of their freshmen team) with comments by Texas Tech's Trooper Keeton Huff, if I were a betting man, I'd bet that you know many of the players on both sides of the line. Enjoy...and by the way, check out the final score on the Tech scoreboard toward the end of the video.
    1 point
  34. I believe Bill Snyder's Kansas State Wildcats were ranked in the Top 10 when the Mean Green played them in this game last September. A game that was quite close for much of the game with North Texas even making a 4'th quarter bid to pull it out. Many TCU fans all over their tail-gate areas at Amon Carter Stadium were watching this game in a bit of disbelief as reported on this forum were pulling for the Mean Green to pull off the upset against their new Big 12 foe...the KSU Wildcats. (Thanks for the support to our neighbors in Cowtown). Can Mean Green QB Derek Thompson put it all together his senior year like he had it together for the Kansas State game? Most of the key North Texas RB's all returning this Fall, too, along with Purdue transfer RB, ie, Reggie Pegram. Can this team with all the positive new additions put it together like they did during the SBC first year of football operations when the Mean Green went bowling that year? There really are some things to get excited about in this YouTube video about who we have coming back this Fall. Enjoy...
    1 point
  35. Cougar High? Really? For the 2012 entering class, the National Center for Education Statistics gives Top 25% and Top 75% SAT scores for college entering classes: UH English 490-600 Math 530-640 UNT English 480-600 Math 500-610 (not surprised, UNT is an arts school) Dividing those ranges by 2 and adding both together to get the average SAT: UH = 1133 UNT=1095 SAT averages for other large schools in Texas: Texas Tech= 1105 UT-Arlington = 1070 Texas St = 1045 UTSA = 1035 SAT averages for other Big 12 state schools: Iowa St = 1145 Oklahoma St = 1105 West Virginia = 1055 Kansas St = no data, but accepts 99% of applicants On another note, our applications for admission have skyrocketed since Khator came in January 2008. Applications grew by at least 13% for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 entering class. At the same time, our acceptance rate has plummeted from 79% in 2008 to 56% in 2012 So if we're a high school and your standards and admissions rates are higher than ours, then you must be a middle school. Nothing against UNT considering I used to go there and still am friends with current UNT students who I go visit in Denton from time to time, but I slap a lot of folks around here with facts because GMG is the cesspool of the UNT fanbase. Other than Harry, All About UNT and a handful of others (including Meangreener sometimes) that I actualy respect. The rest of you are the biggest group of losers I have ever seen in ANY college football fandom. If you are from another school and have a differeing opion, you're a troll. If you don't pump sunshine and you're a UNT fan, you're a troll. If you don't believe McCarney is the second coming of Christ, youre a troll. If you're skeptical of BB being a Johnny Football clone, you're a troll. If you call out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of GMG, you're a troll. If you own a GMG poster, they post a meme or makes penis jokes. ^^GMG in a nutshell Everybody remembers my debut post here (which became an article) and how a few GMG posters initiated everything. It was at that moment, I made my face heel turn complete. (Look at the beginning of my post history if you want).
    1 point
  36. That game against Arkansas was played in Little Rock, and was one of three road games I went to as a student. My seats in the "NTSU" section were low, so I thought the incomplete pass call was due to Shanklin being out of bounds on the far side from where we were sitting. When I learned it was called for trapping the ball on the ground, I did not think that was right, as I was almost at ground level. The pigs got away with a 17-15 win in that one. by the way, I doubt that any film from the press box will be able to disprove that call. It would have to be a ground level view.
    1 point
  37. If you spend over 3,000 American lives to destroy weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to find there were no weapons of mass destruction — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you allow loaded handguns to be carried in our college classrooms by folks with 10 hours of CHL training — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you keep pumping oil, gas, & coal out of the ground when you know that it will only add to the C contributing to climate change — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots. If you build a fence to keep out the guy who builds your houses, cooks your food, & picks your oranges — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
    1 point
  38. You must have a really small penis.
    1 point
  39. Funny, it was just voted most fun & friendliest small town in America. Denton is a real city, not a sterile boring town with a commercialized town square. I'm extremely well traveled and you're wrong. Denton is one of the best cities I've been to, and I grew up in Houston and have been to all of the major cities and lived in quite a few. Denton is EASILY the best in DFW and the next closest isn't even close. I mean. I wouldn't cast stones from a glass house...*cough* Life's too short to live in Dallas *cough*
    1 point
  40. This is the Mean Green football board, right? I feel bad for this guy. He'll regret dropping the ball and losing the opportunity at a great education for the rest of his life. Do we really get our jollies by throwing him further under the bus on a Mean Green Football forum?
    1 point
  41. Will they have more luck with it than we did?
    1 point
  42. This thread will end well.
    1 point
  43. Oh how I miss the semi-annual PTA extortion letters! "Send us a check for $500 per child or else!" Lewisville ISD, quite a bit lower in pecking order, but much, much easier to deal with, and with the kid being in all pre-AP, it's still a decent education. But yeah, I worked with all kinds of school districts in California and Texas for several years. If there is one common factor that dictates overall success in a given school or district, it is parental involvement or lack thereof. All other variables seem to pale in comparison.
    1 point
  44. Our education problem has nothing to do with poor numbers from the vast border areas where kids are illiterate in two languages and large numbers of inner city where the parents use schools as day care, right? Throwing money at bureaucracies like education isn't the answer. I lived in El Paso, which the state recently took over the EPISD because the schools are a disaster, and it isn't merely a money issue. They could have billions and would have failed. It's a social problem. God forbid the students and parents be accountable for anything. So my kids went to private schools when I lived there. Now I live in Frisco and they are at public schools which I love. More government and standardized tests aren't the answer. God forbid personal accountability be a part of someone's life in America today. I don't blame Rick Perry one bit for not wasting money on educators that will fail either way. I will ensure my girls succeed no matter what. Rick Perry doesn't fit into the equation of my girls for a split second. As for the other kids, not my problem, the world needs ditch diggers too. Sorry, I had to use my favorite line from Caddyshack.
    1 point
  45. When coaches sign that 300k plus contract (or, at Texas, $3 milion plus contract), they know they are signing up for huge public criticism if they do not meet or exceed expectations. A certain coach at UNT may have set a new lower on the fail to meet expectations meter. He's his luckt he is coaching ar UNT, because he wouldn't still be employed ar ANY other FBS university. If he doesn't like it, I for one would have no problem accepting his resignation.
    1 point
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