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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2012 in all areas

  1. I thought by now someone would say Tony Mitchell.
    4 points
  2. Chris Bynes in the Study with a candlestick
    4 points
  3. classy. Just keep it away from the family pack sections in the wing zone.
    3 points
  4. If you know the fight song, and sing it like everyone should, you are referring to UNT as the Eagles. A song that has remained our's and unchanged long before the internet. You're welcome to disagree, but I think our Fight Song takes precedent over a web page that receives more changes than a character in a Robin Williams movie montage. It's only confusing if you can't make a distinction between a mascot and a moniker. We are the Mean Green. And we are the Eagles. They both can be official, because I think one is the apple and the other is the orange. As long as this discussion is rehashed in the spirit of educating newer generations of Mean Green fans, I'm all for revisiting it.
    3 points
  5. I heard they will be entering the field to "Purple Haze."
    3 points
  6. http://www.kvue.com/...-165007846.html I'm just curious to get all your opinions on this. I'm not from the area, but I do understand Texas' obsession with high school football. But I think this goes a bit too far. I don't know much about the Allen ISD, except that the high school is massive (my suitemate last year graduated from Allen, he said the graduating class was something like 2,000). But even if the school has vast academic resources and is not starving for money, imagine the amount of good things that could come of investing $60 million in academics. I mean, if you needed a bigger stadium (which they didn't, the old one fit 14K apparently and this one fits 18K), you didn't need to spend $60 million on it. Spending $5 million on a high school field seems absurd to me. I understand that it houses a weight room, indoor golf practice place, etc., but this is HIGH SCHOOL. Did they really need to add a 75 foot HD video board? I don't know, maybe I'm just a bit bitter. Rhode Island's public education is a joke right now, all the school systems are starving for money and they keep hiring superintendents that command $250K salaries. The school I graduated from was one of the nicer public schools in the state, and one of the largest, but even we struggled to buy new textbooks, especially for AP classes, and hire/retain good teachers. Luckily due to a couple of federal grants we won, we were able to upgrade and expand the campus, which was fantastic, and put in a state of the art music lab.But, the political system in the education dept. was corrupt. They cut trade classes, like woodshop and autoshop. And they're cutting art and music programs throughout the department. Yet they had enough money to give the ALP* kids all iPads. So, maybe I'm just bitter, and unaware of how well the public education system in Texas is actually doing. Thoughts on this everyone? I guess one other thing to worry about is if other school systems try to follow suit or even outdo this. This could be the opening of a dangerous Pandora's Box. *ALP: Assisted Learning Program. Essentially this was a group of about 15 kids who were chronic trouble makers that should actually have been removed from the school, but the state had no where to put them, and had to keep them somewhere. So what the school decided to do was create an alternative program for them, where they'd learn in isolation from the rest of the student population, but take Phys. Ed. and lunch with the rest of the students. The program was designed to "help" (cater to) these kids, so they're allowed to have major temper tantrums (throw desks, swear, walk out of class, etc.) without repercussions, because they have "home problems" (note: I live in a nice suburb. they may damn well have home problems but the way they act you'd think they grew up homeless in the Bronx). Essentially, they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want and as long as they do some work, they graduate in 4 years. One of the kids assaulted a dude with a bat last summer, and almost killed him, and was on trial on and off throughout the year, and he's allowed to walk free throughout the school. And yes, these are the kids they decided to buy iPads for, they were allowed to use them as long as they behave well. They bought 15 iPads for these kids, instead of buying new AP textbooks. Great school system, eh?
    2 points
  7. Perhaps they are thinking he'll switch positions.
    2 points
  8. a college student smoked pot and maybe even did a line of blow..... I cant believe it, he should be banned from the ncaa for 2 years.. I mean according to the law, if a student has one pill of aderall, that carries the same penality as a bump of blow
    2 points
  9. UNT 90 Grad..I think you are right. I know that RV wanted to de-emphasize "Eagles" in favor of "Mean Green," but I don't think it's ever been officially changed, and I hope it never is.
    2 points
  10. Your right I did not read it correctly. Sorry for any misunderstanding on my part. Hope there are no hard feelings.
    2 points
  11. I'll be going to the LSU and Houston games. Going to Baton Rouge for the party, but I'm going to Houston for a big road win!
    2 points
  12. I think is is an excellent move by Coach Benford. http://www.dentonrc.com/sports/colleges/north-texas-headlines/20120804-men-s-basketball-team-chemistry.ece
    1 point
  13. Lance is in shorts standing behind the offense, but not on crutches or anything. Haven't seen Jamize Olawale yet. http://prod.www.cowb...b7-d79ed246198c
    1 point
  14. With football practice starting tomorrow; football cookout on the 18th; has anyone seen a schedule for controlled scrimmages?
    1 point
  15. I would 100% without hesitation prefer my daughter smoke pot in college rather than drink alcohol. And I REALLY would prefer she smoke pot than pop prescription pills that some quack gave her a scrip for. Lord I detest pill poppers and their indignant self righteousness because they went doc shopping until they find someone willing, so now its legal. As for cheating, the only way I could see marijuana giving one team an edge over the other is if the sport is competitive chili dog eating.
    1 point
  16. Im always amused by the "That money cold have gone to education" argument. It assumes they had $60 million sitting around and chose to spend it on football instead of calculators and textbooks. Many blowhard NT students made this same "either or" argument when the stadium was built. If the people of Allen want to spend their money on high school football that's their perogative. After the pages upon pages of the Chick-fil-A thread surely nobody can disparage where someone chooses to put their money. And no, I'm not saying you're a blowhard. Not unless you are secretly Andy Hogue.
    1 point
  17. Since we're the Mean Green couldn't we just set up DCTA bus tours to go by Mean Joe's place in Flower Mound.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I'm glad that at least no state funds were used, but it's sad that we live in a society where one can raise $60 million for high school sports in one town, and we can't raise $60 million for education. And you people wonder why the Asians are beating us! GAH! (obvious sarcasm is obvious)
    1 point
  20. They were proud to point out that no state funds were used. They didn't however, mention the use of prudent judgement.
    1 point
  21. The team hotel is the Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport.
    1 point
  22. Do I need to purchase my UH game tickets through the UNT box office to assure that I sit in the visitors section?
    1 point
  23. Houston for our 4. Where is the team hotel or everyone staying in houston?
    1 point
  24. A little surprised that we'd go after a juco lineman. Seems like we have a lot of depth and talent there
    1 point
  25. Yes, a "tradition" that shows absolutely ZERO class and one I hope goes away very quickly. Stormchaser, how about you being one to help send it to the trash bin where it belongs? Stuff like that is what helps some folks think poorly about UNT and the Mean Green and does not help. Edit: has nothing to do with age, has everything to do with class and respect.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Nice. Team chemistry is crucial with the top to bottom talent that this team has. Hope this guy can provide an assist in keeping the prize at the end of the rainbow as the primary objective here. Especially this season when the competition for minutes is likely to be great.
    1 point
  28. That is such a tragic story. Growing up in Celtic land, I heard that story a few times as a kid. Definitely made me want to stay the hell away from cocaine. In fact, it still does. I'm certainly not about to go snort something that might kill me on spot. No one right of mind should ever do anything beyond drinking alcohol and smoking weed.
    1 point
  29. Dunbar injured his hamstring today and spend a good bit of the practice on the sidelines. Hopefully not serious.
    1 point
  30. Wow, all we had to hang our clothes up in high school was a rusty nail in a board.
    1 point
  31. I'm breaking up. You just don't get me.
    1 point
  32. Where is the cover up? He readily admitted his transgressions to the police when questioned, heck he even went above and beyond in admitting to snorting cocaine... If your assertion is that anyone breaking the law is a cheater, how many of our own football players are cheating by drinking underage? I'd hazard a guess at at least 8 of 10?
    1 point
  33. A Pats fan? I knew you were an atheist heathen. Go Fins!
    1 point
  34. I was there. We went out the night before and started a "you say K-St, I say sucks" chant in the middle of a bar in aggieville completely decked out in UNT merch. We were politely told by 3 rather large K St attendees "we know we suck, but if you say that again, we are going to kick your a$$." disgression and valor being what they are, we shut the hell up and apologized, I do believe. Even bought the lads a beer (very smart move at the time). It was a shocking final 1:30. Needless to say, we were very quiet in Saturday night. In defense of K St. Storming their field, they did break a 20 some odd game losing streak. Also, we were the #1 ranked team in 1AA before that game and were probably a touchdown or better favorite.
    1 point
  35. Still my favorite North Texas unis...and yes "EAGLES" is printed on the front...and yes, we had the nickname of "Mean Green" back then too. (probably should have left the last part out in fear of a thread derailment.)
    1 point
  36. I'm not sure how marijuana enhances performance and should therefore cause TCU to be called cheaters, but I do hope the kid learns from this experience and that it makes him a better husband and father in the long run.
    1 point
  37. This Houston game should have a good amount of green. I've convinced my sister (unt grad) and brother-in-law (aggie) from Cypress to join my wife and I. We're still working on recruiting a couple more buddies from this area for the road trip but I bet we have a good looking section. I google mapped their stadium and I can't tell if this place has a decent tailgating setup for visitors. i understand that everyplace can't be apogee with it's immaculate nearby stadium parking access, friendly denton natives, coeds in boots & short-shorts, hot coal disposal drums, porta-potties, plush landscaping, and endless meadows as far as the eye can see for me to throw a canopy and grill on - but a worst case pre-game scenario for this road trip would be Lupe Tortilla beef fajitas and I can deal with that.
    1 point
  38. LSU....No interest in going there. KState....Tickets purchased and hoping for an upset or at least a competitive game like 2010. FAU....Not making the trip this year but great memories of a fun time and an exciting victory in 2010. HOUSTON...Tickets purchased and looking forward to going into their house for a payback for last year. MUTS....Will be there to celebrate the victory in downtown Nashville. ULM....Will be there for hopefully my last trip ever to Monroe. WKU....Won't be able to make this Thanksgiving Weekend trip.
    1 point
  39. The message board for the University of North Texas, a university with a proud tradition of eagle as mascot, yet it's a chicken that is ultimately going to end up in the gmg.com hall of fame.
    1 point
  40. Coach Mac brought a Kicker, Punter, and Long Snapper in as preferred Walk-Ons. I believe all three are in school and participating in the summer work-outs.
    1 point
  41. Seriously... anyone want to play tonight? I'm bored
    1 point
  42. Thanks Fly! Does the jumbotron replacement plan include sound or is it strictly video? I'm excited either way! No crumpled $100 bills here.
    1 point
  43. Jimmerson is in at 219 lbs? Wow, he may be my player to watch.
    1 point
  44. We (Athletics) don't own the snake pit. It is not an option. We (Athletics) own a perfectly good building right across the street from the facility where the kids go to get treatment, where they go to lift weights, and next door to their academic center. There is a certain bridge that is being constructed which makes this a manageable walk from Mozart if needed. Both basketball coaches are super excited about this, and yes we (the committee) already have almost all of the money to do both right now. (Practice facility is covered with current commitments and jumbotron is getting close) If anyone would like to contribute to this project they can PM me on this board, or they can call Dan Johnston. We (our committee which Ernie is the chair) are taking five year pledges or lump sum gifts. Be part of the solution. This facility is going to be first class all of the way. And yes, it is connected to the indoor practice facility for golf (which by the way Ernies says is better than any facility any of his kids went to which include Arizona State, Ok. State, SMU and Texas) and the womens softball offices which have indoor batting facilities. David This post has been promoted to an article
    1 point
  45. as others have stated, it makes sence for them to build the practice facility on campus instead of the meangreen village because they live at mozart... Kinda confused why they wouldnt... The reason why they put victory over at mean green village is so the athletes can be closer to there practice faciliities. So why would you change the idea?
    1 point
  46. I guess the other point being made which I think is critical to our future here is to capitalize on this by adding FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS. Just because we have tony and TJ and <insert awesomer player name here> doesn't mean that in 4 years we might possibly be back to averaging 2,000 fans per game. Yes we obviously have to win and win big next year but the way to continue forward progress is to....... YOU GUESSED IT! Show me the money. That means we have to capitalize on the team power gains by putting in concrete capital improvements: - increasing spending on game day atmosphere (gradually amp up atmosphere by spending the $$$) - Bling out the practice facility as much as POSSIBLE. - Jumbotron is a must over the next 2 years MAKE.. IT.. HAPPEN.. I don't want to hear whining about we don't own the facility. BS - MAKE IT SO. Work with the UNT administration to work out some kind of agreement. - Amp up the concessions. (Options, Quality, Staffing) Come on - with crowds averaging over 4,000 - this should be doable. I stand in the crazy lines - it needs work guys.
    1 point
  47. And, here we have the typical UNT fan response to just about everything......."let someone else do it". Seems Mr. Kuehne is doing quite a lot already...how about some others stepping up to simply join the Mean Green Club and be part of the solution instead of always waiting for someone else to do it...and then complain about what that other person does or how they do it. It does not matter how much, but rather it matters simply "if". Just a note here: I am not in any way pointing any fingers at mean green D here as I have no clue...nor should I have a clue as it is none of my business...how much or if mean green D donates...my response is just a general response to the many many so-called Mean green fans who make this their mantra..."let someone else do it while I complain, make make negative comments about those who do and while I sit on the sidelines on my rear end making up every lame excuse in the world why I don't help." EDIT: Just as an example ...I had several people tell me in emails, on the phone or in person that they would join the Mean Green Club during this year's Mean Green Club Volunteer Rep Campaign period only to have them not do so......yep, "let someone else do it".....
    1 point
  48. I think this is a fantastic idea. It would be so cool to have something like that on campus. Even for students, the stresses of classes and exams could be eased by taking a quick visit to the aviary to observe some beautiful birds.
    1 point
  49. Yeah, because that equates to what Miami has done.
    1 point

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