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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2012 in all areas

  1. I hate to break it to you, but this new conference thing Houston is joining lost it's AQ status and now their champ is competing with the champs of the other 4 non power conferences for a spot in the table scrap bowl. Congrats on being in the SWC at one time, I guess the other teams said thanks but no thanks when they decided to cut you off of the teat. That must have really sucked. Nice of your school to soak your fans by raising ticket prices once you finally put a worthwhile product on the field. Congrats on winning the conference and going to a BCS bowl last year. Oh, wait... now I remember, Houston did not even win the conference because it got beat by a team that hasn't won a game this year. Maybe Houston last year is a lot like UTSA this year. Good thing you guys are starting a new series next year, should be competitive for both teams. Lastly, again, I really hate to remind you of how this works (and just so you know I am typing real slow so you can keep up), but first you typically start with schools that are named after a state, then you have teams such as North Texas and others that are named after geographical regions (i.e. North Texas, Southern Cal, etc...), and then you have schools named after a city (can't get much more directional that that can you?) that frequently started off as junior colleges (i.e. Houston Junior College). Nice crowds when your team was undefeated. Hopefully they can keep it up. Let's see if your (and SMU's) recruiting continues now that your new conference has been uninvited from AQ status. I am sure it is just a coincidence that the nBE lost its status as soon as Houston joined.
    8 points
  2. Cougars = MILFs MILFs = mothers Mean Green = Eagles Mean Green = Mother ****ing Eagles
    7 points
  3. I just received a call from Elizabeth in the Ticket Office and picked out my seat locations. I was able to get excellent seats. Not wishing the football season to be over but I am really looking forward for the start of what is hopefully the best Mean Green BB team ever!
    6 points
  4. Yes, now please get back to work, before the fries burn.
    6 points
  5. Ah yes, "the Rob", that legendary home field advantage that rattled Texas State and Louisiana Tech to their cores SO much that they both strolled out with laughs, good times, and easy wins. Those sub-30k crowds that are just so famously rowdy that opponents tremble in fear... Yes, THAT's our concern. A place SO awesome and SO intense that they're tearing it down... literally, not in the way that provisional FBS TxSt tore the football team apart by three scores.Odds are good that the crowd down the road at Osteen's place is both bigger and rowdier. Should Houston be favored? Absolutely. But it's not because of a 70 year old hole (estimated to be worth $9m by today's standards... roughly the cost of Apogee's bathrooms) and a fan base known by absolutely no one anywhere for anything except general apathy (to that, we are brothers in arms).
    6 points
  6. Hilarious. He is so white: Go to 8:15 in the video and watch the next contestant on dancing with the stars. This post has been promoted to an article
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. For those that don't think things are changing around here and want to pick out all the negatives, can't you feel the difference between the current interest level and the apathy that has been here for the last 8 years? There was a lot of excitement for the opening of the season, there was a lot of excitement for the Troy game, now there is excitement again for a big game against Houston. It has been a long time since I can remember this many meaningful games so early in the season. And we still have most of our conference games ahead of us. In the words of our coach, let's kick some Cougar ASSSS! GO MEAN GREEN!
    5 points
  9. Any self respecting Mean Green fan will need a DAN THE MAN koozie at the tailgate this weekend. GMG!
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Assistant O-Line Coach Hays. Rick from Pawn Stars
    4 points
  12. There is nothing hostile about Houston's stadium. The only thing that was dangerous about the place was the host team that took the field, and that's obviously behind them now. As long as Houston is an BCS almost-buster, they will forever live in the shadow of Utah, Boise State, and TCU. A nice looking (and fun for them) 10 year run, but no better nor longer lasting than Fresno State's run in the 1990s. I think this week's game is a toss up, but consider it a meeting between one program getting their act together and another that is losing it.
    4 points
  13. I note that you felt you had to disguise the "eat $3!%!" rather than use the exact word. That is exactly what I was hoping would occur. If you have to disguise the language on a fan board because it is inappropriate, don't you also think that same language is inappropriate used as part of student chants........and especially as part of the university fight song? Exhibiting "class" is timeless - I can curse with the best of 'em, but not at the top of my lungs and not in a public location - and CERTAINLY not while singing the university fight song. But I guess it is to each his own - but it is pretty classless.
    4 points
  14. Well, since we were here first (1890 vs 1927), I guess we are the A.
    4 points
  15. HA. Shows what you know. Comparing last year... when you guys had a future NFL QB and SEC HC... to this year, when SWTSU is running you up to The Woodlands prison-style in your own stadium... makes no sense. None. Secondly, making Thompson fold?? If that's your "key to the game", you clearly haven't watched us play. I don't know that anyone would notice if Thompson "folded". Good luck with all that!
    4 points
  16. UNT 30, Cougar High 28 Olen has a statement game with 11 made field goals and one taken off the board due to a Houston personal foul as part of our new game strategy.
    4 points
  17. Cougar King Douche Bag Now I don't care who you are, that's funny.
    3 points
  18. You running for office? You flip flop more than a politician. You claimed that "The Rob" was more hostile than LSU's Death Valley. You can't get your facts straight claiming 30,000 UH fans at Reliant on Saturday yet the official attendance was 32,718. 7,000,000+ people in Houston and you get less than 1%. Not much to brag on there. You also claim UH has been bagging 4 and 5 star recruits for years. According to Rivals, you have 0 this year, 1 four star in the 2012 class, 0 in 2011, 2 in 2010, 1 in 2009, 0 from 2003 to 2008 and 1 in 2002. All of these listed, 5 since 2002, are 4 stars and zero 5 stars. One of those 4 star recruits, Broadway, can't beat out Piland who you all love to criticize. Don't come on our fansite claiming you are reporting facts, when you aren't, and get upset when we call you out. You asked us to be respectful regarding our posts. Practice what you preach. Oh, and regarding Tier One status, UH was awarded this status by the Carnegie Foundation in 2011. It is competing with North Texas and 5 other universities for this status within the National Research University Fund. Stating that UH has been a Tier One institution for years is a stretch of the facts.
    3 points
  19. Peeland is going to pee his pantsuit when he gets jimmy-jacked from the Mac-attack.
    3 points
  20. Is Houston's new stadium going to be at the same site as Robertson? Or are they going to build the new one directly on top of a prison? Question, no info.
    3 points
  21. This guy started with a weak post packed full of thinly veiled arrogance, and then went predictably down hill into full on douchebag status. Congrats. Little man syndrome in full effect here. My team plays better football, so I'm better than you. My stadium sucks, but our fans are so rowdy we'll get arrested if you talk smack. GTFO of here with that trash.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. Funny? I'd say stupid and/or disrespectful. Maybe I'm just too old, but I think this is a dumb tradition some of the students have started up and thinking it's funny is on par with 2nd graders giggling on the playground because someone said poo poo. IMO.
    3 points
  24. If you are going to post here, at least pretend to know something about our team....and yours for that matter. SMH.
    3 points
  25. Don't forget three muggings in the first four weeks of school. All during the day. All in campus parking lots!
    3 points
  26. Admittedly, not good. And I have to admit. you guys are really taking it to us in multiple ways right now... I mean, you've already beaten us in the race of ever having "fatal shooting of a homeless man on campus" appear on a Google search about our school. Denton better step up its game.. we're literally 50+ murders behind! Although, if someone was gonna shoot a homeless man on campus, my money's on McCarney. That, or drunk Dickey coming back for homecoming and doing it for sport. http://www.chron.com...-on-1737905.php
    3 points
  27. Do no compare anything to last year. Last year UH had Case Keenum. Enough said. The problem is when has UH executed this year? Yeah, UH looked good against Rice but my middle school's B team would have beat Rice. Sorry to infer you were an alumni. I edited my post.
    3 points
  28. 1. I am 2. I have never used "Cougar High" till I discovered you 3. I'm sure you thought that about Texas State
    3 points
  29. Cool story bro. Have fun in the worst part of Houston. Hopefully we don't get mugged. It has happened three times in broad daylight on campus since I have been a student at UH. I have been a student at UH for four weeks. Priorities at Cougar High in order?
    3 points
  30. 3 points
  31. SOCCER. Really not a tough question considering their past. 4-0 in the belt and in first place where we belong! Great job ladies, keep it up.
    3 points
  32. Honestly, for a first-year FBS team, this is a pretty impressive win. I think NMSU's season has been in the process of implosion, and I do not think that UTSA will compete with the better WAC teams, but UTSA has every right to feel good about this.
    3 points
  33. Know ? Gotta love that Cougar education !
    3 points
  34. If North Texas plays like we did against #15 Kansas State we will win.............if we play like we did against FAU we will lose. No rocket science with that. GMG!
    3 points
  35. I survived LSU, I'm pretty sure I can handle "The Rob"
    3 points
  36. http://ballislife.com/68-tony-mitchell-official-ballislife-summer-mix-college-player-of-the-year/
    2 points
  37. King may be everything you say, but the insults have been about UH not King. And it's not like UNT fans have been guiltless on this thread. King makes a prediction about the game that obviously UNT fans won't like because it doesn't have UNT winning. He says nothing negative about UNT other than predicting a 45-17 victory. 2nd post we get "Cougar High." 4th post "Cougar High." There were posts back in forth. Some good. Some bad. Then the real insults started with Carribean calling Robertson a hole worth about as much money as Apogee's bathrooms with sub 30k crowds, something that has happened once since 2010. King did respond pretty negatively to that with some UNT insults. Then CurveIT escalates with insults that teams with directions are better than teams with cities. Silly but go for it. And says that UH can't draw when we're not undefeated (despite UH selling out 2010 in a losing season). Then it really goes down hill. Eastwood (UNT alum who attends UH) hopes no one gets mugged because he said it has happened 3 times on campus in the 4 weeks he's been there. Would like some proof. Looking at UH's crime log for all of 2012 and UNT's crime log for the last 60 days, and they look real similar to me. I see an aggravated assaut on UNT's campus 8/31 with a warning on UNT's website. UH had an agg assault in February. A mugging would probably be listed as an agg assault. Other assaults, UH has 3 in the last 60 days. UNT has 7. Don't see a lot of facts here saying how dangerous UH is. And of course he uses Cougar High. Personally, if I was getting a graduate degree from UH, I wouldn't call it Cougar High. Just like if I was a UNT student, I would denigrate that school. Then King pulls out the dreaded NTSU insult in response to Cougar High comments. I know to UNT fans that's a bigger insult than Cougar High for some reason. NTSU is such a horrible insult that Caribbean pulls out SWTSU for TX ST. Wow! Really put them in their place. If I didn't want my school to be called by it's old name, I wouldn't call other schools by their old name. Eastwood pulls out Cougar High and says his middle school would beat UH (I guess Kansas would lose to his elementary school). Then Caribbean pulls out an incorrect murder story from 3 years ago and talks about how Denton has less murders than Houston. Always love pissing matches about towns and cities. Weakest message board smack category of all. And Eastwood again says 3 mugging on campus. Then you say I need to ease up because of King not using facts, meanwhile you said Keenan (sic) played 8 years (wrong) and that our stadium name is appropriate because of the crime. You call the nBE a joke even though there are 2 current top 25 teams. If the nBE is a joke, what is the new CUSA? No ranked teams (although I think La Tech should be there) with schools that are currently FCS and schools that don't even field a team joining. King may be every name that you call him, but I think Caribbean started this, Eastwood escalated, and you piled on. Add in a ton of Cougar Highs all over the place even before insults about UNT started coming. I'm just glad I'm on this board all year so I know 99% of UNT fans aren't like some of the posters on this thread with the insults. I'm also glad that there are a ton of good UNT fan posts on this thread. Kind of like diamonds in poo poo.
    2 points
  38. Ease up NTXCoog. This douchebag, Cougar King, rolls onto our site spouting everything but facts. He thinka they will pressure DT when LSU and K State didn't, for one. UH is located in one of the worst parts of Houston, lost all of their talent outside of Sims with Keenan graduating after a fabulous 8 year career and lost Sumlin to A&M. UH got their ass handed to them at the vaunted "Rob," which is appropriately named considering its location, by TSU-SM and their defense hasn't stopped anyone. And, as noted, The Big East is now a joke. Have fun in your new conference with your only regional partner in SMU. I will say, most UH fans that I know aren't near the a-holes that Cougar King is, and your home field is never mentioned as being a tough place to play. Good luck, but you lose this weekend.
    2 points
  39. So that is what happens when you drink copious amounts of Grey Goose.
    2 points
  40. Whitfield gets two picks. Jackson eats your tight end and washes it down with some Grey Goose.
    2 points
  41. Bet the house on North Texas! Well, maybe not the entire house...
    2 points
  42. Congratulations? What's next, taking a crowbar to Tarleton fans? Stealing cars from the boys at Sul Ross?
    2 points
  43. Houston has played against some of the worst defenses in football. From the NCAA stat site: TOTAL DEFENSE #41 North Texas - 350.80 ypg #70 UCLA - 397.80 ypg #118 Louisiana Tech - 529.75 ypg #119 Rice - 559.00 ypg Texas State - 495.25 ypg DEFENSES UNT Has Played Against Houston is #111 488.00 ypg in total defense (Rushing #100 202.25 ypg, Passing #105 255.75 ypg) #4 LSU #45 K-State #67 Troy #89 FAU
    2 points
  44. Houston creates a brand new defensive alignment, starting 5 defensive lineman and 6 linebackers, all of which line up no more than 4 yards from the line of scrimmage. They call this the Mac attack. UNT runs the ball straight into this defense 20 times in the 1st half, passing the ball only 8 times, with only 4 completions. All pass plays come on 3rd and long. The defense does the best it can, but wears down in a 38-7 loss.
    2 points
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