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  1. It's been in the works for over 12 months but whatever you want to believe...
    10 points
  2. Well, goodness gracious. I received just over an hour ago an invitation to a closed football practice! Thursday, August 23rd @ 4:30.
    4 points
  3. Oh the fun that must ensue when that little rogue board gets their hands on this!
    4 points
  4. It would be interesting to know how much the Mean Green Club brought in during 2001 vs 2011 numbers.
    4 points
  5. http://www.arkansass...n-talking-point Apparantly there is a level of accountability at ASU and they expect everyone to raise the bar. Good for them for that.
    3 points
  6. I would say the 2001 MTSU game. It was THE turning point which led to 4 SBC Championships. I will never forget rushing the field! Was it justified? Probably not, but what a great day!
    3 points
  7. Armadillos in Texas came here from northern Mexico ... hey there's something familiar about that.
    3 points
  8. It's got to be the golf NCAA national championships
    3 points
  9. You are Plumm's love child, period, end of story.
    3 points
  10. ______________________________________________________ Of course we don't know all the details but it's even more interesting that an AD who could not effecively raise ample funds for athletics has been "re-cycled" and kept on the state teat to raise monies for their university? Is he expected to turn over a new leaf and suddenly become an effective fund-raiser because of that lateral move? Are the leaders of these state tax assisted outfits (universities) fearful of firing outright an obvious non-productive employee and if so...............why? Firings and hiring fresh new (eager to please) talent who insist on being customer service savy employees happens every day in America's normal business community but I suppose normal is the key word here? I'm sorry, but I just don't understand the business workings or M.O.'s of so many of our public universities. They sound more & more like how our federal goverment runs its business which as of today has our country trillions in debt with more expected credit rating losses on our national horizon. And then do some public university officials have a real fear of terminating those multi-years on the state payroll employees yet obvious non-productive employees? CUSA will be a godsend for North Texas--and thank you SMU for leaving for the Big East which all but made this possible for our school, but it is surely going to put a high powered microscope on our own UNT officials who will soon enough have to answer questions from higher echeldon UNT officials and BOR's one of which I'd wager would be : "We're getting more & more feedback from our alums concerned with what our ultimate competition level will be in CUSA (compared to our present Sun Belt Conference status which has not set the woods on fire in football of late) and with more and more alums/fans asking: Why aren't we competing with all the other new CUSA schools (especially all those presently in CUSA) in fundraising and ticket sales?" NOTE: Would it be easy to predict that the blame game will run rampant in Mean Green Country in the next 12 or so months? Yet if all goes according to Hoyle, North Texas will typically need another 10 years to come up with an answer to the above question, but in those 10 years we could also find ourselves in the same position competition-wise in CUSA where we've been in the Sun Belt Conference the last 8 or so years with our #1 revenue producing varsity sport, ie, NCAA FBS colllege football. Looking at past M.O.'s at UNT, our higher echelon leaders could very well run a few "inside" studies or maybe even hire and pay a nice sum to an outside consultant to find answers the UNT community really thought our higher echelons had been hired to make. GMG!
    3 points
  11. He must be playing for IHOP because I saw a whole lotta pancakes...
    3 points
  12. I just hope the defense played by our girls team doesn't serve to further splinter our basketball fanbase this season.
    3 points
  13. I've been here for four years. Here's what I've seen in that time. 2008: It looks like 6th grade recess, everybody go long, in a broken down stadium that looks like it was built by Soviet concrete design team rejects. 2012: The stadium is built, and essentially paid for between student fees, donors, and Apogee. We have a BCS caliber coach, a new conference, and a competitive team that actually wins every few years. 2008: We had a good men's basketball team with an up and coming coach and 89 feet of stink on the women's side. 2012: We have a men's coach from Marquette, a women's coach from Wake forest, and a lottery pick roaming the floor of the super pit. 2008: Karl Benson was begging us to join his crappy WAC conference so we could travel to the Kibbie Dome to play the exciting Vandals. 2012: Karl Benson is crying in his cheerios as we head off to play Rice, Tulsa, Tulane, UTEP and LA Tech in CUSA. 2008: My only diamond fix was drinking Miller Lite behind the outfield wall at Lovelace Field. (OK, that was pretty awesome) 2012: Baseball is on the horizon in one of the truly premiere baseball conferences in the nation. Seriously. CUSA is to baseball what the ACC is to football. Yeah, Rick can't raise money or get things done for shit. Undefeated seasons and national championships with BJs at the door for all season ticket holders or he's gone!
    2 points
  14. Kram, you know I love you...so this is said in love. Whilst questioning the credentials of those who want better time and time again have you eve pondered THIS question? What's the explanation for the piss poor reception that those who DO give faithfully of their time and money receive? Where's the indignation on behalf of those who set up friends and acquaintances to give and ask only that an AD staffer give them a call...only to see them too given the brush off? The times of the emperor and his men sitting comfortably in that castle, all the while free to call any/all dissenters "malcontents" should be long over.
    2 points
  15. Yeah, I was in Lubbock for both the '97 and '99 win. My buds were in shock both times... Loved kickin' their asses at home.
    2 points
  16. Well, I started watching UNT in 2008, so it would definitely be that time Dodge...oh..nevermind. Gotta go with the win over Indiana last season because it was the first win I ever saw in person.
    2 points
  17. the tech win in 97 is it for me...they were a from a 'power' conference and the boys took care of them on the field. the NO bowl was great, but it was against cincinnati, which was 7-6 coming into the game out of CUSA and finished second in the cusa. yes, that was better than where tech finished in the big 12, but the big 12 has reputation that the cusa doesn't. best moment that i saw in person was the catch in the end zone in the waining moments of the fourth quarter after tech had gone down and taken the lead...freaking awesome!
    2 points
  18. Dunbar is having real trouble picking up blitzes. On the "Lunch Break" on Dallascowboys.com, the guys watched Dunbar's practices prior to his injury. They said he seems to be a "Sproles-like" player while carrying the ball. BUT, when the time came to pass protect and pick up blitzes, Lance really struggled. Most who saw it think the problem is his size. (5-8, 195lbs.). All so far think he will have to make the team as a kick returner or special teams ace. Not sure how he will do that if Felix Jones and Dez Bryant are the primary returners? Dunbar has quickness and he is elusive, but struggles too much in pass protection. I'm hoping LD has a stellar pre-season and makes it hard for the Boys to put him on the practice squad. Some other team would probably claim him. I want LD in Dallas. Come on Lance..get healthy and secure your spot! GMG!!!
    2 points
  19. If it's any sport my vote would go to: Twin brothers Elmer & Delmer Brown and Blaine & Wayne Rideout who set the world record in 1938 for the medley relay before 16,000 at the Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden. They received international acclaim.
    2 points
  20. They pay two fifty down in Hallettsville I ain't the one to blame
    2 points
  21. You must not know Rick. (I got one also, by the way)
    2 points
  22. Tennessee was quite a bit before me, but I'm under the impression that this win was a biggie on campus. Personally, the Baylor blowout was a big one for me. I definitely did enjoy the Oregon State and Cincinnati wins in person btw.
    2 points
  23. Here's everything you need to know about our tailgating: http://www.uhcougars.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/hou-gameday-parking.html
    2 points
  24. Need at least a 12 seed for any shot at a 1st round win. A 1st round win is Extremely tough to pull off and would be a MAJOR accomplishment for this program
    2 points
  25. I can see it all now. Everyone will refer to them as "road kill".
    2 points
  26. To be fair, Bobcats is a crappy name.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. Watching them at the rec center is awesome. If you are a UNT basketball fan get down to the rec around 3-5 during the week and watch the show.
    1 point
  30. I'm going with sir...in hopes that he is successful enough that we can drag the 'like a Sir' meme onto here
    1 point
  31. How about Dylan McDorman? He looked pretty good at the All-star game.
    1 point
  32. #1 all-time on this particular site. http://www.kiva.org/team/atheists
    1 point
  33. Watched him in the rec center yesterday. Hes just unbelievable. Also, our team should throw down a lot of dunks between Tony, Keith Coleman, and Jordan Williams ..a lot of fun to watch them.
    1 point
  34. Jarrion Roberts must be a beast if he's already listed as 2nd team LB. Especially coming from 1A Clarksville.
    1 point
  35. Still early but it is exciting that JP called out Whitfield as a pleasant surprise at corner.
    1 point
  36. It certainly isn't due to a lack of funding. Despite being 27th world wide in math, we're number one in per student spending on education. The education issue we have in this country has little to do with funding or football stadiums and everything to do with a lack of focus at home on education and far too many administrative layers of fat between the taxpayer and the student.
    1 point
  37. Great job as always. I'm excited to get this back into my Wednesday night rotation. I wish I was able to listen and chat live last night.
    1 point
  38. If you think someone who gives 100K to OU doesn't get to attend closed practice sessons, I got some swamp land to sell you. I'm upset, also, but I'm upset because all it takes is 1K to hit the sidelines in a closed practice. That is embarassing for all of our alumni. It just shocks me that people constantly b@#*& about not getting this or that for their donation (the yearly gripe about GMG club gifts come to mind, or the gripe about no party patio at the new stadium). Or, in this case, that people who donate a specific amount get a benefit others don't. If you want to stay a piss ant program, just continue down this merry path. After all, it has worked soooo well. It's a donation to the athletic department. I don't expect anything in return. That's what happens when you donate. I wonder if people on here demand social gatherings or pot luck Sunday brunch when they donate to their church. Jeez.
    1 point
  39. People who think this way will never join. You join the Mean Green Club to support Mean Green athletics. Anything you get as a benefit is just that, an added benefit. Do you want to be a major athletic program or not? Major donors at major athletic programs get benefits minor donors don't. That is the way major athletic programs work. Or, we could keep doing things the way we have for the past 20 years. That seems to have worked out well...
    1 point
  40. Actually, my dislike of SMU stems from my elitism. I think we're better than them.
    1 point
  41. I believe that the practices are open to a certain level Mean Green Club Donor ($1000?).
    1 point

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