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I am going to say what I have to say and then I will move on. You can then verbally castrate my thoughts as you might choose to do so. I think the board says that I joined in 2010, but I had been reading the GMG.com board for several years prior to that time. It used to be fun to read – I used to access it multiple times a day as a source of recreation. I enjoyed the varied opinions regarding UNT and its athletic programs. For the past month or two that has not been the case. Instead of an enjoyable message board for UNT fans it has turned into little more than a “bitch and moan” board. I find few reasonable CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms now being posted; instead many – sometimes close to most – of the postings are just simply bitch and moan postings for what seems to be the sole purpose of bitchin’ and moanin’. I am as disappointed as many of you in our past football season; our current basketball season. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I just throw up my hands and ask myself why I am providing annual substantial financial contributions to UNT athletics; why I am using my time, effort and the drive from Tyler to try to make a difference in the UNT athletic program and the University as a whole. Sometimes I just tell myself that I will only support the Alumni Association and the scholastic area of the university from which I earned my final degree (currently ranked 8th in the nation by USN&WR, I might proudly add). Rest assured that in the past I have communicated directly with UNT Athletic Department personnel, not only when I feel I have a reason to bitch and moan, but when I want to offer praise as well – and believe me, there is a lot going on in the UNT Athletic Department and the University as a whole for which praise is deserved. It is there where the most severe criticism should be sent, folks. I would never, ever, post some of the severe criticisms that I have had regarding UNT athletics via a public message board. But for those of you that have continually chosen to do so I would ask – what are you hoping to accomplish? It is obvious from reading this board over the past two months that the old saw holds true – negativity breeds negativity – and I believe if you will re-read topics and postings over the past two months you will easily see how this board has evolved into a constant bitch and moan board. I am pretty sure that I have never seen such negative postings – in such great number – in the six years or so that I have been reading the board. There were many negative postings about Todd Dodge during that time but even those did not reach the level of ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT criticism that I am reading now. When I get the urge to post a negative comment or two on this board about the athletic department administration – and I do get them – I remind myself of my favorite George Burns’ quote: “It is too bad that all the people who know how to run the country (READ: UNT Athletic Department) are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair” For some of you, I have absolutely no doubt that you will continue doing as you have chosen to do in the past – post negatively on this public board about the UNT athletic program every chance you get. But rest assured, this university’s athletic program will overcome your constant public negativity regarding this program – football and otherwise – and reach a level of continuing success. When that does occur I have no hesitation in saying it will occur in spite of your constant public negativity; not because of it.8 points
7 points
Even as the Football season disappointed, we all thought we had a groundbreaking year in basketball to look forward to, but we have received a double teeth-kick with the way basketball has gone. At least there are people here that care. I'm not going to waste mine, but especially their, time calling the AD to tell them "Hey, we aren't good at sports. You need to make us better at sports." That is pretty pointless, don't you think? Don't you think they have anything better to do than waste time listening to people that really don't know what is going on? Because we don't. And since we don't, we can only judge by results. The results ain't been good. We should just be glad that people are still around and interested.7 points
Why the past eight years? Why not five? Or twelve? It was undoubtedly chosen to show us in the most negative way possible. What is the purpose of this thread? If it's more pissing and moaning about the Dodge years that's been beaten to death already. If it's to show that everyone else has made the right hire that's unproven in this scenario. I could argue that the Dodge years, as bad as they were, were necessary or this stadium would not have been built. We likely had the worst facilities in the FBS to recruit to. The hiring of a high school coach, who had only been a quasi-coordinator for a couple of years, was a disaster and we have been fed that ad nauseum. But Dodge had the ear of the metroplex and his complaint eventually resonated to those who could help change our posture. It's true that we have stunk for the last eight years, the worst losing span in our history. Sometimes you have to fall to the bottom to get a wakeup call. Sometimes it takes years to rise up from the depth of despair. Some never really do. I believe that we are on the road to recovery. New facilities, new conference, and especially a new attitude will move us forward. Continual criticism is usually destructive, not constructive. Point out reasons for hope, because despair without hope only breeds more despair. I have been a North Texas fan for 65 years and have had many chances to give up but I choose to keep a stiff upper lip and try to help move this program forward. I've seen more positive changes recently than at any other time in our history. We are on the road to recovery. It won't be perfect and we can still use constructive criticism but we are moving forward.6 points
No wonder the bad start! Hell, our guys are spending too much time in the library instead of the gym. I knew we'd miss JJ.6 points
Here at the coach's show and Benford says we will have NO academic casualties this season.5 points
I'll say this about them. Career losing records. Someone let me know when my deposit for Boy Scout season tickets is due. And how did WKU trick him into taking a four year contract? Every idiot knows five years is the minimum.5 points
What I learned on GMG today: Vince Lombardi = Fail. Bobby Petrino = Awesome.5 points
5 points
Per an article that tells the tale of "dwindling" (little bit of exaggeration there) attendance figures across FBS and notably the BCS contenders, look at how we fare... http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/12/college_football_regular-seaso.html#incart_flyout_sports We're among the 51 schools that showed forward progress in increased home attendance, albeit labeled as a "minor increase" over the year before. I don't care. Considering where our overall attendance places us on that list, even a minor increase looks really good.4 points
Here is the thing that is both ironic (and HILARIOUS) to me. There is an entire thread devoted to calling out those who are "negative", and it is directed at people who don't simply take pot shots from behind a keyboard but also "put their money where their mouth is" by attending games and paying MGC dues. It's the people who show up and see IN PERSON where we are failing in the revenue sports who are the most vocal ones. Here's an idea. Let's devote a thread to the thousands who graduate from our school and are never heard from again. Or how about devoting one to those who bash the program from the comfort of a couch they can't be bothered to leave for a game. Where's are the histrionics (because that's what this is) for those who are "negative" by showing up only when they're given tickets, bitch when they have to *gasp* pay money to get better parking at Apogee, or maybe just maybe for those who want us all to pump sunshine and rainbows while they don't make the investment (in time OR money) that many of us do? Hell, I'm obviously crazy. Feel free to tell me as much at the next basketball or football game I schedule my life around.4 points
I am spent some time thinking about tylermeangreen's excellent post and some of the replies that have been both supportive and some not so supportive of his position. And, I think for me it all comes down to this..."it's not always what you say, it's how you say it" that can be the challenge for some folks...myself included. The personal attacks on fellow GMG.Com members, on RV, on players and coaches and on staffers has just gotten to be far far too common on the board. One can disagree and still be professional and "adult" in the way they do the disagreeing. I have no problem with many of those on here who have completely the opposite views that I have on many things...including politics. I have no problem with them and enjoy reading their posts because they respond in a sensible and professional way...no name calling, no vendetta, none of that garbage. I think it is past time that we all think about this. If the only way you can respond is to make it personal, then maybe you might want to think about why it is you have so much anger and why you have so little ability to express yourself in any other manner. I think everyone here enjoys the differences of opinion...doubt many of us would post much if everyone else always agreed. That's the point of a message and fan board as some here have pointed out. Traffic on the board is always up when there is a bit of disagreement. But, folks, think just a bit before you post a reply and how you post it. Playing nice in the sandbox with the other kids does not mean you have to agree...it only means that you should disagree in a professional, public and adult manner. Just my opinion after giving this thread and the various responses some "thinking time".4 points
I think it is just the opposite. The basketball schools taking off will kill the conference as a whole. Whatever TV negotiations are going on right now will be affected by this news. (Of course this report could be a tactic to increase the TV deal. "Hey, we'll stay if you bump the dough.") This news makes it less and less attractive for the Houston's of the world to leave. No AQ status. Higher travel costs. Elite teams leaving. Less money than promised. News like this is good for CUSA. Ive said it before. The Big East and the ACC will both die sooner rather than later.4 points
Perhaps a couple of posters would like to offer an apology to Keith Coleman right about now.?4 points
4 points
Petrino is a heck of a coach, but he has no business working in a job as a leader of young men with the kind of character issues that he brings. Between his dumb mistake at Arkansas, lying to his AD about it, and the gutless way that he left the Falcons, he is really a sleazeball. Say what you will about Dodge and McCarney, at least they are men with decent character.4 points
Make ESPN and the other sports networks make up the financial difference to the Big East and other conferences. They're the ones that caused all of this realignment crap.3 points
Even though this season has been a mess, I don't ever remember seeing this happen at a NT game before, so I'll keep going so I can catch more like this3 points
Hell, back in 2004, following 4-straight conference championships, there was still bitching-and-moaning. "Dickey calls too many draws!', "Villareal wouldn't let me in the VIP suite!", "Our coach doesn't appreciate the $15 I gave to the program this year!", "Dickey doesn't even try to win the out-of-conference games!". "Whine, whimper, whimper...". 4 straight championships, 4 straight SBC coach-of-the-year awards & there were still people on this board who were calling for a new football coach. They got what they deserved. Grrrrrrr!3 points
3 points
Based on the idea that the current HC is the sole reason that the offense cannot score, can we also assume that the defensive minded Todd Dodge was also clamping down on Chico's offense and ordering him to not produce points either? As a reminder, Chico's potent offense was producing just under 17 points per game through Dodge's first 7 games in 2010 before he got fired. Once the conservative Dodge was gone and Chico was able to remove his Dodge shackles, the offense scored nearly 34 per game over the last 5 games. Odd coincidence?3 points
I heard on the coaches show last night that Jasmine Godbolt has been kicked off the team for a rules violation. Sure enough, she's no longer listed on the roster on meangreensports.com . I apologize if this was already posted somewhere, but I didn't see it.2 points
This is what happens when you are an option, not a destination. Such is the football culture at not only UNT, but pretty much every FBS school that isn't in a big 5 conference with rare exceptions.2 points
Even though this season has been a mess, I don't ever remember seeing this happen at a NT game before, so I'll keep going so I can catch more like this This post has been promoted to an article2 points
I know things haven't been the greatest as far as RV is concerned, but I still do miss posts from Glad to Be Green. There were some nuggets one could pull from his coded responses. We took what we liked and left the rest. So. GTBG - if you are reading this. Please give us some hope? ... Please?2 points
2 points
Didn't she have problems with coaches Stephens & Aston as well?2 points
Ease up. I chose eight because that's how many year it has been since we've had a winning season. The point is to show that every other team in the Belt except us has managed at least one winning season since we've had our last one. Those of us who are "negative" sometimes, you know, go ahead and show how long the "wait 'til next year"/"it's takes a long time to rebuild" game takes. And, apparently...it takes us a lot longer than the other schools who have been in similar - or worse - situations than we have. I know...wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...and, act/post happy about it. (By the way, it should also show - a la Western Kentucky - that the climb out of the bottom of the Sun Belt shouldn't take as long as it is taking us. WKU is a school which was playing I-AA/FCS five years ago. They've gone from 0-12 to two consecutive winning seasons in just four years in the 85 scholarship limit world...amazing, right? Wait, wait, wait.)2 points
And heaven forbid that someone has the audacity to post something that is not a direct bashing of a player, coach, or athletic administrator (or staffer for that matter), or they will be immediately labeled as an apologist, sunshine pumper, etc...2 points
Curveitaround...He did have a similar situation with SMU coming to the table all be it last minute. One of the main reasons he did not go was June Jones's desire to move. When we were going thru the recruiting, my wife and I, his 2 OL coaches, his head coach and an ex team mate and close friend from Martin, Russell Bellomy, who is playing at Michigan...we all counseled him and told him to go with his "gut", even in the last minute drama with SMU, he was on the phone with all of them from 9 to 11 pm the night before signing day. But Connor is a people person and relationships are very important to him. The relationship he developed with Coach Simmonds and Coach Mac and then the belief in Coach Macs vision for the MEAN GREEN, is what sold him. And honestly...is selling him today. Anyone being recruited by WKU is going to be lured by the "name" of Bobby Petrino....but take off the rose colored glasses and how long do you think Bobby Petrino is going to stay at WKU? I would be willing to bet that this initial recruiting class will see a new head coach within 2 or 3 years. Nothing is a sure thing today in college football...coaches, conferences and contracts are not worth the paper they are written on...but if Connor was being recruited by WKU...I and I think all of Connors mentors would say...."buyer beware".2 points
2 points
But looking further..... how did NIU have such the awesome year yet report.... a -17% decrease in overall attendance?? Wins...... aren't everything?2 points
I have a suggestion why not separate the message board into sections. One for the real fans who think message boards really matter and real fans don't ever get negative. Another for those that just want to "bitch and moan". Lets not have any debate because that is not constructive. Instead, lets bellyache about those posters who do not agree with our view rather than present any support for our particular viewpoint.2 points
2 points
Does anyone here actually believe that he is going to be there for more than one year??? Come on....this is his dues for playing the nasty with an intern.2 points
2 points
This is a place for fans to come and discuss UNT sports, whether its positive or negative. Some of us aren't butt buddies with the AD so we'll speak our mind. Like someone said earlier, if you want rainbows and sunshine go check out meangreensports2 points
2 points
Awesome is the word. Even better in person. Why would you even consider not going if you are a Mean Green fan? You would miss seeing the tons more of these on the way.2 points
2 points
Tyler... It could be worse, the negativity isn't so bad... It's when people stop talking altogether that you should be worried... Take a trip over to Texags or shaggy bevo and see what the moods are like after a loss or a 7-5 football season. It'll look pretty familiar, and they have a lot more to be cheering about than we do2 points
Because around here, we hold coaches accountable. Using the logic we used on Dickey, let's see how the coaches from TFLF's list would have fared: Arkansas State: 2 winning seasons, 5 non-losing seasons 2005: 6-6, Steve Roberts 2006: 6-6, Steve Roberts 2007: 5-7, Steve Roberts 2008: 6-6, Steve Roberts 2009: 4-8, Steve Roberts 2010: 4-8, Steve Roberts (gets the axe here) 2011: 10-3, Hugh Freeze / David Gunn 2012: 9-3, Gus Malzahn / John Thompson Florida Atlantic: 2 winning seasons 2005: 2-9, Howard Schnellenberger 2006: 5-7, Howard Schnellenberger (gets the axe here) 2007: 8-5, Howard Schnellenberger 2008: 7-6, Howard Schnellenberger 2009: 5-7, Howard Schnellenberger 2010: 4-8, Howard Schnellenberger 2011: 1-11, Howard Schnellenberger 2012: 3-9, Carl Pelini Florida International: 2 winning seasons 2005: 5-6, Don Strock 2006: 0-12, Don Strock (goodbye) 2007: 1-11, Mario Cristobal 2008: 5-7, Mario Cristobal (probably gone here) 2009: 3-9, Mario Cristobal (definitely gone here) 2010: 7-6, Mario Cristobal 2011: 8-5, Mario Cristobal 2012: 3-9, Mario Cristobal Louisiana: 3 winning seasons, 6 non-losing seasons 2005: 6-5, Ricky Bustle 2006: 6-6, Ricky Bustle 2007: 3-9, Ricky Bustle (finger on the trigger) 2008: 6-6, Ricky Bustle 2009: 6-6, Ricky Bustle 2010: 3-9, Ricky Bustle (fool me twice, gotta go) 2011: 9-4, Mark Hudspeth 2012: 8-4, Mark Hudspeth (what's wrong with coach?) ULM: 1 winning season, 3 non-losing seasons 2005: 5-6, Charlie Weatherbee 2006: 4-8, Charlie Weatherbee 2007: 6-6, Charlie Weatherbee 2008: 4-8, Charlie Weatherbee 2009: 6-6, Charlie Weatherbee 2010: 5-7, Todd Berry 2011: 4-8, Todd Berry (sorry coach, not working out) 2012: 8-4, Todd Berry Middle Tennessee: 3 winning seasons 2005: 4-7, Andy McCollum 2006: 7-6, Rick Stockstill 2007: 5-7, Rick Stockstill 2008: 5-7, Rick Stockstill (so long coach) 2009: 10-3, Rick Stockstill 2010: 6-7, Rick Stockstill 2011: 2-10, Rick Stockstill (why are you still here? be gone) 2012: 8-4, Rick Stockstill North Texas: 0 winning seasons, 0 non-losing seasons 2005: 2-9, Darrell Dickey 2006: 3-9, Darrell Dickey 2007: 2-10, Todd Dodge 2008: 1-11, Todd Dodge 2009: 2-10, Todd Dodge 2010: 3-9, Todd Dodge / Mike Canales 2011: 5-7, Dan McCarney 2012: 4-8, Dan McCarney Troy: 5 winning seasons 2005: 4-7, Larry Blakeney 2006: 8-5, Larry Blakeney 2007: 8-4, Larry Blakeney 2008: 8-5, Larry Blakeney 2009: 9-4, Larry Blakeney 2010: 8-5, Larry Blakeney 2011: 3-9, Larry Blakeney 2012: 5-7, Larry Blakeney (somebody fire this bum) Western Kentucky: 2 winning seasons 2009: 0-12, David Elson 2010: 2-10, Willie Taggart 2011: 7-5, Willie Taggart 2012: 7-5, Willie Taggart / Lance Guidry (we love Taggart, he is our forever coach, he will never leave) Man, we need a winning season around here. Everyone is going stir crazy, and cranky.2 points
Would you like more threads about good intentions? What would you have the board discuss?2 points
I'm pretty certain we're complaing so much because we want success from our school. I love my University. Like most here, I'm a member of the Alumni Association and the Mean Green Club. But if the product stinks, you better believe I'm going to BOO at games and complain on message boards. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop coming, doesn't mean I'm going to start bleeding another color.. It just means I'm going to be pissed at those that are keeping us from being successful. This is the largest public venue to share opinions. I can't help that basically everybody else on the board wants success and demands results. I shall keep on demanding excellence.2 points
2 points
2 points
Please stay Chico! You're only a year (two at most) from having a shot at THIS job. But if you do go I look forward to seeing you run the ball up the middle on first and second down consistently...that was you calling the plays, right?2 points
2 points
Just remember, this buffoon (Cougar King) honestly thinks the ACC wants Houston.2 points
1 point