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  1. Your realistic opinion sucks. I say 100% chance of top 25 ranking, 75% chance of winning the national championship, 60% chance of going undefeated, 25% chance of being able to beat whoever wins the NBA Finals
    13 points
  2. I just hope the defense played by our girls team doesn't serve to further splinter our basketball fanbase this season.
    7 points
  3. Ummm Ok, .....not that there is anythign wrong with that.
    5 points
  4. My last two cents on this subject... You donate money to the MCG to give back to your university, not to receive perks... As Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." Anyone who cancels there MGC because they didnt get invited to a closed practice, doesnt understand the art of giving
    5 points
  5. Anyone else hear about this movie? I went to lunch with my dad, and he's a big Talk Radio Conservative guy. Anyway, I heard an advertisement for this movie, and it sounds kooky to me. These days, it's whatever plays at Studio Movie Grill's Saturday morning Kidtoons for us as far as movies go (This week, it's a Thomas the Tank Engine flick...oughta be a real nailbiter). But, even if I were still into politics, this thing sounds pretty much like grasping at straws. And, believe me, I'm no fan or apologist for Barak Obama. Stuff like this reeks of being forced. I know that a few years ago Leftists were doing similar polito-crap-umentaries about Bush. Crazy. Both sides are just crazy. I'll never understand why people still get so wrapped up in political stuff when everyone involved is so intellectually thin. I mean, look, the government can't even balance it's own checkbook. I gotta worry about some conspiracy from the Left or Right? Look, no one in Washington, D.C. can even keep a secret, much less mastermind a conspiracy that shifts the fate of a nation offshore. Give me a break with these movies. Michael Moore was bad enough last decade. And, now, all of these wacky neo-Ayn Rand followers from the Right. Just go away already.
    4 points
  6. The brochure states "PRACTICE", singular, not plural. Last year there was an invite sent out letting you attend a "CLOSED" Basketball practice. Whether any other practices are closed or not doesn't matter because this "ONE" practice was closed to everyone except Mean Green Club Donors at the $1000 level or above. MGC Membership is for a 12 month period, from August 1 through July 31st and is not specific to one sport. MGC Membership helps ALL Student Athletes and their particular teams. The perk listed on the benefit chart was fulfilled last year and it appears that Football and Basketball will be included this year but that is not offical. If this Perk is the deal breaker to join the MGC at the $1000 level or above, then I strongly encourage you to contact someone in the Athletic Development Department directly to get the official word and let them address your concern! GMG!
    4 points
  7. Y'all wanna keep creepin on prepubescent little girls, or can we get back to football?
    3 points
  8. By the way, he is practicing within limitations and has not missed out any conditioning since the injury occured.
    3 points
  9. As an U of Iowa graduate, I see no problem in you mentioning the greatest Hawkeye and Mean Green Coach ever in Coach Fry on this board!
    3 points
  10. This is not about the act of giving. Or anyone's motive. No one has disputed that. This is about potential bad business practice...and taste. If you say you're going to do something, and retract it after the fact, it looks petty. Or tacky. Find whatever adjective you want. It's not good.
    3 points
  11. I know the orignal post was just posing the question on potential for a top-25 ranking, but a number of the responses seem very similar to last year's prediction threads. I think most of us have pretty lofty expectations for this year's team, but predicting NCAA tournament wins and Sweet 16 appearances is putting the cart way before the horse. Remember last year when a number of folks were predicting 25+ wins and thinking that we'd run rough shot through the Sun Belt? The team is VERY talented and should be odds on favorite to win the Sun Belt. Lets focus on having a good showing in the Pre-Season NIT, then winning the Sun Belt and getting back to the NCAA tournament.
    3 points
  12. My verbal response to this was both unsubtle and profane.
    3 points
  13. I would normally agree with you . . . But seeing this is almost certainly our last year with a once-in-a-lifetime player, we've got to think bigger, and we've got to do it now. We can go back to baby steps in 2013.
    3 points
  14. That's the one thousand dollar question.
    3 points
  15. So I have been having lots of conversations at work about the Mean Green over the summer. 1 of the conversations that came up was about our basketball team, that seems to be a very interesting topic at the office. I have a lot of dollars over there of course, we all expect that, at least a little bit. What the question was raised what are the odds of the Mean Green achieving a top 25 ranking this season? I thought about it for a minute and thought that I would ask the experts here at gmg and see what y'all thought. I'm a definite Homer, and I don't make any apologies about that. So I told the guys at work that I'm giving it better than 50 50 ipods that would be in the top 25 this season. I told them to mark that down. Makes me wonder though, are we putting too much pressure on the team? Is this something that actually achievable? I feel like it is, and I can't wait for the season to start.
    2 points
  16. Reflecting on the GOOD that people are capable of!! http://www.vimeo.com/15184546
    2 points
  17. No matter how ridiculous I think the hyperbole and hype has gotten with Mitchell, I can think of Tim Tebow and feel a sense of relief.
    2 points
  18. Can we pick which words we would enjoy most?
    2 points
  19. I was thinking almost exactly the same thing! Only I think in your example, you attribute entirely too much eloquence to Coach Dickey. As I've said many times before, the finest example of Coach Dickey and his attitude was when he commented to a group of alumni right before our last Texas game "well, I hope that when Dr. B. looks up at the scoreboard at the end of the game tomorrow she remembers how much money we're making out of the game." For all you people who rolled their eyes every time I mentioned Hayden Fry.......THIS (Coach Mac's video pep talks) is the kind of stuff I was talking about.
    2 points
  20. How about a prayer for this roster making and keeping their grades?
    2 points
  21. I did just find Ty Miles was a 2nd team all Minnesota College Athletic Conference selection at corner. Who knows what kind of competition you're getting in the MCAC, but at 6'1" 195 he has good size and some collegiate experience at a position of desperate need.
    2 points
  22. Let's not let facts get in the way of points we are trying to make based on assumptions.
    2 points
  23. I've heard about these foreign kind of folk. I think their land is called "Vermont"
    2 points
  24. If you were a member of the MGC last year and donated at the Bronze Eagle ($1000) or above level, you were invited to a closed Basketball practice, sorry I don't remember the date. Nothing last year for football. It is my understanding that the particulars are being worked out to include football this year, most likely to occur during an open week/weekend. The date will be of Coach Mac's choosing. So if someone lied, it is the person/s that stated the AD (AD or Athletic Department) did not fulfill the published perk of GMC membership. As always, if you want to know the REAL DEAL, contact one of the AD Development/GMC employees by phone, email, or in person. I've NEVER been left hanging by anyone associated with UNT Athletics! GMG!
    2 points
  25. It's called the YAC board.
    2 points
  26. I vote we move it to the trash bin.
    2 points
  27. I am a 1000++++ donor and I don't give a rats butt about going to any practices. I don't care about the cheesy gifts that I get from the MGClub. What I do care about is looking at an athletic center that I donated money to help build. It makes me smile. I care about a stadium that I donated money to help build. That makes me smile too. I care about the fact that my money is going to fund scholarships and give young men and women opportunities to get an education that they otherwise might not be able to afford. That makes me smile, that is all I need. You really think that six figure gifts are coming in because of being invited to practice. NO NO NO. What those gifts are about are giving our coaches and kids the best tools that they can have to succeed at what they do, all the while making this place as good as any in the country when it comes to facilities. This includes game day facilities, practice facilities, and academic tools to make sure that the 99% of kids that play here that will not play professionally will complete their education. I will admit that the numbered parking spot at Apogee is pretty cool. If McCarney says to close practice, then close practice. He makes his living coaching, not me.
    2 points
  28. One of the most aspects of early Fall camp is the first good look at the new players/signees. While it is a little too early, I want to hear who looks good, who came in out of shape, who is surprising and who is disappointing. Since we will be counting on this group a lot in coming years, I'm hoping that some really stand out and even make a push for playing time (such as we have heard regarding Jarrian Roberts). At any rate, hoping to learn a little more about how the coaching staff sees the freshmen, walk-ons and transfers.
    1 point
  29. You aren't going to hear much. I just hate having closed camp. I used to really look forward to Harry's reports every summer.
    1 point
  30. Additional info/thoughts: MGB
    1 point
  31. I thought Dr.Maxwell was more into wrestling?
    1 point
  32. This is not good. Maybe some schmuck can video record his return home and then upload it into the KState thread. Coupled with the UT re-hash, it would be a nut kick hat trick.
    1 point
  33. Some of you are drinking a strong Green koolaid.
    1 point
  34. My name is Lonny Watson I am the sports editor/media photographer for LocalNewsOnly.com. I'll be cover UNT Football this year for the first time. I will be at all home games and will place selected photo hightlight pages on YouTube.com as video slide shows. This is the first such video made up of pictures I took at the Football Media Day on 08/07/12. My email address is lr-watson@sbcglobal.net if there are any questions. http://youtu.be/3VCuU_baqUg
    1 point
  35. Because, other than the preseason NIT, our OOC schedule is so weak, a top 25 ranking depends on getting to, and winning at least one game, in NY in the preseason NIT. Rankings dong matter. Win the conference tournament and play for the NCAA tourney.
    1 point
  36. I'm sorry I provided an update in an update thread and you got confused.
    1 point
  37. That's funny. I guess some could say we could be the next Boise back in 2002. We even had few good players when dickey was here. Or Troy a couple of years ago. At least they actually beat good ooc teams. Houston could be the next Boise; they've been good for a little while. If every team were to keep their same path and get better and better from the time they were pretty good just about every team in the fbs would be the next Boise and undefeated playing in the fiesta bowl every year right now and never regress. How bout they start off small and get a field and fans a fraction of what Boise has?
    1 point
  38. As you can see I do not post here much, but Harry, I would hope that people would stop being hung up on ratings # of stars. I have been around NT for over 40 years and the talent in Texas is so great let the coaches evaluate and coach 'em. We need to mine the talent like TCU and Houston has in the past. Some of our best players haven't had any stars like the great BRANDON (BOOGER ) KENNEDY, CYRIL LEMON , RONNIE SHANKLIN and STEVE RAMSEY just to name a few. Kennedy is prime example and last year SMUt started recruiting Brandon after we did and the Coppel lineman after we did. Also I think UNT & FIU will be competitive from the start in CUSA.
    1 point
  39. Tap the brakes. I believe T Dodge landed at least 3 three star recruits in his first full class (probably all receivers). FIU took a big step back in conference play last year. Before they become the next Boise, they need to be dominating the Belt, which they won't do because they are leaving. They, as well as us, will struggle with the step up to CUSA. Long way from a blue field.
    1 point
  40. Even though recorded history indicates that there has been changes in the climate over time I truely believe this one is real and IS man made. I do believe the Sun is getting hotter. A lot hotter! But I don't believe that is has anything to do with factories, cars, farts and anything else. I think the truth is we are witnessing the wrath of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Anyone who thinks for one minute that we can continually shake our fist in God"s face and not expect repercussions is not very well informed as to the Truth. I personally think we are experiencing what the Bible calls birth pangs" Maybe we are in the early stages of the Tribulation? One thing I know for sure, its not going to get any better. Best to prepare. Sorry. Wish I could spin the Truth. Lets all hope we can get this football season in. GO MEAN GREEN!!!
    1 point
  41. I expect him to have an appreciable impact on the team.
    1 point
  42. Never, as it stands, Coach knows what he"s doing! See how I GMG'd that and rode the fence!
    1 point
  43. I think having a fan fest type of thing that is open to everyone is a cool idea. But if any feels slighted by the fact that all the real practices are closed to the public, even if you donated, too bad. It's McCarney's policy, and considering he's a damn good coach and knows what is best for the team, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sure, I'd love to be able to go watch practice to kill a couple hours every once in a while, but I can't. So, no biggy.
    1 point
  44. Maybe I'm a bad patriot, but eff the US Men's basketball team so hard. 2008 gave birth to the current monster that is the NBA superstar best friends and that has led me to the point where I have no interest in rooting for the majority of these people anywhere. If you want to see how it's done, watch the 1992 Dream Team scrimmage. Think the guys were spending their downtime* trying to figure out how to get Bird, Jordan and Barkley on the same team somewhere? /Rant over *They were probably just gambling
    1 point

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