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3 points
I don't get why this is such a complicated issue. Anyone who doesn't think Benford is a terrible coach isn't rational. But anyone who thinks Tony Mitchell isn't to blame for Tony Mitchell's effort, or lack thereof, isn't rational either. I don't care how terrible a season is going. I don't care how much the rest of your team sucks, how much your coach sucks, how much your life sucks. The only one controlling a person's effort is that person, nothing and no one else dictates that. I'm incredibly disappointed that Tony mailed in this season to some extent. He should have enough respect for himself as a talented basketball player who had the potential to go top 10, maybe even top 5, and enough respect for his teammates and university, to give it his all this season. I'm not disagreeing with the fact that everyone takes a play off every now and then to catch their breath or whatever, that's human. But when it becomes noticeable, like it has here, there is definitely an issue. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I may be 20 years old, but I'm not an idiot and I'm not naive. Giving anything but your best at whatever it is you do is to do a disservice to yourself and to those around you. Tony did a disservice to himself as his stock is lower and he has to deal with VERY avoidable questions being asked to him at this point. He did a disservice to his teammates by being a lazy excuse of a leader. And he did a disservice to his university by not respecting it enough to represent it to the best of his ability. This all seems negative and hateful. It isn't. I lived in the same dorm as Tony this year. He's a good guy, a kind-hearted and humble person. I wish him nothing but the best in the NBA and will absolutely be rooting for him going forward. But, I am absolutely disappointed with his lack of effort this season. He had the talent to overcome any bad coaching situation, but he let the bad start of the season and iffy coaching decisions get the best of him when it should have only motivated him to try even harder.3 points
I hope Mitchell does great, becomes all pro,an all star every season but to admit that you didn't give your best to your school, your coach, your teammates, and most importantely yourself is way beyond unacceptable. Now, 9 posts or 9000 posts has nothing to do with the topic nor my view of what was said in the interview. Tony Benford has coached 3 1st round draft picks over the last 3 years and was a 2nd round pick himself, so from my way of thinking that makes him far more credible than me or anyone else who posts on this board. If Coach Benford is not successful at UNT during the life of his contract then find another coach. My guess is that he will be successful. Only time will tell. Have a great day.3 points
No, but it would help if you at least did so when you try to speak for him. Go back and read your post again. And, even if you cannot admit it or will not admit it, there was certainly more than one variable at work. But, since you are on your never ending crusade, it really makes for only frustration to try to even point it out to you these days.3 points
http://www.beyondthebets.com/betonline-releases-college-football-point-spreads-for-all-week-1-games/2 points
You know, every once in a while you make one of these "you're either for us or against us" posts and I almost piss myself in laughter. It's like when you came back from hearing RV speak and you conveyed his "we know who is with us and who isn't" line. It's not just comical, it's insulting. What are you gonna do to those of us in the "fox hole"? You gonna beat us up? Hang us in cages in the town square? Revoke our season tickets? Or, are you gonna simply continue to brow beat us from your assumed position of moral superiority...cause I gotta tell ya it's got me hiding in attics Anne Frank style. No, really, it does...promise. Let me make this as simple and plain as possible. Those who are "with you" are those who buy season tickets, are in the MGC and, in UNT90's case, actually have club seats. Those who are "against" you are the thosands upon thousands who don't give a rat's ass that RV greets you with the secret handshake because they wrote off being associated with their alma mater the second they graduated. But hey, let's continue trying to make veiled threats at the few who make up the fan base numbers so small that they're guarded like nuclear launch codes. That's been ever so effective. Now I gotta go get out of these soiled shorts.2 points
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Agree. This is a nice job and pretty darn spot on as far as where the challenges AND the opportunities lie for the Mean Green.2 points
Count me as one who's ready to move on from this tired argument and admit that mistakes in the relationship were made on both sides. I'm excited for how Benford's responded and is building the program in spite of the disappointing season and equally excited for TM's future in the NBA and his forthcoming rise up draft boards. Go Mean Green2 points
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After hearing Benford speak at last years caravan - I was sold - I bought season tickets to see what was to be a special season. This year I heard him speak and still felt that inner voice that wanted me to get excited. I won't be getting excited though. I might as well burn my season ticket money. How silly I looked after inviting people to come to games to check out this amazing team. I want to be wrong - I really really do - but right now I'm just not buying what he is selling.2 points
http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2013/05/tony-mitchell-has-big-day-at-combine.html/ Did Tony just admit that he cruised this season? That stinks. I know we saw that on the court but just a shock to hear him admit it.1 point
I agree and how anyone disagrees, negative points, is beyond me.1 point
character issues or not he just does not seem to make very good decisions in life http://milehighsports.com/2012/09/27/mhsm-exclusive-the-story-of-brock-berglund-2/ reading the above story which is him telling his side of things it really just comes off as BS bad decision #1 he switches from CU to KU to "crack the depth chart" he graduates early in Dec so one would think he can concentrate on football then a few months later in April after breaking up with his girl friend a few days earlier he is back in his old town for a "house party" (why don't they call then just parties any more when did they become house parties) and just happens to run into his EX.....and oh yea of course "she was not suppose to be there" and he is "surprised" and it was her that wanted to talk even though she was there with someone else....and yes unfortunately in todays society girls tend to do stupid things, but instead of THINKING "I am a freaking college QB on a Big 12 D1-A team and I graduated early to get away from this high school drama BS" (IF his side of the story is even close to factual and that is a big if) he instead agrees to talk to her so stupid decisions by the boat load already he ends up in a fight with the guy she is there with and he gets hung with a freaking FELONY...so yea either a whole lot of people at the "house party" that his ex and her companion were at did not like BB and told the cops a whole lot of stuff about what he did or his ex and the guy she was with have a whole lot of pull with the cops in that area and the cops in that area can't stand him because I don't see a whole lot of people getting charged with freaking felonies for defending themselves against a 5-8 drunk guy...I mean really this crazy girl that is not suppose to be at the party and her drunken companion that is not suppose to be there just somehow either got everyone at the party on their side or the cops ignored the fact she was all crazy and her companion was all drunk and they were not suppose to be there anyway and hung Brock with the felony charge.....seems Brock is really good at making friends so he spends the next 9 months going back and forth to Colorado 40+ freaking times because he is still hung with a 3rd degree assault that the STATE is going after after their own investigation.....pro tip here.....HIRE A BETTER LAWYER I mean damn.....who needs to go to court that many times for just "shoving a guy" that was not suppose to be at a party that got in your face all drunk when you were just having a "talk talk" with your Ex in the kitchen......either someone that is full of BS or someone that has a lot of people that don't like him....or both so far the whole going to KU vs CU thing to get a starting spot and leaving HS early to get a jump on winning that spot is really not going so well....KU switches coaches.....fat charlie front butt tells him that he will not have a chance to be a starter according to Brock.....which really I think charlie front butt is kind of an idiot, but would it really be surprising to a guy that has spend the last 9 months in online courses, being a distraction to the team, going back and forth to Colorado to deal with his high school legacy crap and overall already showing the new coach that he does not make the best decisions that hey you are not going to get a chance to start until you prove you can even be around for practice and not make an idiot of yourself again at some house party so instead of realizing that he really has something to prove to EVERYONE especially a new coach that has a lot to prove himself after running a program like Notre Dame into the ground and somehow getting another chance Brock decides to transfer...and of course there are two sides because that is what you get when you deal with people that don't make wise decisions....he has said all along "he is a Jayhawk" but of course fat charlie front butt "knew he wanted to transfer" and again I am not a fan of charlie front butt and I think he could easily make vengeful decisions himself, but instead of just letting a guy go that he told was going to be a back up and that he knew wanted to transfer he decided to start dragging him through the mud and refusing the transfer.....again I think that charlie can make stupid decisions, but is that REALLY how you want to get rolling with all that kind of crap and drama....and either way chalk up another case of "Brock making friends" because yea people are just out to get poor Brock then he has to go to court to get released.....manages to win (hey finally making friends) and then when Ole' Miss calls and he is all "happy cited" and then KU sends Ole' Miss an email saying he is two credit hours short and can't transfer......I mean REALLY......you fight a court case for 9 freaking months going back and forth home 40+ times......you take all these online courses and have this great GPA.......you have this team of lawyers ready to get you off of major charges and ready to get you released from a scholarship.....and your too dumb to make sure you have everything in a row to actually be able to transfer.....again this sounds an awful lot like a guy that just needs to get it together and start making better decisions UP FRONT before having to go to the legal team....really already it sounds like a guy that feels he is entitled and has his head in his ass and a bunch of his parents cash to spend to get him out of his stupid decisions so he calls the adviser he had a great relationship with and an hour later she calls back and basically gives him the Heisman right to the face and says she can't deal with him anymore....once again making friends!!...and his own words tells her to shove the phone up her ass.....way to keep it classy there Brock because yea the adviser is really the one that makes the decisions to not deal with you any longer after you freaking SUED the university....sounds like a real level headed guy to me that easily handles adversity...and of course it is all the advisers fault because they are suppose to know that you are being set up to look to transfer so instead of just taking classes while you are flying back home 40+ times to deal with high school drama they are suppose to run your academic life for you and think it all through for you in case you want to transfer.....because that is really the job of an academic adviser to make sure that you as a QB getting a free ride while doing pretty much nothing but bringing drama to the team needs someone to make sure they have all their ducks in a row if they decide to cut and run yet again so then he decides on the community college route....heads to AZ.....they have a lot of QBs competing for the position....and suddenly "something" does not work out and here he is at north Texas and even better is the guy he did not stick around to back up at KU has now left KU and he is going to CU because the guy that managed to make the cut at CU is leaving because he will have to compete for the job and did not want to.....so yea about that decision to not go to CU.... and lastly instead of concentrating on actually playing football he is now dealing again with the NCAA trying to weasel some additional playing time because apparently he thinks that pissing away one season dealing with your high school drama (and eventually taking a red shirt) and then pissing away another year with transfer drama makes him eligible for some type of needed ruling from the NCAA to say how many years he has left really just comes off as a very unstable person that looks to walk in and get something instead of stepping up and earning it and he really needs to get over the whole "my legal team is coming for you thing" and instead step up and actually concentrate on football and perhaps trying to actually beat someone out of a job on the football field instead of beating something in court all of those issues are not specifically tied together, but some people just make their own bad luck based on stupid decisions and based on very short term thinking and Brock seems to be one of those people and he seems to not get people on his side very easily other than those here on GMG that wish miracles from a guy that has only shown instability and poor decision making and lack of ability to look at the long term consequences of a whole series of bad decisions he has made much less step up and take responsibility or share blame for any of them http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/7837324/quarterback-brock-berglund-weighs-options-release-university-kansas and the above shows just more double talk.....he is carefully weighing his options and making this big business decision (apparently not too well) he says he is looking at Liberty as the only D1-AA school because of his relationship with Turner Gill.....but in the next paragraph he talks about how he better understands how to choose a program and he won't be wowed by weight rooms or a campus so which is it did you like Coach Gill and that is why you went to KU or were you wowed by the weight room and campus and it was all a mistake.....that you apparently did not learn much from because you were in and out of AZ before you took a snap or a class...so much for that wise business decision.....and that ESPN article further clarifies the "imma git my lawyer!!!" attitude he has....I guess that all did not go so well trying to get out of being enrolled at KU on a technicality....but hey it is only cash on lawyers and time wasted thinking about how to get out from being responsible for any decisions you make huh....better luck next time!1 point
You know, there was a time I cared about what you had to say. No longer. You seem to really stalk my posts. Just employ the ignore button. We'll both be much happier, and you can stop being such a mouthpiece for others.1 point
Yeah, let's just stand pat with a qb who led us to the 105th ranked scoring offense in the country and who our coaches don't trust to throw the ball. I'm not saying Berglund should start that Idaho game, but I just can't get excited about another season of DT. Mainly because he hasn't improved and the coaches trust in him hasn't improved and possibly declined by the end of the year (WKU game). That's a huge deal IMO and I just don't see how we can improve this year with DT. I would say prove me wrong DT, but I have to see the coaches give him a chance to do so first.1 point
Idaho & Tulane. We've got to win the season opener and the conference opener.1 point
When I say we are poor, it is sarcasm. I know we aren't, but not being able to afford the buyout is the excuse many on here make for not firing coaches. You are absolutely right. 3 million in 30 days indicates exactly what our donors can do when properly motivated.1 point
No one has any proof that there was wrong-doing. At some point in time IF there is proof of the Administration doing something wrong, I will pick up the torch and pitchfork and march with you. Till then...there is nothing. Just something else to poke at the Administration.1 point
Lose to Idaho, and it's back to the bottom 10 days. Idaho is huge for the season, this team's confidence, and attendance the rest of the year.1 point
Our group across the street wouldn't survive at a major school. 2-3 horrible hires and they would be out.1 point
Ever heard of Isaiah Thomas? Benford will suffer a similar Fate with a similar record. But we will keep him longer than FIU kept Thonas. You know, cause we poor.1 point
Now that's funny there folks. Well done, drex! I have wondered why coaches, Benford of note, are allowed so much leeway by the refs to stand so far out on the court...seemingly all the time!1 point
This is an amazingly thorough preview replete with up-to-date knowledge of the program. Bravo.1 point
I think Benford was the primary factor in such a crummy last season. However, Tony is responsible for Tony. There is a lot of difference in having an off year because of coaching and other outside influences and just not putting out the effort. If you are not motivated by the possibilities of multi-millions in pro salary or just by your team mates and school, than I have to question your heart or drive. Mitchell is an unique talent, who likes to dunk, block shots, and shoot threes. He did not like to mix it up under the basket or work to get the ball. Someone compared him to Dennis Rodman, not even close. Rodman had a unique ability to get to the ball and was nasty doing it. Mitchell in college could get up much higher than most everyone and got a lot of rebounds, but I seldom saw the kind of relentlessness or ball awareness that Rodman demonstrated. I am not stating that MItchell will be a bust as a pro. He definitely has some of the physical attributes to make it, but does he have the toughness? I hope he does.1 point
Just wondering when it was you talked to Tony one on one and gathered all this info?1 point
At least, he admits the obvious. If I was a scout I would have serious questions. Mitchell literally lost millions by his play this year, Why would anyone believe that he is going to get motivated after signing a contract when he was not before? I would be very leery of a player with a lottery salary to play for in college and admittedly dogging it, turning it on once he signs a contract in a season over 3 times as long.1 point
Not only is this video of a win...watch what the team does at the very end. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what lays the foundation for future success.1 point
I was waiting for someone else to comment on this... He is a great talent and we all know he will improve his stock in the combine, but to hear him admit it stings a bit. At least it shows that it was a balance of coach and players that ended up giving us a miserable season.1 point
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Working his way back up the board. Just like some of us knew he would. Character assassination aside.1 point
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Yep...that's the reason you stay with her so often...sure it is! It is because she lives close to your work location....got it!1 point
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But just keep believing all that BS that was thrown around about lack of effort and how Tony wasn't really a top NBA draft pick. I bet Tony works his way back up to at least the 14th pick. History will show Benford as one of the all time worst hires at UNT... And that in itself is no small accomplishment1 point
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I thought this was a North Texas forum, not another venue for Jerry Jones infamous " cow sheep" as Randy Galloway calls those who scramble yearly to line the coffers of the Jerry Jones regime1 point
Hi Rick, Honestly now. Are you really concerned about America's wildlife or is this just another chance to take a shot at Obama?1 point
That's the problem with actors these days. They just try and get by on their talent. You want to know what they are lacking? PAGEANTRY!1 point
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This thread proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that we can and will complain about anything.1 point
Again...remember, the folks "arguing with you" about this were NOT THERE to hear the words spoken in their true context.1 point
UNT had wrapped up nothing to play for as well. The context around the discussion of this game at the Caravan was that UNT didn't mail it in, while people were speculating that the team wasn't buying into Benford's program and weren't trying to play for him. We missed you at that stop in your neck of the woods.1 point
JJ also was over .500 his first season -- a mark that has yet to be reached by Mac.1 point
Our family watches the Homecoming Parade from a spot on Hickory Street not far from the campus. Directly across the street is the home where Mr. and Mrs. McAdow lived. Although he had been dead for quite some time Mrs. McAdow still lived there. Each year the band would stop in front of her house. turn to face the house, and play the fight song. Mrs. McAdow would come to the front porch and wave as the band played the tribute to her husband. Mrs. McAdow died a couple of years ago so the band no longer stops. I miss the band doing that. It was a neat honor for a fine part of North Texas history.1 point
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